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[Campaign] Apocalypse Champions


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Greetings Herophiles!


I have started a campaign that runs opposite of the QuestionMan's Champions of Vancouver, and as promised, I am starting a thread dedicated to it.


So let's start, shall we?


Campaign Description: This is a post apocalyptic campaign; the world as we know it no longer exists. The characters must be fully fleshed out human beings first, and will be 'granted' powers during the course of the campaign. They will fight for survival, against other super powered survivors. There is a war brewing, the players should be prepared to be heroes in this world.


Importance of the Player Characters: The Player Character's are the last survivors to be found alive, unbelievably so. They are without super powers in a super powered world, at least for the time being.


The Campaign World: Identical to the Champions of Vancouver Campaign in it's inception [before Apocalypse]. A power beyond belief has destroyed the world as we know it, devastating the world's population, and awakening super powers in every survivor. Ley lines cross the earth.


Every character involved will have a full story attached, no being is less than three dimensional. Technology is all but wiped out, magic is real, legend is manifest. Age old archetypes appear, such as the Ferryman Charon and the Oracle at Delphi.


The Story So Far: It's the end of the world as we know it [intro],




Morality: I always hate this question. Characters are in control of their own actions, and there will always be reactions - not always equal or opposite however. There will be heinous villains, virtuous heroes, and every level in between. There will be moments of extreme violence, moments of extreme humanity, and all the levels in between. There will drama, and a memorable campaign.


Realism: Very Strong. The heroes will be expected to make monumentous efforts and take enormous risks to accomplish their goals. Character death is a sober reality, however.


Outlook: While the outlook will be mostly positive, there will be many dark moments and many challenges outside of combat.


Seriousness: Overall the seriousness will weigh heavily on the characters, the players should care about playing the character 'in character' to the fullest of their ability. Off handed remarks will be considered 'in character' as a default, and NPCs will react accordingly.


Continuity: The game will be entirely serial. Player actions in one scenario will have effects on later scenarios and continuity will be enforced. Adventures will move linearly through time. Bad guys will remember who you are and what you did to them. Action = reaction.




• Starting Points: 75

• Maximum Disadvantages: 75

• Maximum Points From One Category of Disadvantage: 50

• Normal Characteristic Maxima: Not Required, but encouraged

• Combat Hit Location Rules: Not Required

• Knockback Rules: Yes

• Long-Term Endurance Rules: No

• Limited Push: Yes

• Powers: None to start

• Talents: If justified




Characteristics, Speed, Combat Value, Damage Classes, Active Points, Skill Points, Skill Roll, DEF/rDEF: Whatever is realistic through to whatever works. I am not concerned with holding abilities down to certain active point limits so ong as they fit nicely within the campaign.

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Re: [Campaign] Apocalypse Champions


radioKAOS's Post-Apocalypse Champions Campaign


Cast of Characters:

• Eric Chambers (Prye Archer) – Comic Artist

• Nathan Oliver (Amebushi) – Scientist & Inventor

• Leonid Roland (TheQuestionMan) – Paramedic, Search & Rescue Technician, Ham Radio Operator, & Scout Leader.

• Cross (NPC): Former US Marine Sergeant with High Tech Assault Rifle

• Ferry Man (NPC): Teleporter/Gateways, Ability to create Mist, Bright Light and carries a Scythe.

• Riastrah (NPC): Giant, Four Armed Brick and Cannibal???

• The Oracle (NPC): Seer, Diviner, etc...


Journal Entry: Day 1, 2006/03/13, ????hrs B.A. (Before Apocalypse)


My name is Leonid Roland, but everyone calls me Leo. It was a Sunday morning and I was enjoying a hike around Grouse Mountain with my Scout Troop. The weather was uncommonly warm for March and the clouds a seemed to be holding off. I kept a close eye on Jeff. His Dad’s not around much and he tends to be the lead troublemaker of the bunch.


Before we started I checked everybody’s packs and found a Beer is Jeff’s. I drew him aside and we discussed it. We agreed that working on his Knot Tying merit badge would be good enough. Then I poured out the beer and we headed off.


They are... I mean were a great bunch of kids, even Jeff. We hiked, sang songs, and I taught them about nature. About 3hrs into the hike I noticed a bright flash and looked up. The sky was a solid blinding light. I checked myself and looked at the kids. They did not see anything. I was badly shaken, but did not want to alarm the kids and decided to take the short route off the trail and get them home.


