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New Plot Seeds


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I really enjoyed the plot seeds that were developed here and would like to invoke another thread in that direction.

I'll start with Interface:

Interface has discovered one of Mechanon's bases and plans to use the technology there to build a stronger body for himself. Once the heroes hear of this and get there to stop him, the usual fighting occurs... but when an angry Mechanon enters the scene, the PCs must ally with one villain to beat the other...

A corporation specializing in cybernetics has been the target of several murders. A number of vital shareholders have been killed, and at the same time the corporation becomes the target for a hostile takeover. Interface plans to get himself a constant supply for his bionic needs...

A wheelchair-bound friend of the heroes gets an offer from Interface: a new body for information on the heroes...

Now I would like to hear something that can be used for Tezcatlipoca.

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Re: New Plot Seeds


For folks who might not be aware of what Brick is referring to, some time ago our own Hermit started a thread for developing original plot seeds for published 5E Champs characters, which turned into a major collective project. Here is the original thread. You can also download a free PDF compiling many (though by no means all) of the seeds alphabetically by character, courtesy of Nate "Nato" Barnes; you'll find that here.


Now, on to Brick's request for a Tezcatlipoca plot seed (and my thanks to FenrisUlf for inspirational material):


Smoking the Mirror. Tezcatlipoca has begun to insinuate his influence into the Mexican drug trade. Combining his magical powers with modern pharmacology, his followers have created a powerfully addictive new drug that's entering the American market. However, the drug also has the effect of inducing "spiritual" visions of Tezcatlipoca in its users. The god is using this drug to draw desperate people to his worship, rebuilding his power-base in the modern world. The most loyal of his new followers are inducted into Tezcatlipoca's deadly jaguar cult.


The PCs attempt to stop what they believe to be a simple criminal drug-smuggling ring, only to stumble upon fanatical cultists practicing human sacrifice, backed up by fierce were-jaguars and practitioners of ancient Aztec sorcery. Will they be successful in thwarting the cult's activities? And if they are, will that anger Tezcatlipoca enough for him to confront them personally?

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Re: New Plot Seeds


Verrrry cool. :thumbup:


Some more ideas from me...


A series of bomb attacks on churches located in Campaign City prompts the Bishop (or maybe the new pope?) to come to town in order to mourn with the believers and to hold an inspiring speech.

This is just what DEMON had in mind. A special task force has done the bombings and is waiting for the high-ranking church official to arrive. When he is holding his speech, he will be assassinated while delivering the speech in front of hundreds of people, and the shocking live news pictures will shatter the faith of Christians all over the world.


Archimago is back! Although his body was burnt and his soul exorcised, one of the most feared mages in history has returned - sort of. Before his death, Archimago created a very sophisticated construct infused with his essence which is, in effect, Archimago reborn and continues to fulfill the pacts with his many evil masters.


Some more plots from the Mystical World? Tezcatlipoca preferred, but not necessary.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: New Plot Seeds


Since I stole about twenty of the original plot seeds, I thought it only fair I donate some this time.


Lady in Distress


Carnival Cruises, or any other cruise lines has lost communication with one of their ships. Satellite images show the ship about three hundred miles off course. No one on board can be reached. The ship was carrying Dr. Miguel Salceda and his experimental virus Aqua-Staphylucaccus. The ship is believed to have been hijacked by terrorists, who probably plan to use the virus as a biological weapon. The heroes are sent in to investigate.

Once on board the heroes discover that crew and passengers have been turned into zombies. They are being used to collect all the valuables on board. In one of the great rooms, sit the super villains going through the valuables that the zombies are bringing to them.

For added drama, have the ship on a collision course to a major populated harbor, like Long Island or New York. The super villains have no idea the virus is on board.

I used the Maestros from Enemies Assemble. Necros was the one who turned all the crew and passengers into zombies.

To bring it to fifth edition, I suppose Takofanes, the Undying Lord, or Talisman with a new magical device, or maybe even DEMON could work.

The old Top Secret module TS003, Lady in Distress has a wonderful map of the cruise ship Corona. I think I bought mine on EBAY for $3.00.



The Champions have been missing for about three weeks. A large hovercraft has been sighted heading toward South America from Antarctica. The craft is only moving about 40 mph. It has large storage tanks on top it. It is headed toward the southern most populated area of South America.

Once the heroes investigate, they noticed the Mechanon is piloting the ship. The tanks are full of an organic killing agent. He has captured the Champions and has mind controlled them to assist him in killing all organics. The ship doesn’t have to be fast. Mechanon wants to be sure to get all humans. He estimated it will take him about five months to kill all organics. This is why the Champions wear captured to help him.

If the Champions and Mechanon are too tough for the party, make the mind control devices an OAF that can be taken off various members, who then recover and help free the rest of the Champions. The heroes can then have the Champions help them with Mechanon.



Photon’s DNPC, and lover, Greg Betts has been discovered by UNTIL. He has been arrested by UNTIL on drug trafficking charges, false or real. They plan to use him as bait to capture Photon. During the trap something goes wrong. Photon manages to destroy most of the UNTIL force sent to capture her, but fails to free Greg. The survivors go to the party characters and ask them to retry and capture Photon.

Now that Photon knows it is a trap who will she recruit to help her fight the party characters? Did Greg learn that Photon is really Colleen during the UNTIL fight?

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