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[Campaign] Apocalypse Champions


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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: [Campaign] Apocalypse Champions


Well it was great to have the gang somewhat whole again, and man, you guys are chewing up some serious bad guys. There was more body done [not to mention drained] in this episode than I think I've ever seen!

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Re: [Campaign] Apocalypse Champions


Apocalypse Champions:



Cast of Characters:

Eric Chambers (Prye Archer) Comic Artist and

Nathan Oliver (Amebushi) Scientist, Inventor, and Armourer

Leonid Roland (TheQuestionMan) Paramedic, Search & Rescue Technician, and Scout Leader.

Jack (EvanRobinson) - ??? Good with a sword.

Jerad - The Junkman with a Thousand Leage Boots?

April - Another Survivor. Formerly a Scientist working with water in Tanzinia? She possesses Siren like Powers.




Medusa - Beheaded by Jack



Pegasus - He sprang from Medusa's severed neck and fled. He returned later with April. Another Survivor and a Siren.



Chrysaor - He sprang from Medusa's neck. A giant with a golden sword.



Reptile Man - Killed by Jack.


Echidna - Giant Sea Serpent





Medusa's Greek Estate, on a hill over looking a city and the bay.



Halandri Police Station, Greece



Rion-Antirion Bridge



Halandri Greece




Journal Entry: Day 9, 200?/??/??, ????hrs, P.A. (Post-Apocalypse)

First there is darkness and then flashes of light. I hear the landslide roaring towards me and the screams of the kids. I hear a scream and suddenly I awake to a living nightmare. My breathing and pulse are racing.


I look around the cell I locked myself into for the night. Our fortifications and alarms seem undisturbed. I push myself up and change my cloths. It feels strange putting on Bicycle Armour and Weapons.


The others awaken in their own way. April is quiet and still looks to be in shock. The cold breakfast sits hard in my stomach. Nathan is obsessed with finding finding the source of power for Medusa's Estate. We return and search the estate, but we cannot remove anything from the estate and so abandon it.


Jack decided to acquire for a Bow and Arrows to use from Pegasus's and then goes scouting for a ship Jared says lies on the island. He finds immense bridge, but its spans are shattered. We finally catch up with our bicycles and trailers .


We start discussing the difficulty with crossing the broken spans and settle on using Jack and Pegasus air lift everything and everyone over. That is when Jared starts backing away and mumbling.


Jared says a sea monster was responsible for destroying the bridge. The way Jared tells us says seems to imply that he has more powers than we previously knew.


Jack and Pegasus's first trip over proves exciting. A huge sea serpent rises from the sea directly beneath them, immense jaws wide, and they barely avoid being swolled whole. Jack whispers is awe "Echidna"


We make a hasty retreat into the city and Jack and Pegasus try to lead her away, but she chases us into the city.


The others manage to lose her, but she pursues Eric and I (Leo) through the winding city streets. We split up and she chases after Eric.


Leo attack her tail from surprise twice for 24 BODY and 120 STUN


Eric strikes with his Katana Draining her life (BODY) away.


Jack shoots from Pegasus's back at Echidna eyes.


She feigns unconsciousness and lures us in. I arrive at her head and raise Chrysor's Golden Sword corroded by her blood and she attacks.


Her Grab misses, but her second attempt sending me sailing through the air and smashing through a cement wall. She then turns on Eric.


Eric, Jack, and Pegasus fight as if possessed. I recover enough to rejoin the fight, trying to coordinate with Jack, but fail. Our attacks however succeed and Echidna falls hard. Using the quickly dissolving Golden Sword I behead her.




More Later



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Re: [Campaign] Apocalypse Champions


Well it was great to have the gang somewhat whole again' date=' and man, you guys are chewing up some serious bad guys. There was more body done [not to mention drained'] in this episode than I think I've ever seen!


Yeah, it was definitely a personal best, as far as damage done gets. And the sea serpent chasing us on land...must have been quite a sight.


At least I got to use my Combat Piloting (Bicycle) skill...

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  • 5 months later...

Re: It's the End of the World as we Know it... [intro]


Episode : The Gods must be crazy...


[Purpose] Introduce the Greek Pantheon, Give the characters some XP, and have a good fight!


[Location] Mount Olympus.


[Plot] The characters wake the morning after defeating the dread sea monster in the police station's lock-up where they have found refuge.