I was beginning to more sure of myself when the mountain rumbled and I looked up to see a landslide racing towards us. I tried to get the kids into the lee of some rocks and that is the last thing I remember.


Journal Entry: Day ?, ????/??/??, ????hrs, P.A. (Post-Apocalypse)


My first conscious thought upon regaining consciousness was “Are the kids alright”. Then I realized that I was buried and pinned under the landslide. I could see the sky and it looked back to normal. The area around me was covered in rocks and bleached bones wearing Scout uniforms.


I could not not believe it. I struggled to get free, but I was not going anywhere. I had trouble breathing and it was not from being half buried and helpless. They were under my protection and now they where dead. It... was... my... fault!


Hours passed and I realized help was not coming. I began yoldling for help until I was hoarse.


It was then that I felt the presence of someone else and looked up to see the translucent form of the Grim Reaper looking down at me. I was shocked and surprised myself when I heard my calm voice asking


“Have you come for me.”


The apparition said nothing, but shook its hood “No”.


I realized them that I had shut my emotions off like when I was dealing with a trauma victim. “Then how about a hand out of hear”. It seemed to consider my request and then suddenly I was standing in front of it.


“Uhm... Thank you. So if your not hear to collect me why are you hear”


The apparition gestured we should take a walk and I found my feet moving with it.


“Where are we going” I asked nervously.


It gestured again in the direction of Downtown Vancouver. When we cleared the trees I saw a city devastated as if by War or a Natural Disaster.


A mist forms and I see a bright light appeared in the distance. As we move towards it I suddenly sense we were travelling at incredible speed towards the light.


The light gets bigger and brighter and then suddenly we stop and I go flying foreword. I manage to get my arms out and tumble into a roll.


When I stand up and get my bearings I find we are on top of a hill in a ruined city. There is just enough left of it for me to recognize where we are. It hits me again that I may have lost more than my Scouts, my whole family, everyone.


The apparition gestures downhill and I see the oddest looking jury rigged Tank (?) I have ever seen rumbling towards us. Inside are three men, two manipulating the controls and a third dressed in US Marine Combats shooting a High Tech Rifle out the back.


Then I hear the enrage shout. I can see what the Marine was shooting at. It’s a lumbering hulk of a man with four arms and a monstrous face.


The Tank (?) suddenly rolls over on its side. The occupants jump out and the Marine shouts orders at them and they all run in our direction. The monstrosity’s shouting turns to one of glee. Its intent on catching and then eating them, especially the US Marine it calls Cross.


The two civilians do not look like they’ll make it and Cross screaming at them to move. I pick up some baseball sized debris and begin pitching them at the hulks head. Luckily they hit their mark and the hulk elicits some satisfying cries.


A mist rises around us and Cross yells at the apparition.


“Ferryman!, Get us out of here NOW!”


I see the two civilians charge into the mist towards the light and vanish inside. Cross grabs my arm and drags us both into the mist and towards the light. Then we are travelling again at incredible speed. This time I am ready when we come out the other side and keep my feet.


Cross turns to us and I see a man tired and haggard beyond endurance.


“Why didn’t you do something?!”


I look at him and then at the two civilians. They look equally perplexed and asked him what he meant?


“What do you mean, do something?” Thinking about the debris I used to distract the hulk.


“Your POWERS!, why did you not use your POWERS”


Again we look perplexed. At which point things degenerate into acrimony.


I manage to defuse one of the civilians, a comic book artist named Nathan Oliver. I calmed him down enough to learn his story. Then I introduced myself to the scientist named Eric Chambers. Turns out we all experienced the same thing with minor variations.


There was a bright flash in the sky like sheet lightning, followed by the entire sky glowing with light. Then chaos and awaking buried under rubble (or in my case a landslide).


Each of us had seen the apparition that Cross calls Ferryman as well.


Meanwhile Cross is ranting on about how Ferryman found us six months after the last one was found.


No one knows what caused the apocalyptic event that destroyed our world. Cross tells us that the survivors have all displayed Powers of one kind or another.


Ferryman was the first. He has the power to transport himself and others from place to place, to create Mist and Light, and finally he has the ability to locate Survivors.


There are those like the hulk we saw who hunt Survivors for their own reasons. Ferryman and Cross have tried to gather the Survivors together for protection from the others and to try and rebuild.


I do not know if I can handle this. I guess we will just take it one day at a time and plan for a better future.


