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Independent (Limited)

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I'm building a mage character who uses several magic crystals. The mage can use his abilities without the crystals, but only at very weak levels. The crystals focus and amplify the mage's natural magical abilities. Any mage can use these crystals, and mages are a significant minority of the population (cities have at least several dozen). Crystals are common enough that every mage has at least one, though it may be a poor/weak crystal.


The natural versions of the powers are limited to 10 active points in the powers (2d6 EB, 5" flight, etc).


The crystals are both Focus and Independent. Focus because he can't get the enhanced powers without the crystals, and independent because other people can use them.


The problem is that not "everyone" can use them, only other mages. Is this enough of a difference to modify the Independent bonus? Or should I just say that "everyone" means other mages in this case?

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Re: Independent (Limited)


Originally posted by Stephen Mann

The crystals are both Focus and Independent. Focus because he can't get the enhanced powers without the crystals, and independent because other people can use them.

The fact that other people can use them doesn't make them Independent... it just makes them Universal Foci. They're only Independent if the Character Points he spent buying them would be lost forever should the crystals be lost. Since they're (relatively) common in your world, it doesn't sound like that's the case to me. It sounds more like a normal Focus situation, where if he loses the Focus, he can gain a new one after some inconvenience. :)
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The fact that other people can use them doesn't make them Independent... it just makes them Universal Foci. They're only Independent if the Character Points he spent buying them would be lost forever should the crystals be lost. Since they're (relatively) common in your world, it doesn't sound like that's the case to me. It sounds more like a normal Focus situation, where if he loses the Focus, he can gain a new one after some inconvenience.


OK, that makes sense. So, it sounds like Independent would be used for one-of-a-kind or rare items rather than generic guns and stuff?

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