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Campaign Log: The Redwater Guardians


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I am new to the HERO system. I was a D&D player in my younger years and have followed the games progression for the last 15. I finally bought the books and got involved in a 3rd edition game about two years ago. I liked the new tactics of the system but something was missing. The DM strung together a series of encounters loosely connected by a common adventure thread. It was more of a “miniature†of the month campaign.


I then read about GURPS and bought the books. Good system. I liked buying the characteristics and abilities. It avoids the pitfalls of a class system. Then I read about HERO…looked like GURPS with some more interesting ideas and a much more comprehensive system. Now I am hooked.


I jumped right in and tried to start up an online campaign but I did not know enough to design a solid campaign. To remedy, this I have embarked on a solo RPG campaign. By solo, I mean just me. I designed five characters for the Turakian Age, and I am stringing together a campaign based on the Fantasy Hero Battleground adventures/locations and some web material.


Solo RPG! What could I be thinking? How is that any fun? It turns out it is quite exciting and I am enjoying it. I am slowly learning the rules and gathering information for a campaign I want to run online in the future. I am also in an online game as a player as well.


What I have done is based the campaign around an initial event, an overall story arc, and then moved it along based on the abilities/disadvantages of the characters. I decide on several possible courses of action at each decision point, and then I keep them “in characterâ€. For example, the story arc has the party moving from one local to another when they come upon two trolls attacking a pair of elvish lasses. One of the PCs (a main fighter) runs to the rescue of the girls, but leads them to safety instead of fighting. All fitting with his “enamored with women†disadvantage. Sometimes decisions are simple die rolls, but I can usually keep things going based on the PC personalities.


I am learning lots of lessons as I play, particularly how things are different than D&D.


I did adopt a few house rules: no post-S12 recovery, spell casters must have a END reserve (and I am not tracking personal END yet), and I started everyone at SPD 2. Armor was also covering all hit locations, but I am changing that with the next act.


I have taken notes on the games as I play just for fun so I will share them. Writing is poor and almost no dialogue…just a string of plans and actions. Please share any comments or ideas.

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Re: Campaign Log: The Redwater Guardians



Tarik: Young human male. Shepherd/Farm boy with a good heart and a knack for throwing javelins. He is the one easily falling for all the women.


Hemish: Halfling mage. Mix of sorcery and wizardry, but a small mana pool. Hem is epileptic (can be triggered by failing a spell roll). He is the scholar of the group.


Agustus: Human fighter. Former soldier left for dead and scalped. Turned to tomb raiding. Fights with double hatchets and leads the group.


Shiamoira: Beautiful, human necromancer (cliché alert). A few powerful spells. She is the real leader of the group and they set out after the initial act to follow her interests. Vain, egotistical.


Kkrun: Erquiglt male, he is a swordsman and Shia’s bodyguard.



Later arrivals:


Faris: Human male, druid. Knows the area and serves as a guide.


Ivanesky: Halfling male, Crazy pirate with a huge military pick. Reckless.


Euwan: Human male, soldier at Eisburk Castle

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Re: Campaign Log: The Redwater Guardians


The Setup- Possible Spoilers

Countess Lindsey kills her husband after he discovers she is involved in a necromantic cult. Arrested, she blames him for attacking her, accusing the Count of being the one in the cult. The Countess is sent to eastern Vestria and kept in Nostram prison in the town of Sorlyn. Her lover, Fallon, sends one of his lieutenants to find a magic key rumored to be hidden in the area. Ille Sorensen is a former priest that has fallen in with the dark cult. He travels back to the area of the Abbey he once lived in, and goes to a noted mage of the region. Masquarading as a traveling priest, Ille finds out from Velgarond the mage that a group of adventures found the key a few years ago. Now retired, the adventuring band runs the Hand of Doom taproom in Sorlyn.


At the Hand, Ille gets Randolfo the Great drunk and discovers that the group hid the key at an inn to the south, thinking it would be safe in case one of them came to need it. Ille then hires a local thug to eliminate a potential obstacle. Anton Marsh proceeds to burn down the small temple located next to the Wickshine Inn, killing the attending priest and most of the orphans he cared for. This will make sure no one can identify Ille when he goes for the key. Anton hides out at an old tomb, waiting for Ille to come and deliver his payment. He is afraid since one of the boys at the orphanage saw him the day before the fire and lived to tell the tale. To cover his tracks, and make sure Ille keeps to the bargin, Anton sends his brother Eaton to meet Ille. Eaton does not know the former priest’s sinister purpose, but his sword comes cheap.

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Wickshine Inn


Ille arrives at the inn disguised as a caretaker. He plans to get the hidden key, and then enter the prison under the guise of delivering coffins for the condemned. Once inside, he can pass the key to the Countess for her to make her escape. Ille meets with Eaton and doubles his price, slipping him a magic coin that binds the mercenary to his command. During the course of the day, several others enter to form the usual hodge podge of characters on the trail. Dorothy and Abel Sill own the inn and care for two girls and the only boy to survive the fire. Also at the inn is a traveling tinker, Keely, the nephew of the local lord traveling by his surname only, Maarten Sorlyn, the brothers Exter and Dilmore, glass merchants from afar, and Josiah, a self-proclaimed prophet. Towards dusk, Hemish the Hin comes down from his room to the common room, and is joined by some new arrivals. A local boy, Tarik, stops in to get out of the nasty weather, soon followed by Agustus. He is a tall, rugged looking man who appears to know the life on the road. The last guests to arrive are the oddest of them all. A beautiful, exotic woman and her Erquglit bodyguard take up a private table. The woman is elegant even in her traveling clothes, her long mane of dark hair hanging in curls to her waist. She has the skin of the far south, and strange tattoos about her exposed skin. All soon finish their meal and turn in for the night. The storm outside gets more severe by the hour, but the Wickshine is warm and dry.