The past is dead, but not forgotten. When the time is right we will hunt down those responsible and bring them to justice.


Cross asks Ferryman to take us to the Oracle in Delphi. He may have the answers we seek. As the white myst manifests and the bright light appears. Eric starts trying to explain how the Ferryman's Power works. Nathan rolls his eyes and Cross drops his head in defeat.


We walk into the mist towards the light and find ourselves standing knee deep in water on a beach. Cross scowls and moves away with purpose. I glance at the Ferryman, but it is hard to look into that face and not feel uneasy. Cross growls out.


"Lets go people"


We slog to shore and then fall in behind him. *Fade to black*



This was our GM’s first session and we finished up our characters and jumped into the game. RadioKAOS managed to run multiple story lines with ease (I am so jealous!). It was a heavy Role Playing session. We have yet to discover our POWERS however. Things should get interesting. Cross seemed burned out and ready to crack. Having Nathan badger him did not help (Good RPing). The hulk seems nasty enough and Ferryman is creepy enough. A good sense of atmosphere and devastation. I am really curious how he plans to implement some of our Disadvantages though.




Very interesting so far.




P.S.: See Attachment Files for Player Characters in hdc. Format

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It's the End of the World as we Know it... [intro]


Episode I: It's the End of the World as we Know it...


[Purpose] Introduce the Characters and the campaign world.


[Location] Vancouver, present day in QM's 'Champions' world. Vancouver, 'the future' post apocalypse. Greece, 'the future' post apocalypse.


[Plot] The characters are living their lives when the apocalypse happens. They awake to a dangerous, devastated world. They are introduced to each other and some important NPCs. They set upon the road to find out why they have no 'powers' as all other survivors seem to have.


Cast of Characters:

• Eric Chambers - Comic Book Artist [Patrick/Pyre Archer]

• Nathan Oliver - Military Scientist [Ken/Amebushi]

• Leonid Roland - Paramedic, Scout Leader [Eddie/QuestionMan]

• Riastrah - 4 Armed Gaelic Berserker

• Sgt. Cross - Military Man, protector

• The Ferryman - The first Survivor, ghostly Grim Reaper type with unknowable intentions



Episode 1: It's the End of the World as we Know it...

[Thanks QM for posting your Journal here, saves me the trouble of typing out the whole adventure, I'll move to the highlights!]


A normal day in the lives of three unsuspecting people.


And then the world ends.


Leonid awakens to open sky in the mountains, both Eric and Nathan awake to rubble and debris piled so heavily on them that they can barely move. Eric and Nathan hear a vehicle coming their way, rolling over the debris they are covered with, causing extreme pain and injury. Riastrah is driving the makeshift tank, and he's looking for 'fresh meat' to sate his hunger for survivor flesh. Cross shows up to help Eris and Nathan, getting Nathan to turn the vehicle, and using it's main gun, shoot Riastrah with a substantial RKA and sending him flying.


The Ferryman appears to Leonid, who, in a state of shock, assumes he is the Grim Reaper come to take his soul. The Ferryman teleports Leonid out of the debris and they use the ley lines to travel to Cross and the other found survivors. The Ferryman watches as the others make their way to him. Leo sees the tank moving toward them, and then the hulk of a beast following the Tank - and gaining.


Cross is shooting back at Riastrah, but to little effect, as Eric and Nathan attempt to drive the makeshift Tank away from their pursuer. As they get closer to the Ferryman and Leo, Leo starts throwing chunks of concrete at Riastrah, hitting him squarely. Riastrah is enraged by this, and it clouds his judgement long enough for Cross and the others to get out of the now overturned Tank and get to the Ferryman.


The Ferryman uses his considerable powers to move them all to a safer place so they can assess the situation. Cross is confused as to why these newcomers didn't use their powers to help against Riastrah. They tell him why - they have no powers. Cross looks to the Ferryman and suggestes they take these survivors to see the Oracle. If anyone will be able to figure out what's going on with these newcomers, her will.


The Ferryman transports them to Greece. They are dropped in the water, Cross barks the order to go and they fall in behind him, the Ferryman gone from sight.



The Good:


I felt we had a good balance of spotlight on the three characters, and managed to segue rather well from character to character. The players stayed in character for the most part, and didn't fall into the 'well we all have to get along' trap, which was great for Roleplaying. Some really good moments already, and I hope that is the tone for the game.


Patrick seemed to come 'out of his shell' and into character more than I've seen from him, which was great.