Cast of Characters:

Eric Chambers - Comic Book Artist [Pyre Archer]

Nathan Oliver - Military Scientist [Amebushi]

Leonid Roland - Paramedic, Scout Leader [QuestionMan]

Jack Staecker -



The Gods must be Crazy

The characters wake and decide to collect their things from both sides of the water and make their way onward toward the boat that Jarrod had said was there. They see a stag standing in the street. This is the first living creature they have seen on the planet besides humanoids. It walks slowly to them and stops in front of them. As they look at it Jack realizes that mythologically speaking the stag accompanies Artemis the huntress. And so it does in the game as well - she walks out from the shadows asking if they are the creatures who killed the sea monster, the giant, and Medusa. Of course they are, so Artemis, by means of an arrow shot directly into the sky, signals a pick up... A chariot appears ridden by a perfect man with a large beard and long hair - Zeus. The characters are taken to Olympus where they meet Aphrodite, Ares, and Hermes on his way out. Nathan and Eric were awed by Aphrodite while Leo did his best to not look at her and Jack simply knew better. They were taken to Zeus' chamber where court is held and here they learned that The Oracle of Delphi was there at Olympus, and that the person who was captured by Stonehenge was actually Apollo. The biggest problem with that is that Olympians lose power the longer they are away from Greece, and in the 5 days since he was captured, Apollo will now be too weak to fight his way out of Stonehenge's clutches. They were asked about their adventures since they landed in Greece. As they recounted images of their exploits appear above them and the world around the temple goes hazy. [At this point I allowed them to spend the 15xp they had been saving] As they finish, Aphrodite speaks up "I will have them as my champions." And Ares retorts "then I will challenge them first."


With a wave of Zeus' hand, and a teleport into the arena, battle ensues! The characters did amazingly well against the god of war, Eric actually blocked Ares' first strike! The combined might of Pegasus and Leo [not to mention buying Teamwork with the 15pts] finally took Ares down to exactly 0 Stun in phase 12 of the first turn! Zeus stops the fight as Ares falls unconsious and they are all transported back to the temple where he rewards each character with a new ability!


Celebration is called for and the characters eat, drink and feel merry. Eric thinks to look around for the Oracle, who is there. She rewards him with some glimmer of knowledge, and points to Jarrod who is also there [somehow!]. The characters talk to Jarrod and then hit the sack.


The Good:


Heckuva fight with Ares! The group did exceedingly well and managed to keep the fight short.


Ken's natural 3 on his PS:Scientist roll as he looked to see what Zeus had given him [he wasn't there, I made the roll for him!] - This meteor is not natural, it isn't any type of rock I could be familiar with... lmao


Lots of humourous moments, including Zeus waving his hand and my telephone ringing at the same time ;)


The Bad:


Took us a bit to get back into character and no one had their old character sheets with them which had all of their equipment listed - not that big of a deal really.


The Ugly:


I was late due to not knowing if I could take a certain bus or not.



Pretty good. We weren't as 'into it' as previous sessions, but overall fun. 3 points all around.

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Re: [Campaign] Apocalypse Champions


Leo's Journal - "The Minority Report"


One of the few benefits to being a Survivor is the quick healing and lack of physiotherapy need after a fight. I did not dream last night. An unlooked for blessing I'd say.


We have breakfast and then settle on what to do next. We gather our gear at the bridge and from the other side when I hear the sound of hooves. I alert everyone to the presence of a four legged animal and we look around and find a deer looking at us. It walks closer and closer.


Paranoid I ready myself for battle. This is the first living thing we have seen. If it is alive then I may be a Survivor too with God knows what powers. Jack seems entranced and mentions that the deer is sacred to Artemis, the Greek Goddess of the Hunt.


That drives the paranoia even higher. Looking every where we finally see the timid form of a beautiful woman, armed with a bow and dressed is classical greek fashion. (My thoughts wander and I remember that he last 3 women we have met tried to kill us and a fourth just vanished.)


We warn Eric to be civil, but that seems a lost cause. Nathan is tounge tied, and Jack is in awe. (He is no longer reading history, but witnessing it.)


She asks if we are responsible for killing the monsters and we reluctantly own up to it.