Under cover of the pouring rain and thunder, Ille puts his plan into action. He kills the remaining children as they sleep in the attic and then uses a magic scroll to raise their bodies in his service. He wants the undead to clear the way to the key by scaring off any interference as he gets the key from the main hearth. Dorothy enters to find the children and her scream awakens all in the building. Abel rushes in to find Dorothy being torn to sheds by the children they loved. Most of the patrons rush downstairs to investigate. Kkrun shields his charge even as the mysterious woman struggles to see around him and find out what is happening. Agustus leads the others in hacking down the undead while Ille calls forth more powerful undead from the cemetery located next to the ruined temple. A dozen skeletons and zombies, including the charred remains of the orphans, pound on the windows and doors of the inn. Soon they breach the wooden portals and a savage battle ensues. Tarik, Agustus, and Kkrun hold the unholy terrors off on one side while Shiamoira shows her magic powers by creating a barrier to stop the attackers from the other direction. No one seems to notice that this barrier is an interlocking series of bones. Abel blocks the kitchen door and Hemish pulls others to safety. Kudy and Josiah are the first victims to perish but the Hin manages to pull Maarten back after he is knocked senseless by a zombie.


Ille and Eaton make their appearances in the midst of the battle. Ille pulls a brick from inside the fireplace right under a zombie’s swing. Hemish instinctively tries to pull him to safety, but senses the evil magic in the man. Ille breaks free of the Halfling’s grasp, and leads Eaton out the destroyed front door. Hemish alerts the others of his suspicion that Ille has called down the undead upon them. Kkrun cuts down the last zombie and Agustus gives chase after the two men. He catches Eaton standing guard at the gate, but Ille has disappeared into the storm. Hatchets flying, Agustus makes short work of the mercenary swordsman, but leaves him alive.


The scene in the inn is one of pure carnage. Bodies and body parts, both old and new, litter the wooden floor. Everyone helps to clear the building, stacking the dead in the court yard to be burned after the storm abates. Abel is beside himself with grief and has to be restrained from taking his revenge on Eaton. While searching the man, Hem detects a magic coin with the powers to enslave another. Eaton professes his innocence, placing the blame on Ille for tricking him with the coin. Absolved of guilt, he is set free but not before he has sharp words with Agustus.


The night passes slowly as those still on their feet prepare to go in search of Ille. Abel tells them that Aved said he saw a strange man in the woods north-west of town two days before. Since that is the direction Ille went according to Eaton’s story, it is the first lead. Kkrun picks up Ille’s tracks on a side trail that runs off the main road about a mile north of the inn. The track leads to a large hill, the resting place for a long dead wizard named Rakoss.

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Re: Campaign Log: The Redwater Guardians


I admire your dedication, I just learned by memorizing the rule book, then getting into a few campaigns, one a Turakian Age game and the other a Superheroic, I too used to be a DnD junkie, and in the campaign I'm useing I plan on "borrowing" lots of stuff from my DnD books, mostly spells, but I'm rather fond of Ebberon.

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Tomb of Rakoss


Following the tracks, the group approaches a low, boulder strewn hill. The tracks follow a game path around the side but then disappear into the dense overgrowth around the base of the hill. Kkrun cuts the brambles aside to reveal an open stone entry, some shards of brick, and an even bigger surprise. Tarik lights a torch and they enter to find a wide pit just inside the door. Ille’s broken body lies at the bottom, several stakes pushed up through his limbs and torso. A long brass key is on the flagstone next to the body. It seams Ille used the magic key to get into the sealed tomb, but fell victim to a simple pit trap in his rush inside. Tarik lowers Hem to retrieve the key, and the band agrees to investigate the tomb. Agustus and Shia brief the others about what to expect…possible traps, magic surprises, and even undead horrors.


Agustus takes the lead, excited to be inside the tomb of Rakoss the Undying. The halls give off an unnatural coldness as they advance into the darkness. Over the next few hours, the group finds substantial wealth in the complex, but face skeletal guards, giant ants that have burrowed into the tomb, and an animated guardian that is only brought down by luring it into the pit trap. Kkrun finds a secret passage behind a tattered wall hanging that leads to some natural caverns. They find a makeshift store room with some more loot, and Agustus discovers they are not alone. He drags a bedraggled, bearded man from the shadows. The man, Anton by name, is evasive in his answers, only saying he was lost in the caves. Shia feigns belief in his story, planning on seducing him to giving more information. As she converses with the man, another surprise arrives while Tarik and Agustus rifle through what looks like a huge bird nest on an alcove above the cavern floor. A huge bird comes swooping in from a hole high on the ceiling.


The bird attacks with ferocity using beak and talons, while shrugging off hits that would kill a man. Hemish’s mystic fist has no effect and Shia’s dark attacks only enrage the bird more. Kkrun protects her and is only saved from being disemboweled by the shining chain mesh shirt he found on a dead body in the tomb. Even with the Elven armor, he is battered senseless. Tarik can not land his javelins in the dodging creature so he closes to hand to hand combat and is severely wounded in turn. Things look bleak until Agustus manages to get behind the bird as it prepares to rip into Kkrun’s prone form. He buries his hatchets in the creature’s back. The bird screeches and takes flight dripping blood from the two wounds. Hem later calls the monster a HokHoku, and states they are lucky to be alive.


Taking stock of the situation, they find the man has escaped up a crude ladder during the fight. Shiamoira calls on her cold healing magic to help the wounded after they rest for several hours hoping the bird does not return. It also takes the bottles of apple healing brandy Abel gave them and the healing draught Tarik found in the tomb to bring the group to some semblance of health. Despite the healing, Tarik, Agustus, and Kkrun all bear heavy wounds and their equipment is in tatters.