Eddie's attempt to get his powers working was very funny and remniscent of Peter Parker's in Spiderman.


Ken's natural 3 on his PS:Scientist roll as he looked to see what the bright light of the Apocalypse could be... It was a beautiful moment in the game as his character realized with certainty that this was something that was not man made. It was not possible with the science he was aware of.


Riastrah had some really good moments as he sniffed out the survivors and as he chased the Tank. Fun to play a Berserker sometimes.


Cross had some good moments as he has reached his wits end with this situation. The war has been tough on him and to find survivors who have no way of defending themselves is unnerving to him. Good to play the experienced Sgt with too much to try to control.


The Ferryman had some good moments with Leo.


Set the scenes nicely back and forth, between the tensions of Nathan and Eric being discovered by Riastrah and the tension of Leo trying to communicate with the Ferryman.


The Bad:


I forgot to print out Riastrah, Cross and the Ferryman to reference to. Therefore I couldn't use them to the fullest of their abilities. I could have been more prepared.


The Ugly:


A couple of times we had gotten 'out of character' a little too much, it was dirupting to the story and gameplay. We all need to remember to give the spotlight when it is time, and take it when it is time.




A really good opening session, I think the players are getting a taste of what their characters are like, how they will act and react. 3 points all around for this short intro.

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Re: [Campaign] Apocalypse Champions


Well that pretty much sums up how it went down...but I am not sure if unnerving really justifies the feeling of a truly brilliant scientist with a military background who glance to the sky and with all assuredness says, "nope...absolutely nothing a human could make." Then waking up in a pile of rubble six months later. Although what would I expect at the end of the world? Perhaps a warm fuzzy feeling and a beer would be nice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: [Campaign] Apocalypse Champions


Tonight on "Apocalypse Champions" - Episode II: The Orcale of Delphi - When we last left our surivors they had just arrived on the Isle of Greece to consult the Oracle of Delphi. It lies on the slopes of Mount Parnassus.


I think that Eric Chambers the Comic Artist and Nathan Oliver the Scientist may need Superpowers just to get there. LOL



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Re: [Campaign] Apocalypse Champions


Apocalypse Champions - Episode II: The Oracle of Delphi


Cast of Characters:

• Eric Chambers (Prye Archer) – Comic Artist

• Nathan Oliver (Amebushi) – Scientist & Inventor

• Leonid Roland (TheQuestionMan) – Paramedic, Search & Rescue Technician, Ham Radio Operator, & Scout Leader

• James ? (Cluster) – School Teacher

• Cross (NPC): Former US Marine Sergeant with High Tech Assault Rifle

• Ferry Man (NPC): Teleporter/Gateways, Ability to create Mist, Bright Light and carries a Scythe.

• The Oracle (NPC): The Sybil of Delphi has a third eye and archaic appearance.

• Leech (NPC): A strange Adversary with invisibility and other strange and deadly powers.

• Stonehenge (NPC): A Giant Brick made of Stone.



Vancouver, Canada (to Itea Greece)

Itea, Greece (A small town once home to some 5,000+ souls)

Mount Parnassus, Greece (15km NE of Itea Bay to Delphi)

Delphi (573m/ 1880ft)


Journal Entry: Day 1, 200?/??/??, ????hrs, P.A. (Post-Apocalypse)


In the early morning light the beach and ruins look peaceful, but Sergeant Cross seems hyper alert and cautious. He warns us to move with stealth through the ruins of the small town. We managed to get part way through the town when Cross signals us to find cover. We are grateful for the rest as we are all tired. More tired than we should be.


“It’s here” whispers Cross as he scans the area with his rifle. “The Leech is here... I can feel him...”


We all look at him confused, concerned and questioningly. Is he paranoid? Is there real danger?


“The Leech is one of the survivors, he is invisible, and he preys on other survivors.” He clutches his rifle even tighter.


“If he moves we should be able to see him”


I signal to Cross. There is a lot of open ground ahead. I will run out as bait and draw it out. When it appears Cross can shoot it. I grab a handful of fine dirt/dust/sand and then leap from concealment and run for the open ground and the unknown safety of a building ahead.


I did not make it. A blow struck me, knocking me to the ground, and I felt my back burning in agony.


Cross cursed, fired a burst at where it had appeared, but it was gone.


Nathan meanwhile had constructed a crude weighted rope and stone. Moving in behind Cross to cover his back he swings his invention hoping it will hit the Leech if he gets to close. And Eric hurled what ever he could get his hands on hoping to randomly hit it.


