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Rivalry Disadvantage in Star Hero


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Its my first post here so please don´t throw rocks on me ;)

For Star Hero I want to have an special rivalry for my smuggler. Another Smuggler. Rivalry is professional, rival is more powerful and seek to embarass or humiliate my character. Rival is aware of rivalry (10pts.)*g*

This rivalry should be a long one. Both of us were in the same pilot training and he was always better than my character, he dated the girls and alway makes fun of my char. Some stuff like that.


So my question is:

Are here more creative people like me, who got new or better ideas for this rivalry ?



Wulfi, this is the last sentence

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Re: Rivalry Disadvantage in Star Hero


Sounds like a perfectly good concept to me.


I can think of two options in running this. You could run this as a friendly rivalry. The PC and NPC are friends, and only compete when it comes to "business", but keep it fair and above board between them (no direct or indirect interference, no sabotage, etc). On the other hand, if it was a bitter rivalry, they could keep tipping off the authorities about the other's activities, bad-mouthing their rival to potential clients, committing piracy on the other, etc, etc. Each way has it's own challenge for the character.


And welcome to the boards!

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Re: Rivalry Disadvantage in Star Hero


Few notes.


Wulf, welcome to the boards! Glad to have you, always good to see a new face. Tag. Whichever. ;) In answer to your question.


Your concept is fine as-is; it's your character, and this is a classic rivalry. It's BETTER if you can get another PC to play the rival (I think it's worth extra points). I could sit (or Robyn could sit here, or Mantis, or Steve Long, or...) but by all means, do what you gotta do. Make it happen. :D

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Re: Rivalry Disadvantage in Star Hero


Thanks for the welcomes *g*


All PC already have complete characters, so the option with the "PC as the rival" is out :-(

I think it should be an bitter rivalry with bad-mouth stuff and kind like this.

I oversleep it today and post more tomorrow.



Wulfi, with every post one last sentence

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Re: Rivalry Disadvantage in Star Hero


Actually, I generally HATE inter-pc-rivalries. It's a way of getting more points for ussually disruptive play. It takes a lot of talent to really play such a rivalry that it is not a mayor hinderance in the adventure (bad) or just a cheap way of getting more points that never come into play.


But I generally think that HERO characters have a tendency to get loaded with many disads (not necessarily bad) that don't come into play (badbadbad!), especially in Champions. But even in heroic campaigns that is a problem if really played by the book:

So you have 6 pcs and every one of them has - let's say - a Hunted and a DNPC, each at 8-. So technically you have a chance too deal with 2 extra Hunteds and 2 DNPS that are in the story, and the only reason is because they hate the pc or are in trouble of their own. A gms nightmare, if you asked me.

Or you give out group hunteds. Cool. Now I get points for the baddies that are coming our way anyway because they belong to the story ("VIPER? Yeah. One of my 14- Hunteds. But we are fighting them anyway every second day of the week and twice on Sundays...").


I think it is better to start with more base points so that you could even build a decently powerful character if you don't take the max number of disads - I hate DF: Blond and handsome (5); Hunted. (Unknown) 8- [= no idea, but need points], and Psy Limit: Fearless (com/ mod) for wooping 10 points ("Yeah, I don't feel no fear, so I am looking cool in front of the ladies. But I am NOT stupidly overconfindet, so I don't run around with half DCV and rapid fire with an OCV of 4 - I'm just cool and 10 points richer").


Just my 2 €-cents.

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Re: Rivalry Disadvantage in Star Hero


The problem for my char is solved. I can spend 10 points and buy down the rivalry.

But I learned, that it is hard to find disadvatages for your character, if you have to and with some logic. I dont want to play a char with more psych. limitations that Freud would get a nervous breakdown...




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Re: Rivalry Disadvantage in Star Hero


I agree with Roter Baron about the ability of a rivalry to undo a gaming session. The best way to go and keep the disadvantage is to create the rival as an NPC to be played by the GM. It can give him or her some ammunition for plot twists in adventures by having them pop-up occasionally to wreak a little havok. I liked the rivalry in the first post--classic indeed.

If you want to add some spice to the rivalry you could have the rival, unbeknownst to your character, is actually jealous of your character. The rival has to be better and get the girls, because he or she doesn't have the friends and relationships on a deeper level that your character has with the other PCs. It would be something that the rival wouldn't want revealed and would go to great lengths to conceal for fear of tipping the rivalry's balance.

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