After being patches up with magic and bandage, they group prepares to leave. They are headed for the town of Sorlyn at Hem’s suggestion. He wants them to report to the authorities, but he agrees that the wealth from the tomb is better left unmentioned. They travel slowly at first, only getting a few more miles up the road when dusk settles in. They are fortunate enough to meet two brothers on the way back from town to their family homestead. Josep and Odo Radwell are obviously intrigued by the adventurers and even in the growing darkness, Shia is a pretty sight. The brothers offer shelter and a ride in the back of the lumbering ox cart. In no position to turn down shelter, the group accepts and puts up with the brothers questions while riding along the bumpy road. It takes three more hours to reach the stead, seemingly longer when the rain starts again.

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Re: Campaign Log: The Redwater Guardians


The little adventure above came from the Free Stuff section...very nice little crawl.


I learned that it is much harder to defeat a single, powerful enemy in HERO than in D&D. Even when the group ganged up on the Hokhoku, it was almost a disaster.


The party gained a few items and some loot, the Elven chainmail coming in very handy.


I killed off Ille on a whim...setting the stage for the group to follow his path in reverse to uncover the mystery.


After each episode, I touch up the characters (in HD2) as I learn things and flesh out the personalities.


Agustus is the "natural leader", Hem the smart one, Shia the devious one, and Tarika and Kkrun serve as muscle.


Healing: I only allow a wund to be treated with a "type" of healing once. Spell, magic item, potion, herbs...this has led to the group being battered right now.


I have 16 more pages of hand written note sto get caught up!

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Radwell Farm


Josep and Odo explain along the way that the family lodge is a solid place built to withstand the weather and dangers of the wilderness. Their family, Dunstan and Cynwise, Obedan the grandfather, and their younger sister Hilda occasionally take in travelers to share news of the world and to make some extra coin. When they arrive, Odo puts up the oxen, while Josep leads the soaking wet bunch into the log building. Josep’s mother, Cynwise, comes into the great room to greet them, followed by a familiar and surprising sight…Anton and Eaton Marsh!


Agustus and Kkrun react first, moving to confront the brothers, but not attacking. Anton opens hostilities by hurling a flask of alchemical fire…it flies over Hem’s head and bursts on the wall behind. The sticky liquid fire splashes over Hem and the surrounding furniture. Eaton draws his sword and attacks Agustus. Tarik is forced out the door by the spreading fire, ripping off his cloak to smother the flames in an attempt to reach Hemish.


The Sill family springs into action, converging on the brothers from all directions. Anton hits his mark with the next flask, catching more in the blaze. Josep grabs Shia and pulls her to safety. Hem tries to flee through the flames but his burning form collapses at the edge of the fire. Kkrun moves at Shia’s command to chase Anton as the arsonist tries to flee out the back. Odo, Durstan, Hilda, and Cynwise intercept him and he throws his third flask to start a fire in the hall. Eaton gets the better of Agustus this time, cutting him deeply in the shoulder. Anton tries to push past the Sills, only to be nearly cut in half by Durstan’s mighty sword stroke.


Tarik stomps through the flames and tends to Hem while Kkrun and Agustus corner Eaton. The cowardly mercenary drops his sword, having missed his opportunity to take revenge on Agustus. Everyone pitches in to put out the flames. The log and stone house holds up well even if the rugs and furniture have been destroyed. Kkrun keeps guard on Eaton and Cynwise bandages Anton to keep him alive, but only after some heated exchanges. Hemish is badly burned despite Shia’s help. The little Halfling looks startled and shivers when she lays her hands on his burned flesh. Hilda applies a salve to help ease his pain and gives him some strong wine to dull his senses.


Agustsus and Shiamoira interrogate Eaton. He says he met his brother on the road, and he told a tale of being chased by a monstrous bird. Eaton suggested they rest at the Radwell farm where he had stayed before. He disavows knowing anything about the arson, or Anton’s involvement with Ille. He later admits under Shia’s pressure that Anton is the one that told him to meet Ille at the Wickshine.


Josep dots on Shia and she returns the handsome man’s flirtations. She is annoyed at Hilda’s good looks, and tries to bring all attention on herself. She even flirts with Tarik to draw the young man away from Hilda when she sees them sitting together. After two days of rest, the group takes Anton and Eaton to Sorlyn along with Josep and Odo in the ox cart. Anton has regained consciousness, but his wounds are severe. He remains silent, trusting his brother to keep him alive.


Their arrival in Sorlyn excites the small town and the men are turned over to the constable. Hem leads the others to the Hand of Doom Taproom. Anton had let slip that this is the place he met Ille a week before. The Halfling, Erquiglt, and exotic woman are impossible to miss and tongues go wagging along with a few catcalls. Shia plays things up and finds out some information from a drunken mage named Randolfo. The mage admits he knows a former priest named Ille, and he calls out Anton as a ne’r do well that has had many run ins with the law. Pried with stronger drink, Randolfo offers up that he sent Ille to see Velgaron the Great in tower west of town. He has unkind words about Velgaron, but Shia waves it off as simple jealousy, a feeling she experiences when she notices her would be suitors have switched attention to the busty Half-Elven barmaid. Shia pockets the barmaid’s tip left on the table and joins the others at a private booth.