Unfortunately for it got past Nathan’s defences and struck him in the face. Nathan cried out in agony as its acid touch burned him face.


Cross swore again and fired a hail of blasts at the Leech hitting it once, but not hard enough. I recovered and charged turned and charged back to join them, something hit me and I felt my breath catch in my throat, I broke out in a cold sweat, as terror hit me. I was not the only victim. Eric groaned, curled up into a ball, and was reduced to terrified child.


Nathan managed to get back into the fight and his mind analyzed the situation. He told Cross to create a lot of dust. He nodded and fired a burst into the hanging rubble sending up a cloud of dust that rained down upon them.


Seeing this I put my hand on Cross’ shoulder grabbed Eric, letting him know I was covering his back, with my other hand dragging Eric back towards the falling dust. Nathan brought up the rear.


The Leech appears behind Nathan, but Cross sees him first and fires a concentrated burst, hitting it and knocking it for a loop.


The sudden silence is deafening, broken when everyone releases a sign of relief. Nathan is badly burned and my back is not much better. Nathan takes out his anger on the still form of the Leech. He kicks it several times in the head for good measure before scientific curiosity takes over.


Cross starts checking the wounded and begins covering them with triangle bandaging. Surprisingly the pain recedes right away and we all are surprised to find out wounds healed. Cross advises us to leave the bandages on. I will certainly listen to that.


Now we have another problem. The Leech is alive, but unconscious. Cross tells us that the Leech is one of the survivors who prey upon other survivors. As we can see he does not communicate anything to anyone. He attacks like a hungry predator. There is no mercy in it and Cross knows that it has killed at least 10 others.

What are we going to do it?


“There is another problem too” Says Cross. “When a survivor dies the power does not dies, but is redistributed to other survivors.”


Eric look incredulous “What!? You mean like Highlander.”


Cross considers this and nods “Yeah that is as good of an analogy as any”


Nathan meanwhile is examining the body. There is an opening with cilia where the mouth should be, multiple tentacles for hands, and feet.


“Where does the acid come from?” he mutters. “Where are the bones?” He continues o examine it. “Fascinating”


We have a serious dilemma and moral issue. The Leech has killed others and there is no authority to turn him over to. If we try to take him prisoner we endanger ourselves and possibly create a problem if we are attacked by another survivor.


“I do not want to kill him.” Cross says and walks away and leaving the decision to us. Eric says “I am out too” and joins Cross.


Nathan and I look at each other. He looks oddly eager to examine the body and find out what makes it tick. “They never let us near one of these”


“It is not a lab rat Nathan.” I growl. “It is a living being, but it is also a killer. If we let it go it will kill again. We have to stop it once and for all.”


“But think about what we could learn from it!” Nathan argues passionately.


Tiredly I sling my backpack and retrieve my Survival Knife. “We can not leave it be hind and how much time do you think we have before another survivor comes after us and it wakes up?”


Nathan struggles for words.


“I accept responsibility for this.” I then turned grimly to the unconscious form of the Leech. I remembered what it did to us and that it had done this to others and drove my knife with all my anger through its eye and into the brain.


Then I gutted it like a dear. The flesh was hard and rubbery. Finally remembering that we regenerated I staked it. I managed to do this. Then I stood up and escorted Nathan away from his scientific curiosity.


They looked at me differently now with a mixture emotions. I clean my knife and then strap it to my belt.


Cross turns towards the mountain. “Let go Gentlemen” and moves tiredly off.

We traveled with care, moving stealthily, and using cover. Eric is the first to see the path up. Cross smiles grimly “It is a long climb, tiring, but easy climb Gentlemen. Any of you have experience climbing.”


I smile “Yeah, I guess you could say I have some experience.”


“Good then, you lead off”


We get to the bottom of the ascent. I turn to the others and give them a crash coarse in climbing.


“This is an easy climb Gentlemen. The walls are close enough that you can use them to brace. There are fissures in the rock you can place you fist in to anchor yourselves, and put your feet where I put mine and you hands where I do. Alright right... Let’s go.”


It was a long climb, but easy as free climbs go. Everybody made it ok. When I got to the top I peered over the edge to see the ruins of Delphi, but something was wrong. Admittedly it was an ancient ruin and we had just survived an apocalypse. Then it hit me. The destruction was recent. The broken stones where sharp and their colour not sun faded. I called down to Cross that there was something wrong and that he needed to come up. I explained what I had seen and he moved up.


