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Stupid question and a personal opinion.

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Greetings all,


Just joined the board and of course I must start with a stupid question and a personal opinion.


1- Can you put an endurance reserve in an EC. I know I read somewhere that you can not. But, now I can’t find it. If you could please accompany your answer with a page number and location I would be thankful.


2-Would you, as a GM consider “abilities in power armor†such as Flight, Armor, EB, and End Reserve (if aloud) to be closely related enough to be put in an EC? I have a Player that wants to do this and I am not sure I like it. Maybe I am just being hard headed? What are your thoughts?





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Re: Stupid question and a personal opinion.


Originally posted by Demonsong

Greetings all,


Just joined the board and of course I must start with a stupid question and a personal opinion.


1- Can you put an endurance reserve in an EC. I know I read somewhere that you can not. But, now I can’t find it. If you could please accompany your answer with a page number and location I would be thankful.


Page 204, bottom left.

"You cannot buy Powers which inherently cost no END as a slot in an EC unless they take the Limitation Costs END or the GM permits it."


2-Would you, as a GM consider “abilities in power armor†such as Flight, Armor, EB, and End Reserve (if aloud) to be closely related enough to be put in an EC? I have a Player that wants to do this and I am not sure I like it. Maybe I am just being hard headed? What are your thoughts?


I would only allow it if the Armor was basically the special effect for an always on force field or something similar. This would provide justfication for the fact that an Adjustment Power used against the EC would affect the EB and Armor at the same time.

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Fair and Firm Game Mastering


Fellow GM,

Also look at P 86, under SPECIAL POWERS (right side of page, in the middle paragraph) which says;

"They ordinarily should not be placed in a POWER FRAMEWORK" [ Elemental Control, Mutlipower, Variable Power Pool] .


As for the Powered Armor question; It almost sounds like

an IRON-MAN clone.

I would want such a character to have ALOT of Armor repair skills ( Electronics, Inventor, KS: Power Armor, Mechanics) so he could fix the armor WHEN (not IF)

the armor is damaged.

Since he wants Endurance Reserve in an Elemental Control

1 shot (doing even a small amount of BODY to the Armor itself)

could affect the Endurance Reserve and the PC winds up

powerless IN COMBAT. Is he willing to risk it??

You are NOT being hard-headed at all and don't let anyone else tell you that you are. Your instincts seem very attuned, trust them, this 'player' may be seeking some free points.

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