Agustus rejoins them latter and explains that Anton is being held in Nostran Prison, but Eaton has been paid out by a stranger. Following the next lead, they depart in the morning to the mage’s tower. Josep and Odo are gracious to provide a ride once again, drawn by the woman and the sense of adventure. The trip if uneventful for almost twenty miles and the weather has cleared if turning a bit colder.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Campaign Log: The Redwater Guardians




The pleasant trip to Velgaron’s tower is shaken when a scream rises from the woods up the trail. Tarik whips the oxen forward before anyone can react. More screams echo in the woods as the lumbering wagon rounds a bend to unveil two large creatures clawing at a small hillside. A pair of slaughtered horses is on the road, and the screams originate from a crevice in the hill. The closest troll turns and hurls a massive club at the wagon, catching an ox on the head. As the beast of burden collapses, the rolling wagon bounces over the carcass to a sudden stop. Odo flies head over heels and lays unconscious along the side of the trail. Tarik rises in his seat and launches a javelin that catches the troll in the arm while Kkrun and Agustus jump off and approach. Hem and Shia start to cast but the surviving ox tries to break away, sending both spilling into the wagon bed. One troll advances while the other continues to rip chunks of earth from the hill. Tarik fires another pair of javelins and then rushes off to attack the troll by the hill when he sees two women are trapped in the crevice. Agustus and Kkrun land several strikes on a troll, dodging the beast’s massive claws. Kkrun is a bit too slow and is sent sprawling, blood running out of his mouth. This gives Agustus a chance to land two swift blows in the troll’s chest and it slowly slumps to the ground. Meanwhile, Tarik has lured the other away from the crevice while Hem goes invisible and sneaks up on it from behind. The little one plunges his magic sword into the trolls back and it dies instantly.


Tarik leads the two Elven women from the crevice while Shia tends to Kkrun and Agustus sets Odo and Josep to getting the wagon back in order. The Elves swarm on Hem, kissing him and praising his bravery. They explain that they are sisters studying under Velgaron’s tutelage. They introduce themselves as Isara and Ocelin and promise rich rewards if they will be escorted back to the tower. The trip is slow with only one ox, and the men take to walking. Agusts questions the women about their tribe, always suspicious of Elves since the ambush that cost him his scalp. Shia scolds them all and directs them to focus on the woods to avoid another ambush.


The group arrives at the modest tower a few hours later to find a very worried wizard. Velgaron is deeply thankful for the girls’ safe return and he tongue lashes the Elves for their recklessness. The wizard explains that he found a group of trolls encamped a few miles north about a week ago. Thinking they would move along, he left them alone. Now angry that his land has been invaded, he asks Agustus to chase the trolls away. Mindful of the generous magical gifts the wizard has already provided for saving the girls, the group accepts. Velgaron also promises to research the magic key and check his notes about his meeting with Ille. After resting the night, and being entertained by the Elven women, the group heads out on foot using a map the mage provided. Josep and Odo accompany them on Shia’s payroll after being better armed and armored at the tower.


The band approaches the troll camp from the far side of a hill, moving along an overgrown game trail. They expect to catch the trolls resting during the day based on Velgaron’s information. At the rock strewn hill, they shake out n loose order and start to climb but are surprised to see an armed troll headed straight towards them. Their cover broken, Agustus rushes to engage before the troll can alert the others but it is too late. It bellows the alarm and another huge greenskin crests the hill. Tarik unleashes his flurry of javelins while Kkrun rushes to meet the second one. Agustsus slashes at the first, cursing when he sees a third running in from the makeshift camp at the base of the hill. The brothers fire their new crossbows but can not score any hits. Shia’s magic hammers one causing it obvious pain and Tarik moves in for the kill while Hem hovers invisible at the edge of the battle. Tarik lands one jab, but is knocked back before he can finish the beast. Badly wounded, he staggers back behind the crossbowmen to recover. The triumphant, but wounded troll advances to finish him off when Hem strikes out of thin air. The troll staggers, but does not fall. Hem dives into the bushes for safety as the brothers continue to fire. Kkrun has soaked up several minor wounds as he delays the third troll, but he gives ground after he sees Agustus take a savage blow that scatters blood in all directions dropping him motionless in the dirt.


more to follow...

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Re: Campaign Log: The Redwater Guardians


As Agustus falls, a forth troll comes into view a few dozen yards away. Seeing it, Shia calls for the group to retreat down the forest path. They disengage, but are hard pressed to stay ahead of the large creatures and their massive strides. Hem sprints to keep up, shouting to the others that he can not see Agustus. Kkrun yells that he s dead, and pulls the Hin by his shirtsleeves. Shia throws up a wall of bones behind them but the trolls smash through it with ease. They have closed to only a few yards when a man steps out from the undergrowth waving his hands frantically. A thick fog billows in seconds and the man calls on the group to follow him. He runs down the path and leads them up another hillock. The trolls were delayed for a minute, but can now be heard advancing once again. Just as the lead troll comes into sight fifty feet away, a bolt of lightning crashes from the sky. The monster shrieks as more bolts come crashing down. The mysterious stranger casts another spell and the undergrowth explodes into a thorny mass.


Two trolls emerge from the woods to continue the pursuit, bashing their way through the briars with screams of pain and anger. Hem remembers the flasks of alchemical fire he took from Anton, and he passes them to Tarik. Tarik throws the flasks as the trolls are about to clear the magic defenses, scoring direct hits. The troll flesh begins to burn and they wail in agony, tumbling back into the thorns. Shia urges the group forward in a counter attack, and they fall on the thrashing trolls with spell and sword. The fires start to go out when a steady rain begins to fall. Another, much older man comes out of the woods to join the roughed up band. The first man introduces himself as Faris and tends to Tarik’s wounds. The other, Merkel, explains that he and his student had been harrying the trolls all night and were preparing to attack the camp when the group arrived. The druid says he knows Velgaron and that they go back for years. He leads the group back along the trail, past two charred troll bodies. They find Agustus’s body where he had fallen, and take time to bury him on the hill before ransacking the camp. Merkel says he thinks the troll raiders were a rogue band out of the mountains that had just moved into the area. Faris leads the party back to Velgaron’s tower after giving Merkel’s apologies. Evidently, the druid had a falling out with the mage over some old friends.