That was a mistake. Nathan and Eric last their gripes and fell. Eric managed to save himself, but Nathan bounced back and forth before hitting the ground. He was alive, badly hurt, but alive.


Cross whisper a blue streak and then checked the scene above, He confirmed that something was wrong. I climbed out and then grabbed Eric and made sure he was safe. Cross went down, healed Nathan, and then they both climbed back to the top.


It was quiet save for the wind and our muffled heavy breathing. I was exhausted. Nathan was beginning to look like a mummy, but seemed fine. Finally we moved out and Cross began looking around.


“Stonehenge” Cross curses.




“He is the strongest of us. He was a mercenary based in Britain, but now hunts other survivors. This is his work. Damn it Oracle where are you?”


We searched the area. I found a building stone from across the street. It was covering a fissure. When I examined it I saw someone in it.


“Hello down there”


The legs moved.


“Help!” cried the voice. “Get me out of here”


“Right, my names Leo, I am a Search and Rescue Technician and I am here to help.”


I stood back and looked at the rock. I signalled the others that there was someone down there. Everybody gathered round and I dropped a chemical light tube to the victim.


“We will get you out soon, but we are short on tools. How did you get down there?”


“There was this huge frigging guy made of rock. He grabbed me and threw in here. Then he place the stone over it”


Cross shouts down “Where is the Oracle?”


“I do not know?”


The others begin looking for tools to move he huge stone. I try to move it and feel something.


“Hurry up!” shout James.


“We are working on it” grunting.


I do not know why but I keep thinking about what comic book characters say to power up. Like a martial artists shout or a war cry. This is silly, but...


“By the Power of Grey Skull” I whisper and throw myself at the stone trying to move it and it moves some.


Eric sees this and is stunned.


Cross sees Eric’s expression and asks “What?”


“Leo moved the stone” he says incredulously.


Cross looks at me “Did you?”


“Yeah I guess so. It felt kind of weird”


“What did you do?” Cross looks intently at me.


“Uhm... ah uhm ah it is kind of silly” blushing now.


“What?” they all insist.

I sigh and mutter “By the Power of Grey Skull”


Nathan and Eric collapse into gales of laughter.


James hearing their laughter calls up “What?”


Nathan can bare stand up now.


Finally embarrassed I turn back to the rock and give it everything I got.


The rock trembles, but does not move. Frustrated I get out my hatchet and reverse it. I whined up and hit it with everything I got. A huge chunk flies off and the hatchet head flies off in the other direction.


Right!... Fine!... Whatever!... I get a good grip on it. Set and Brace myself. Taking a deep breath and shout.




I lift the stone over my head and toss it aside quickly.


The others are stunned.


Cross looks mildly relieved, Eric is shaking his head disgusted, and Nathan goes silent.


James is still trapped in the pit though. I make a rope out of my day tent and we pull him out.



More Later



We exchange introductions and explanations all around.


James recounts his experience which sounds very similar to mine with the Ferryman.


The Oracle’s place contains frescos, a brazier, and an easel with charcoal. There is a hole in the ceiling


Cross asks if anyone is hungry and begins diner.


We talk, Eric is still angry. I suggest he draw something using the easel with charcoal.


Like what he snarls. Like the Oracle, James has seen him and maybe we can learn something?


James and Cross begin describing the Oracle. James talks about what happened and Eric kind of falls into a fudge state. He draws panels of images of Stonehenge and the Oracle.


It tells a story without words.


Stonehenge leaps great distances with the Oracle in his hands. He leaped in stages all the way back to Britain.


At which point Eric snaps out of it.


Cross mutters “That’s two”


I can not stay still and head outside. I am still angry about what happened with the Leech, but I still can not see a better way.


“I got to try something.”


I grabbed a baseball sized stone. Set, wined up, and threw shouting “SHAZAM!”


The Stone hit the pillar and shattered. Smiling I picked up a bigger stone and threw it shouting again


“POWER BALL!” this time bolder struck the pillar and blasted through it.


Thinking about it I tried to break stones with my hands




Rocks shattered. Not willing to stop now I thought about Stonehenge’s Leaps and tried a few of those.




My first jump covered 18meters and I had to tumble into a break fall roll. It worked.


We then started to discuss our theories about our POWERS!