"It was self defence" said I.


she asks a few more probing questions to which Eric responds with sarcastic remarks that mak Jack and I wince in anticipation. Then she asks about the Oracle of Delphi and our quest. When we tell her we learn that the Oracle was actually Apollo in disguise. Finally seeming satisfied she tells us we must go to Olympus.


I take out a map and plan our route, but Artemis has other plans. She fires and arrow into the sky which explodes. A short while late a chariot flies out of the blue, drawn by horses, and driven by a figure that could only be Zeus himself.


Jack is on his way to being permenantly stunned. The History Fan meets the Greek Gods. Fortunately Pegasus manages to get him to mount up and Nathan, Eric, and I step onto the chariot. The take off is so fast I transform into Yggdrasil form to hold on. We fly faster than in anything should be able to. Nathan is in scientific shock, but some how manages to rationalize everything we see and experience in a scientific terms. Eric and I both tell its magic. He disagrees and is about to argue when we arrive at Olympia.


Olympia, home of the Greek Gods. It is everything we could possibily imagine and more. Pegasus acts at home (Well because he is). While we all gawk! Artemis tells us that the Oracle is safely here is Olympia, but that Apollo, disguised as the Oracle was taken by Stonehenge to Britian.


The Olympians weaken and dies if away from Greece for to long. After five days Apollo will not have been able to free himself from Stonehenge. Other Gods have fallen Poseidon, Hephaestus, and Dionysus. Meanwhile the historian in Jack has gone bye bye, Nathan and Eric are reduced to love sick fools at the sight of Aphrodite. (And oblivious to Ares glare).


Zeus leads them to the Forum (I have to carry the two paralyze idiots who cannot take their eyes off Aphrodite and avoid looking at her at all.) where he tells them the rest of the story. While the Greek Pantheon is strong in Greece, they weaken and dies outside its borders. He asks that we tell our stories since arriving in Greece.


I manage to step foreword before Eric and give them a smmary of what happened to us upon our arrival and what happened before we met Artemis. During my story the ceiling manifests a myst and narrates our story.


Once complete Artemis steps foreword and offers us as her Champions! Ares objects. I try to offer an alliance, but he will not accept it. He challenges us and Zeus waves his hand and he appear in an arena.


Ares carries a spear. We try to talk our way out of it until finally frustrated by our three stooges routine attacks. Fortunately we were all ready. He lunges at Eric who manages to parry(Block), Jack, Pegasus, and I use some Teamwork to hit him and to our surprise hit him. Pegasus hit him so hard he flew back 11 meters.


Ares managed to recover and attacked again. Throwing his mighty spear and piercing Eric's guard and done he went. Nathan, Pegasus, and I all work together beautifully and all manage to miss!?!


Ares strikes me (Yggdrasil), stunning me and knocking me back six meters. Nathan and Pegasus both attack successfully, but to little effect.


The God of War leaps to the fallen Eric and recovers his spear. Closer now I gesture to Jack and Pegasus. Using Teamwork we attack again and this time all mamange to hit. Pushing for all we got when we connect. Leaping into the air shouting "SHAZAM!!!" and Ares is knocked ino the middle of next week and crashes to he floor of the arena unconcious.


We are quite frankly stunned ourselves. The arena fades from view and we are one again in he forum of Zues. The gods congratulate us on our victory and are much impressed. Zeus offers his blessing to our quest and places his palm on each of our foreheads. The Gods gift is not readily apparent, but each of us senses it.


Once healed they hold a banquet in our honor and an offer to transport us anywhere in Greece. It was a party to remember.




The mighty Aphrodite... Oh Boy?!?!




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Re: [Campaign] Apocalypse Champions


We warn Eric to be civil, but that seems a lost cause. QM


Hey, he's not supposed to be likeable, I keep telling ya! It has been a while for me, so apologies if I did stray out of character a bit too much. And for completely blanking on missile deflection. It's such a useful power, I should know it better.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: [Campaign] Apocalypse Champions


radioKAOS's Post-Apocalypse Champions Campaign


Cast of Characters:

• Eric Chambers (Prye Archer) – Comic Artist

• Nathan Oliver (Amebushi) – Scientist & Inventor

• Leonid Roland (TheQuestionMan) – Paramedic, Search & Rescue Technician, Ham Radio Operator, & Scout Leader.

• Jack (Evan) - ???