Velgaron meets them all warmly and expresses his sorrow for Agustus’ death. He is obviously pained and sends his apprentices to ready rooms for the night. Faris hands over a letter to the wizard which he shares with the others. Merkel’s note expresses the concerns of the bishop of the Abbey about the dealings of one of its former priests. It outlines Ille’s ties to the Lindsey family but makes no direct connections to the count or countess. Velgaron is distraught with the news and begs the group to investigate things further. He charges them to trace Ille’s movements and report back. In payment, he bings out more magical items to equip the group. The important task at hand and the mage’s guilt combine to make the advance very generous.


Faris returns after the group has rested and healed for a few days. He guides them through the woods on a long day’s march to return to Sorlyn. Shia, Kkrun and Hem gain access to the Lord under Velgaron’s passport. The Lord provides no information, but does authorize them access to the Countess Lindsey in the prison. The trio join Tarik and Faris at the Hand of Doom, only to find Eaton Marsh playing cards at a table. Faris breaks up a scuffle before weapons or magic fly, and Hem disappears again. The rest leave to see the countess. Eaton’s body is found in the back alley the next morning. No one misses him as his brother is set to hang in a week.


The Countess is evasive and confrontational when Shia questions her. The pair dual verbally for a few hours until the warden ushers them out. Hem has more luck by filling Randolfo with spirits to find out more about Ille. It seems the thug came down river from the coast about a month ago asking lots of questions. He wanted a magic key that Randolfo and his friends had discovered a long time ago. In a drunken stupor, Randolfo gave up the key’s location. Embarrassed, the mage tries to make amends by telling Hem that he thinks Ille mentioned he had been at Eisburk Castle, a fort on the coast at the Red River.

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Re: Campaign Log: The Redwater Guardians


My first PC death! Agustus took a massive hit to the chest that killed him with one strike.


I underestimated the trolls, and I rolled some variables to effect my original plan of attack. I gave a "good", "great", and "bad" case for how the plan would work...I rolled for "bad".


So...the trolls were awake, armed, and ready. Isued the druids to save them, and add a new PC (Faris).


I am light on front line fighters, so I may add another PC later.


I gave some magic items out to check out some more of the HERO rules.


Hmmmm, who killed Eaton Marsh? Any gueses?

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Re: Campaign Log: The Redwater Guardians




The next stop is Kestrel, a small trading town where the river gets deep enough to accept sizable boats. Faris arranges passage on a small boat to take them to the coast. The swift boat’s owner, a crazy Halfling named Ivanesky, accepts the groups offer of protection in lieu of coin. They make steady progress along the slow current, not stopping at any of the small towns and hamlets along the way. The burly Halfling captain looks more like a Dwarf, a far cry from Hemish’s stature.


At Berbank on the coast, things change. The busy port town is bustling with activity as merchants prepare for the final trips of the season and the weather is noticeably colder. Just after the group disembarks at dockside, a few tough looking men come down the gangway and confront Ivanesky at the boat. The Halfling grabs his bag and hurries off behind the party. Jest minutes later, a dozen guardsmen in mail and carrying halberds rush down the dock and confront the thugs. A short battle ensues, resulting in four dead men and the guards starting to tear the boat apart. Ivanesky scurries off into the crowded streets soon joined by the others that don’t want to be connected to whatever just went down.


Shia directs the band to a tavern and inn to rest for the night. A mighty storm blows in during the darkness and continues the net day. Unable to find a ship willing to sail, the group seems stuck in town until Ivanesky shows up and offers to lead them to a small town East of Berbank were they can catch a boat. The storm worsens and convinces the group to take his offer. They leave in a chilling gale along the coast road.


They spend the next several days slogging through the muddy road and trying to keep the biting wind out. On the fifth day, the storm finally breaks as the group arrives in Saltham only to find the town in mourning. The local gossip turns up three interesting things. Four days ago, a mysterious ship ran aground on a sandbank in the storm. Villagers sent to help the stricken crew were scared away by undead horrors on the errie ship. The next day, a shepherd went missing and then the day after that, the lord’s only son turned up dead in the mill pond.


The motley band’s arrival out of the savage storm brings about much suspicion and the local Reeve confronts them at the small tavern on the village green. Shia quietly comforts his fears with tales of their past few weeks and by showing them the documents from Velgaron. Ivanesky finds out that none of the fishermen will sail while the ghostship is marooned on the bar. Wanting to get to Eisburk quickly, Shia agrees to investigate the ship for the Reeve. While headed back to the inn from the dock, Ivanesky wanders over to see two men he recognizes. They are hauling a huge wagon loaded with banded crates out of town. Ivan pockets a small bag from one of the men and brushes off all questions about them from the others. He does tell them that he has a boat ready for the morning.



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Re: Campaign Log: The Redwater Guardians


After a good night’s sleep, the mercenaries ready in the dark and row out with the morning tide. They approach the shoal and land quietly in the muck. The group shakes out to investigate the damages hulk when suddenly a half dozen infernal skeletons armed with cutlasses come into view on deck. The group storms the makeshift steps that lead from the gunwhale to the sand and the battle lasts only a minute before the skeletons are destroyed. As they catch their breath, a cabin door burst open and four pirates pour out to launch a savage attack with bows and axes. Shia is greiviusly wounded by a double axe strike from a huge barbarian that sends her pitching over the side, bleeding out in the sand. The counterattack against the pirates is quick, with all four pirates killed in just a few seconds. Faris jumps over the side into the surf and wades over to staunch Shia’s bleeding. She is alive but unconscious.