Got attacked by the invisible Leech barely survived. After a heavy decision Leo kills "The Leech". We travelled to Delphi on Mount Parnassus. We learned more about the survivors and their powers. A good analogy was "the Quickening from Highlander".


We find another survivor in Delphi. James- a school teacher. The Oracle is gone, kidnapped by Stonehenge, and taken to Britain. Leo discovers some of his POWERS. Strength, Powerful Blows, Powerful throwing ability and Leaping (18 Meters). Eric seems to have the ability to draw the past, inclueding events he did not see. Only James and Nathan have neglected to manifest any powers.


At he end of the Game Session the Game Master asked the Players to Vote on who did the best Role Playing that session and would Award 1 Bonus Point for Role Playing. I Won [Mal]Huh!?[/Mal].


We goofed off a more this session, but even then it was on character. Leo kept on trying out Comic Book Character Words of Power to Activate his POWERS! (And it finally worked) ;)


"Etrigan's Rhyme"


"Green Lantern's Oath"


"He Man's Warcry"


Note I left out James' Introduction as Leo was not there.






P.S.: Check out the Attechment File for

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: [Campaign] Apocalypse Champions


Monday was...interesting; we found some airline food (coincidentally, on a downed aircraft), met another odd person who seems to be able to travel without moving (And I kick myself for not catching the Jamiroquai reference), a crazy lady named Rachel who insists that we've been tothe crash site before...


And I got a sword. A Katana, to be exact, with the ability to do lotsa damage to intangible things.


Highlight of the evening, not to toot my own horn, was me, doing a very bad impression of every angsty swordsman/samurai movie I could think of. And closing off with a truly depressing line.


When you get down to it, I can be a miserable offspring of a tick when I get inspired.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: [Campaign] Apocalypse Champions


Let's see...The good side of this weeks session would have to be that everyone has developed some powers, although this is greatly overshadowed byt he addition of "THE" James Bond to our party. That guy kicks butt. Just telling him to leave scared off the big lizard thing. Too bad he was asleep when he came back though. The bad side is rather obvious - Cross is now deceased. We no longer have a trained super to protect our sorry little butts. I had a lot of fun. Will admit some relief at discovering Nathan's basic powers...power aromour construction. Don't know how it works yet...sounds like fun to figure it out. Kudos to Craig for the setting it is a very nice change to develop a character as we go along...although a background is very helpful to establish motives and basic character, developing powers and learning them in game really adds to the apocalyptic feel. Lot's of goofing off this session but I still hold that it is a neccesary part of role-playing. see ya'll next week

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Re: [Campaign] Apocalypse Champions


radioKAOS's Post-Apocalypse Champions Campaign


Cast of Characters:

• Eric Chambers (Prye Archer) – Comic Artist

• Nathan Oliver (Amebushi) – Scientist & Inventor

• Leonid Roland (TheQuestionMan) – Paramedic, Search & Rescue Technician, Ham Radio Operator, & Scout Leader.

• James (Cluster) - Shape Shifter

• Jack (CrankyBuffalo) -

• ??? (NPC) - Junkman with Remote Viewing, Useful Junk, and a nasty stuff. Known to Cross.

• Cross (NPC) - Former US Marine Sergeant with High Tech Assault Rifle

• Reptile Man (NOC) - A Reptile Man with Claws, Leaping, and Armour Like Scales.


Journal Entry: Day 3, ????/??/??, 1814hrs, P.A. (Post-Apocalypse)

We stayed the night inside the wreckage of the downed airliner. In the morning we gather supplies and explored the airplane wreckage cocoons. Eric and Nathan opened one and discovered Jack. I foolishly ripped open a large one and was fiercly attacked by a Reptile Man.


Its claws ripped into my flesh. Everyone reacted fast,but it was faster still and tore up Eric. Nathan tried throwing things at it and Jack picked up Eric's fallen sword and attacked it. The Blade scraping off its armoured scales.


Cross fired burst at it and eventually hit it. Eric and I managed to recover enough to rejoin the fight when it leaped away.


It was not over as we would learn to our sorrow.


We debated what to do next and consulted the Junkman on where to find a Sailboat. He offered directions and we moved out. It was physically and mentally tiring. The shock of awakening to a world were everything we loved, everything we new, was gone. I am coming to the realization that the world itself in dying. No insects, no animals, nothing lives, but those Survivors and it seems that we are canabalizing our selves.