• Pegasus (Follower of Jack) - Greek Mythological Being


Journal Entry: Day 11, 2006/03/23, ????hrs P.A. (Post Apocalypse)

We awaken the next morning and go to meet with Zeus. He offers to transport us as far as Rome. So reluctantly we mount the chariot and race across the skies at unthinkable speeds. I activate my powers to hold on.


He drops us off near the Colosseum of Rome and requests we extend his greeting to his brother Jupiter. I try to convince them we should just move on, but they insist on visiting the Gods of Rome.


The ancient statues and building have be restored to glory, but the city is silent, but for the wind. We cautiously enter the Colosseum and are transfixed by the sight of a giant man of bronze apparently sleeping on the sands.


The rest of the Colosseum is restored and the Emperor's box is now a throne for a 100ft. giant. The fools try to sneak around and investigate and all I want to do is leave quickly.


The giant awakes and stands. His voice reverberates and echoes off the sky. He looks down down down upon us. "Who dare disturb my rest".


Eric speaks and I cringe when he insults it. A giant bronze hand descends upon him and he dives for cover. The Colossus's attack destroys a section of the Colosseum's floor. Again his voice booms out "I am Nero, Emperor of Rome and destroyer of the old Gods. What is your purpose here? Why have you come?"


Eric insults Nero again, but I manage to stop him. I explain our quest and our desire to travel to Britain and free the Oracle (Apollo) from Stonehenge. Nero's scorn is obvious "Stonehenge is the god of Britain and when I am ready I will destroy him. You bore me. You will fight in the Colosseum for me against my Gladiators for my amusement"


This time Eric mutters something profane, insulting, but quietly to Nathan.


Gladiators march out of the Coloseum and ritually salute Nero now seated upon his throne.


"We who are about to die salute you" Nero merely nods and says "Begin"


The Gladiators come at us on four sides in groups and we move to the center of the arena. Jack mounts Pegasus and flies above us and we wait.


The silence is unnerving and then finally they charge.


Jack shoots one with an arrow.


I (Leo) start a Haymaker.


Eric leaps to the attack and cuts one down.


Nathan waits in his armor for them to close.


Pegasus preforms a Move By on a group. (Ariel Trampling )


The Gladiators can only reach Eric and strike.



Then its my turn. I use my new power to grow and strike the first gladiator to reach me. He is knocked back into the Gladiator behind him and so on in domino effect. Four Gladiators knocked out and against the Coliseum's walls. Shouting for effect I shout "YGGDRASIL!!!" (Presence Attack)


Eric turns to Nathan "That's the last time I tease Leo."


The battle continues and the Gladiators hesitate before swarming us. Desperately I reach deep inside and within and PUSH my Growth even more. I smash those around me (Blue Chit to expand STR into AER, Sel) and knock them into those behind them and some on. Like an explosion Gladiators fly everywhere. (Note: Effectively 16 Gladiators knocked down and back. It was Glorious)


The remaining Gladiators them swarmed me and chopped me down to size (They effectively used numbers and coordinated attacks to put me at -148 Stun, but only -9 Body.) ;(


The battle was desperate and it's out come bleak, but in the end the HEROES WON!!! (Eventually when I wake up from GMO I will learn it too )






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Re: [Campaign] Apocalypse Champions


Those who are about to die, we salute you.


Amazing fight guys, QM and the blue luck chit made quick work of the majority of the Gladiators [who were no slouches and 32 men strong], Amebushi and his amazing armor took some deadly hits and kept on tickin', Pyre-Archer used his area effect HKA to stunning effect, and Evan [with Pegasus' help] made 'hit and run' the winning tactic of the day.


I can sincerely say I did not expect you to win. It was hard fought and you guys pulled through - a little worse for wear, some of you got hit pretty hard. Now, how to deal with the 32m tall Bronze giant whose Gladiators you just took down? ;)


Join us next time true believers for another amazing installment of Apocalypse Champions!

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Re: [Campaign] Apocalypse Champions


Forced to fight...well, yeah. But my character's...colourful estimation of the statue's personal hygene didn't help manners any.


Once we got going, we..., well, we got hammered, but I'd like to think we gave as good as we got. Except for QM, who managed to kick serious butt with the help of a blue luck token.


You had to be there. Even the GM was a tad gobsmacked:D


Anyway, prepping a few foul-mouthed quips for Nero v2.0

Pyre Archer.

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