The ship’s crew is not finished however. Two more figures emerge just as the band starts to search the ship. A short, swarthy man comes out swinging at Ivanesky, but the Halfling takes the man’s leg off at the knee with a strike of his pick. From the adjacent cabin, a thin, pale woman emerges and casts an unholy spell to chill Tarik to the core. He tries to strike her down but them nimble spellcaster dives overboard and disappears beneath the waves.


They then carry Shia onboard and Kkrun stays at her side while the others secure the ship. The eerie green lights that had hung over the ship slowly fade and the hull mysteriously becomes whole as the illusion dissipates. Ivan and Hem lead the search below decks and then set about preparing defenses. In the hold, they discover several score of long crates. Tarik busts one open to reveal a decaying body. Chocking on the stink, he gets Ivan to help him dump it overboard. While they do, Hemish notices that it is the same kind of banded crate that the men had loaded on the wagon in town and that Ivanesky had in his boat.


The group confronts him and he comes clean. The smuggler admits he was paid to move some of the crates but he insists he did not know what was inside. Hem’s search of the ship’s cabin turns up papers that the now legless captain confirms belonged to the necromancer that went over the side. Inspired by several of Ivanesky’s kicks to his stump, the captain explains that he transported the bodies for a cult known as the Unearthing Rite. He says he always dealt with the woman, Ohra, but knows she answered to someone named Fallon. Ivan presses the prisoner about the ship and asks where the rest of the crew went. Captain Ingrel regains his composure and passes out under the interrogation. The group sets watch for the night while continuing to search. Ivanesky reminds them that he promised them a ship and starts referring to himself as The Captain and ranting about landlubbers.



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Re: Campaign Log: The Redwater Guardians


Kkrun decides against reason to take Shia back to town. He carries her across the water using the magic boots Velgaron gifted him. He reports to the Reeve but will only speak to the Lord after Shia has been healed. The village priest meets them at the manor and cast minor healing magic but the pretty mage still has two long scars across her chest. Kkrun then tells his tale of the attack and of finding the bodies in the hold. He fills in more information about the smuggling ring, careful to leave Ivanesky’s name out, and the Reeve sends men to arrest the two smugglers with the wagon. The Reeve takes another man and accompanies Kkrun and Shia back to the ship in another boat close to dark. Tarik destroys the makeshift steps after everyone is aboard, and they set watches for the night. Everyone else huddles in the cabin to escape the wind.


Greshem the Reeve and his man Lem are on watch when they call the others on deck. A row boat touches down on the sandbar and five pirates spill out to attack. The pirates have to use grapples to climb aboard and the fight goes well for the defenders even with Lem knocked out of the battle. Just as it ends, the diversion is uncovered and another boat comes into contact on the far side. The first man over the edge is killed instantly and the panicking pirates try to shove off. Ivanesky jumps into the fleeing boat and kills another while forcing the rest to surrender. In total, five have been killed and five others taken prisoner. Kkrun and Tarik force the prisoners to bury the dead and then lock them in the hold. Under duress, the prisoners say that the first man killed coming off the second boat was the first mate. They also give up the location of the remaining pirates in a cave along the shore.


The next day, Greshem leads the village militia in a surprise attack on the hideout and they slaughter a dozen of the bandits. A few are thought to escape, and there is no sign of the necromancer. They do liberate two captives from the pirates. The band is handsomely rewarded when they turn over a baron’s daughter and her handmaiden to the Lord. Ivanesky arranges for a half-dozen fishermen to sign on and crew the caravel and he organizes others to float the ship on the next high tide. Now with a safe mode of transport, the band can expect to reach Eisburk in a week.


Next- Eisburk Castle

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Campaign Log: The Redwater Guardians


After the fights with the pirates, the water-borne journey to Eisburk is pleasantly uneventful. Ivanesky takes to his role as Captain with vigor, strutting around in his bicorn and sharkskin boots. The adventurers arrive within a week and put up in a small bay about two miles from the castle. The lighthouse spire is clearly seen standing tall on the cliffs above. The maps found in the captain’s room alerted the Hin sailor to the dangers of getting to close to the castle. There are several wrecks marked on the charts were others have tried to brave the shoals. It begins to snow lightly as the group puts ashore in a row boat, leaving the four hired hands to keep watch on the caravel. The march to the castle puts the group in good spirits as Shiamoira tests her legs. They arrive about noon and are greeted by the gate guards. Hemish presents the passports from Velgarond and Lord Dhiamus. Lord Sorlyn’s and Lord Fenton’s marks speed the party’s progress into the fortress, and bring the steward, Toll Bethel out with haste. The bald man greets everyone with a forced smile, taking in their motley composition and haggard appearance. He quickly dispatches servants to ready rooms, and he invites them in from the cold. Toll listens as Shiamoira describes the deeds of the past month, using her charm to keep the steward’s attention. He then excuses himself to inform Lord Redwater and invites all to dinner. His raised eyebrows cast some doubt on his sincerity about including a few of the odder members in attendance. They are led to the guestrooms, sharing two for the men, but Toll shows Shia to an elegant room and sends in two handmaidens to assist.


After cleaning up and getting refreshed, they all gather in Shiamoira’s room. Tarik is amazed by the wealth in the simple guestroom, and Ivan grumbles about missing his hammock. It is soon time for dinner and they are escorted to the feast hall. There are a score of guards in attendance, and their raucous banter becomes a dim mumble when Shia enters, dressed in an exquisite gown sent to her by the lady of the land. All rise when Lord Oeric Redwater and his bride, Lady Robyn Redwater, enter. Shia notes the pretty woman is about her age, if a tad too lanky. The Lord and Lady make acquaintances and the feudal politics of Vestria are exposed. Lady Robyn is the daughter of Lord Agnor Sorlyn, and Maarten’s sister. Lord Redwater is the son of Lord Dhiamus’s brother, who once adventures with Velgaron. Even the valet, Carnellus Sorlyn is the son of a deceased cousin to the Lady. Captain Nar Ullerson introduces himself and takes his place next to Tarik. He is obviously interested in the large man’s fighting prowess. Noticeably absent is the priest of the castle. Oeric explains that Tall Ferosus died suddenly a week ago.