We make a mountain ridge near sunset and make camp. Cross has been awake for days and the stress and drain are dragging at him visibly. We manage to convince him to rest and we would wake him for his watch.


The night is unsettlingly quiet. The only sounds are the wind and the trees. I am shaken from my sleep by Jack. Cross has vanished. We wake everyone up and mount a search party. Armed as best we can and move out quickly.


An uneasy feeling makes the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. I find tracks goudge into the soil and then Cross's Gear.


Then it attacks, the Reptile rips me up and then attack the others. It is so fast and agile we can not hit it. Frightened and then angry I grab the tree it is pearched in and shake it like mad. Then something surprising happens. It loses its grip and is whip lashed high into the air and out over the edge of the cliff to be dashed against the rocks below. It looks dead.


In the morning light we search again for Cross and we find him. He is dead. His body has been eviscerated. we buried him. Redistributed his gear and moved out. The Oracle is our only chance, the sail boat is our best means of getting to England and rescuing him from Stonehenge.


Hopefully in the fullness of time we will discover our powers and learn how to use them.


Time is against us. I have not told the others my belief that the world is Dying. We may survive for a time, but eventually their will be no food, only starvation and a long and painful death.






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Re: [Campaign] Apocalypse Champions


Let's see...The good side of this weeks session would have to be that everyone has developed some powers' date=' although this is greatly overshadowed byt he addition of "THE" James Bond to our party. That guy kicks butt. Just telling him to leave scared off the big lizard thing. Too bad he was asleep when he came back though. The bad side is rather obvious - Cross is now deceased. We no longer have a trained super to protect our sorry little butts. I had a lot of fun. Will admit some relief at discovering Nathan's basic powers...power aromour construction. Don't know how it works yet...sounds like fun to figure it out. Kudos to Craig for the setting it is a very nice change to develop a character as we go along...although a background is very helpful to establish motives and basic character, developing powers and learning them in game really adds to the apocalyptic feel. Lot's of goofing off this session but I still hold that it is a neccesary part of role-playing. see ya'll next week[/quote']


lol, yeah, James got pretty lucky there... He's got 20Pre to begin with, and rolled really well. ;)

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Re: [Campaign] Apocalypse Champions


oops...I thought some of those martial arts moves you pulled off with the katana were part of your powerset. Perhaps I should reword things a little...We all found some way to make ourselves quite usefull.


PS He is not wearing vines at the moment, his armour is comprised of airplane wreckage and miscellaneous junk.:nya:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: [Campaign] Apocalypse Champions


Love the "post-apocalyptic supers" theme. The addition of classic creatures of myth is a really nice tweak on the world. That really intrigues me from a plot/world building POV.


The enthusiasm this group has for the game is cool. Sorry to hear Cross died... I like that world weary old hero bit.

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Re: [Campaign] Apocalypse Champions


Uhm... I was respectful and polite, but I ended up bleeding alot.


28 BODY Total... OUCH!!!




Yeah, an autofire HKA is a nasty thing against characters with little to no resistant Def.... even 2d6 Killing will put a damper on your day...


Those Snakes are nasty!!!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Re: [Campaign] Apocalypse Champions


Apocalypse Champions Campaign


Cast of Characters:

• Eric Chambers (Prye Archer) – Comic Artist

• Nathan Oliver (Amebushi) – Scientist & Inventor

• Leonid Roland (TheQuestionMan) – Paramedic, Search & Rescue Technician, Ham Radio Operator, & Scout Leader.

• Jack (EvanRobinson) - ??? Good with a sword.

• Jerad - The Junkman with a Thousand Leage Boots?

• Medusa -

• Pegasus - sprang from Medusa's neck shortly after Jack beheaded her.

• Chrysaor -sprang from Medusa's neck shortly after Jack beheaded her.

• April, A Scientist working with water in Tanzinia? Sonic Powers?

• Reptile Man - Small quick and lethal. Killed Cross.



• Medusa's Estate, on a hill over looking a city and the bay.




Journal Entry: Day 8, 200?/??/??, ????hrs, P.A. (Post-Apocalypse)


I awaken in agony, Medusa's snakes had ripped me to peices, but somehow I am still alive. Two statues lie broke over the form of Medusa and Jack beheads the body.


We are stunned when Pegasus sprang forth fron her severed neck. The winged horse looks around and then leave the entry hallway for the court yard.


Jack says "That was cool, but I think I am forgeting something important?"


Then Chrysaor, a giant with a large golden sword sprang forth and attacked.







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