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Eryck Webb art


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Just thought I'd mention. The artist on eBay I get a lot of my gaming art from, Eryck Webb, has put up a load of auctions for this week. About another three days left on those. If you're looking for some really great super art, you might want to give him a try. He's good, he's cheap, and he's fast. My work (even multiple pieces) have always been done before the next week is out...unlike other eBay artists who want you to wait 6-8 weeks for them to get around to it, and then the work ends up disappointing. He takes PayPal only, and he either mails the original to you, or just e-mails the high-res files to you for your own printing (I do this option myself, because I get the art much faster and all my art needs are web needs anyway, and it saves me the bother of scanning).


If you're looking for some campaign art, just wanted to point out that this is a really good week to grab it if you want to try him out. He usually doesn't put up this many auctions, but I guess he's trying to make the most of his semester break. You can see a lot of samples of his work at our gaming site's gallery page:




Or you can see samples right on the auction pages themselves. Hope you give him a try. He's worth the time.


Michael O'Connell

(Who in no way is getting a cut from this, I swear. Just know how hard it is for gamers to find decent art out there...).


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Re: Eryck Webb art


The guy has major skills. I like it a lot. He has a dynamic since of movement in his art. Not as stiff as a lot of art I see nowanddays.

I should get him to do some characters for me.

BTW you have a really cool site yourself O'Connell. I love the way its written as a comic book synopsis.

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Re: Eryck Webb art


The guy has major skills. I like it a lot. He has a dynamic since of movement in his art. Not as stiff as a lot of art I see nowanddays.

I should get him to do some characters for me.

BTW you have a really cool site yourself O'Connell. I love the way its written as a comic book synopsis.


Yeah, I really like what he does. He's done a LOT of stuff for me (as you can see by the site), and he continues to surprise me with some of the takes he has on art requests of mine. And his design work. Being a NON-artist, myself, I've sometimes asked him to do a redesign on existing characters (from old art or from Heromachine basics I've come up with) or to just design something from scratch based on a general description of mine. He's really blown me away with some of his ideas, and he has a great sense of "hero fashion". Yeah, I'd definitely try him out, if only just for fun. He's up there on eBay every single week.


And thanks for noticing the Forte 2000 site. Glad you liked. Yeah, the stories are divided between actual "issues" and the fiction pieces, and the "issues" are meant to emulate the old game reports from our original Forte campaign (and, being Champions, we considered each run of our campaign to be a comic book issue), written by our GM, K.C. Ryan. Before the next week's session, he'd always type up a summary to hand to us of the previous adventure...and over time those summaries became pretty good fiction reading on their own (and invaluable historical/research tools). So the Forte 2000 "issues" are meant to be fictional game reports, as though they were actual adventures we all played in the virtual campaign. I even try to write the characters and their actions with the player/creators of the characters in mind, as I know how they all game. They're fun. Kind of like I'm still gaming, even though all my old Champs peeps are now spread around the country. Only now I don't have those pesky players messing up my plots with their crazy ideas and refusal to do what I planned for them to do! Ha! Total control! :)


BTW, Godsend looks great! I'm going to have to look into picking one up. I don't care if I'm not really gaming these days, it just looks like a cool as hell read. Nice work! And if you've read any of the "Dawn of Anubis" issues on the Forte 2000 site, you'll know I'm into that kind of thing... :)


Michael O'Connell

Virtual GM, "Forte 2000"


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