Through dinner, Shia and Hem tell of all they have found of the necromantic cult and the apparent ties to the Lindsey family. They point out that the ties are not t either the Lady or Lord of that family directly, but they are shrouded in suspicion. The name of Ille Soresen brings Toll to the Lord’s side. He reminds him that Tall Ille visited a few months back, but left after a disagreement with Ferosus. The dinner is pleasant, the wine delicious and the fire burn with warmth to keep out the chill. Kkrun and Tarik are quiet through most of the meal, spending some time discussing the battles of the past with the Captain. Faris soaks in as much information as he can, straining to hear the guardsmen talk at the adjacent tables. He notes it is quite out of the ordinary for the guards to eat with the lord and thinks it is either an overbearing show of force, or true camaraderie between officer and fighter. Ivanesky eats his fill and that of three others, stuffing sot rolls into his pockets for later. Shiamoira politely answers questions about her exotic homeland, even steering personal questions to the same topic. Two guardsmen, perform some music after the meal, but are cut off when a watchman enters and speaks to the Captain. He whispers to the Lord, and they excuse themselves, but not before he motions the other guards out and sends Robyn away. Toll ushers the group to the ramparts a few minutes later to join the Lord.

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The firelight from the lighthouse illuminates the area around the high perched castle. The Redriver is visible to one side, a dense wood to the other, and the cliffs drop directly to the sea below. There are torch lights on the plain that stretches south, and the faint outlines of men can be seen in three large groups isolating the fort. Soon, one comes forward to within earshot of the battlements, revealing itself as a dark skinned orc. “In the name of Sunkrag, we claim this land as our own. You will be put to the sword as a sacrifice to Mordak.†The beast proclaims in heavily accented speech. It then strides away without a reply. The Lord’s watchmen report seeing several hundred in the warbands, possibly more hiding in the darkness. He posts double watches and retires with Captain Ullerson, and Toll to the meeting room on the second floor of the keep. The group joins them and listens in on the reports. The Captain has seventy-five men in the garrison, all well trained and well armed. He points out that they are critically short on bolts for the crossbows, having lost many in the flooded store room a week ago. Toll says they can hold out for some time with the food on hand, but they were expecting one more supply ship before winter fully takes hold. Robyn briefly joins them to report she has put the servants to work securing the interior, handing out supplies, and setting up the hospital in the chapel. The Lord vows to hold out, and takes advice from all. The Captain urges him to keep up the heavy watch at night, expecting the orcs to use the advantage of their dark-vision. Tarik offers to help make javelins from the limited supplies on hand, and Faris explains his mystic ability to create a tangle of thorns out of the ground.


It is a long night as they keep an eye and ear for the expected attack. None comes and the sun soon rises on a bitterly cold, but sunny morn. All are tired when they can see the army before them. It looks like some five hundred warriors, a mix of orcs and goblins, have besieged the castle. A large tent is back near the wood, and there are scaling ladders distributed through the ranks. Soon, two formations of orcs advance on the flank towers, each one hundred strong. Redwater takes to the right of the battlements and Nar to the left, urging the others to reinforce the center against the two hundred goblins advancing under the whips of two huge trolls. Remembering the fight at the troll camp, all know it will be a bloody day.


Many goblins are cut down by the defenders firing crossbow bolts into the packed mass as they struggle through Faris’ magic abatis. The horde places ladders to escalade, but their losses are heavy. Finally, one of the trolls bounds up the ladder, throwing a guardsman to his death below. The troll is soon joined by another as the adventurers go into action to repel the attack. Magic bolts, and purple beams, and javelins fill the air. Ivanesky soon crushes one trolls head but is knocked into a daze by the next. Kkrun and Faris push back the goblins as they gain the fort, but Tarik is soon out of the fight too. The defending men-at-arms take heavy losses as the troll tries to keep a foothold. Hem manages to destroy the last ladder when his powers give out. Shia is almost useless, her wounds apparently affecting her dreadful magic. It is only after the goblins are cleared, and Tarik and Ivan regain their senses that they can pin the troll in the corner. Ivanesky gets in devastating strike that gives the monster pause. It is just long enough for Faris to bury a druidic arrow in the creature’s neck. Ivan and Tarik toss the bodies over the edge while the others tend to the wounded. Faris tosses a pot of flaming oil over the side, alighting his brambles. Several wounded goblins scream in death within the flames as the few survivors flee the field.


The defenders have held off all three attacks, but with heavy losses. Four are dead in the center and another so severely wounded as to be out of the fight for good. Seven others are dead and ten out of the fight. Hem and Faris help carry the wounded to the chapel for care, while Shia rests to help Ivan and Tarik with her cold healing. At the war council, the Captain things they killed one hundred orcs, and well over that in goblins. The enemy’s strength has been cut in half, but the defenders are out of bolts meaning the next attack will be more costly.

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The horde attacks again the next morning, but this time they are more cautious. The orcs take their time to mass under the walls and come on in multiple spots at once to overwhelm the defenders. Losses are high but the attacks are beaten back. Lord Redwater and Captain Ullerson are both wounded, and Toll has lost his hand to an orcish axe. With only two dozen men left in fighting shape, Redwater plans for a final stand. He orders the men to fall back to the keep and central tower if the wall is pierced. During the meeting at night, there is some good news. The supply ship is seen off the coast and warned with signal lights. Oeric asks the group to fetch the bolts from the ship that night and lets them in on a secret. He shows them a secret passage under the castle and has Carnellus guide them out. Oeric also tells them of his other plan. He wants the band to lead Lady Redwater to safety if the castle falls. He will stand and fight in the tower, but he wants his love to escape. He knows she will resist, but he makes them swear to get her out.


As they row out towards the waiting ship, Kkrun spots two other boats approaching the ship ahead of them. Unable to alert the small crew by yelling over the blowing wind, Kkrun jumps off and speeds across the waves in his magic boots. Hem uses his Wizard’s Hand to ring the ships bell, and groggy sailors soon emerge. Caught between the armed crew and the magic wielding attackers, the two boats fill with orcish blood. They group loads up all three boats with supplies, and return before sunrise. Oeric is ecstatic at the success and gives his thanks. He is taken aback by Kkrun’s bravery and presents him with a token of appreciation.


Rearmed, and with morale lifted, the defenders are ready for the morning assault. Faris’ defenses, and the full weight of the group’s magic and muscle power cause severe casualties. The defenders pour bolts into the massed attack in the center, and the base of the fort is a slaughter house. Cheering as the enemy retreats again, the Captain is amazed that none of his men were killed. He thinks less than two hundred of the enemy remains. Better still; the supply ship should relay word to send reinforcements in just a few days.


The night passes quickly and they notice the orcs gathering their dead in the darkness. A few showers of bolts force them away after some time, but the behavior is very strange. The orcs have drawn up in one camp around the tent by the wood. There is a huge fire nearby and by the smell, the enemy is burning the dead. Shiamoira advises Lord Redwater that this is not the orc custom. Privately, she admits to Hemish that collecting the dead to rebuild an army is a necromancer’s trade. She also thinks there is a spy in the castle. How did the orcs know about the bolts on the supply ship? How did they know to assault the unblocked flanks with the strong orc war parties on the first day? What about the convenient death of the Taal and what of Ille’s involvement? To catch the spy, Hemish goes invisible before the council is over. When the group leaves, he stays to observe. Suddenly the closed door creaks open and Hem steps to pursue calling on the others. There is a wisp of wind and the shadows of a ghostly man can be seen. The apparition tries to flee, but Shia steps up and slaps it back against the wall with her ghost grip glove. Smiling, she throttles the ghost. Feeling pain in its ghostly form releases the spirit and it dissipates with a rush.


Shiamoira has to explain that the glove gave her the insight to suspect what was happening, avoiding any talk of her own dark powers. Hem is excited to have helped and he is in awe of the beautiful wizard. Suspecting another attack, the defenders are exhausted by morning. They get a respite however as there is no advance. The orcs have constructed a battering ram and two huge shields during the day. A rider manages to slip through the orcs and brings word that a relief party will be at the river by nightfall on the next day. Redwater makes plans to hold out and pushes his men to ready the defenses and stay awake. Still fearful of losing the fort, he fully mans the walls and places the group at the chapel both to protect his wife, and as a reserve.

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Re: Campaign Log: The Redwater Guardians


The orcs attack an hour before dawn, throwing their full weight at the fortress gate. The battering is thunderous, but slow going. Suddenly, the chapel flow shakes and then collapses, spilling several wounded men into a cavern below. It seams the lord’s hidden passage is not the only one under the castle. A dozen blue-black skinned orcs emerge from the dust, rushing in all directions. They are headed to the inside of the gates as a huge armored orc leaps up next to the altar. He is joined by a familiar face, the pale necromancer from the pirate ship. A general melee breaks out with the wounded trying to help, and Robyn and Carnellus swinging candlesticks at the orcs as they go by. Most head for the castle gates, but the huge orc and four others start to attack all in the chapel.


Tarik buries two javelins in the necromancer before she can get a word out. The woman falls backwards into the pit and disappears. The huge war leader takes a long swing with his bastard sword, cutting through Carnellus’ candlestick, army, and lopping his head. Another orc cuts Robyn down, but Tarik arrives to pull her to safety. Hem is caught against a wall and exchanges sword blows with an orc and even results to his magic wand. He is soon on his knees bleeding out, but Shia steps up and heals him. Ivanesky and Tarik engage the huge orc, trading massive wounds. Kkrun cuts down two orcs but the third runs hem through before the Erquiglt can kill the monster. The last enemy on its feet draws the full fury of the surviving members. Shia sets the orc aglow with her purple death magic and it slowly succumbs to the pain. It is too late to save the Hin mage, as Ivan dispatches the enemy wounded. Shia urges the others into action. Kkrun jumps into the pit and carries the unconscious enemy necromancer into the chapel. Ivan and Tarik push the alter over the pit to block it and the group moves to check on the battle outside. They find Lord Redwater and report after sending Robyn into the keep for protection. The guards have turned back another attack, leaving less than a hundred enemies streaming from the field. As mid-day approaches, the orcs start to flee the camp into the woods; their retreat hastens by the arrival of several dozen mounted men coming from the west. The supply ship alerted the area and the local lords have sent men to raise the siege.


The next two days are sent resting and burying the dead. Lord Redwater heaps praise on the group for their aid in the defense and in saving his wife. He expresses his sorrow for Hemish’s death. Cavalry scouts have run down some of the orcs and they tell a tale of the mysterious human that counseled their leader, Surkrag. He came out of the far eastern marshes and convinced the orc war leader to seize the castle and take the Lady prisoner. This revelation makes the attack more than a simple sacking of a human fort. Redwater asks the group to pursue the human and offers all his help. Shia accepts but tells him they need time to recoup.


They stay through the winter, recovering their strength and preparing for the battles ahead. Shiamoira spends much of her time interrogating her enemy counterpart and studying the magic tome Velgarond presented. Kkrun and Tarik train with the guards while Faris spends his days reconnoitering the woods.


I am caught up!

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