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Everything posted by CSgeekHero

  1. Re: We seem to be losing time... literally! This has some cool and interesting implications. It's just too bad the sensationalist article misses the point. These scientists said that they believe time is being replaced with space. That was the biggest revelation. If it is true then it shows that spacetime isn't a single item, but opposing types of energy. If we start with Einstein's E=mc^2 then rewrite the equation for converting energy into matter (m=E/c^2) then change it to S for space and t for time and come with the following two equations t=Sx^2 and S=t/x^2 where x^2 is some unknown factor then space can be turned back into time! What kind of cool time travel stories could you come up with using that idea? I said that the story was sensationalist because it ignores the fact that energy is neither created or destroyed just transferred and that a system seeks an equilibrium state. So, the universe may not end the way some think; it may just find an equilibrium between space and time and that means the universe would oscillate until it settles into equilibrium. Imagine a story where someone tries to take control of that flow!! I know. Wild ramblings from an overactive imagination, but I've got even more ideas. For one, if galaxies get pushed apart by the creation of space, you could convert space to time and draw your destination closer to you. It would be interesting to find out how all of that works with the combination of intense gravity wells like black holes.
  2. Re: STAR HERO Reading List I'd like to give a shout out to Fred Saberhagen's Berserker series. It's all about life in the galaxy attempting to defend itself against rogue, planet-sized, AI, killing machines that were activated many millenia ago to destroy all life of an ancient culture's opposition and now just try to destroy all life.
  3. Re: Who is sticking to 4th or 5th Ed HERO Thanks for the responses! I will add the core books as soon as finances allow it.
  4. Re: Dark Red Spot Found on Kuiper Belt Object Haumae Sauron wasn't destroyed. His eyeball just got sent spinning into deep space.
  5. Re: what gives your pulp its pep? I'll throw in another word. Unpretentious. Which would be the word the rumpled super-genious might use as he's informing the jut-jawwed hero how to act around the cannibal leader so they can escape with their heads and catch up with the evil Nazis that have taken the powerful mystic crystal/eye/stone/amulet and kidnapped the hero's girl.
  6. Re: Warp Drive article on the Discovery website Yeah, time paradoxes are a pain in the neck.
  7. Re: Glee! Outstanding .
  8. Re: My Superhero Universe Amazing. Just freaking amazing.
  9. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Thanks Theron and SSgt Baloo. Here's some rep fer ya.
  10. Re: Via Rebooted - 15 Years Later That campaign is full of coolness.
  11. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine How're you saving those pictures? Doing a save to file?
  12. Re: GURPS and Hero: Characters I tend to think of it as a top-down approach. You start at the top with a concept (what you want to do) then drill down creating and refining the build (how to make it do what you want it to do). GURPS tends to be here are the pieces; put them together.
  13. Re: Traveller Hero... an update from the authors I'm definitely looking forward to this book.
  14. Re: What If? Empire Wins Thanks
  15. Re: What If? Empire Wins I'll check 'em out.
  16. Re: Twilight 2007 Campaign. I like Gadodel's creative in timeline. The missile ranges and the invasion of Texas and Florida just feel plausible if you're trying to be Tom Clancy about things. However, with looser interpretations of the genre like 24, then you're on target.
  17. Re: What If? Empire Wins Luke and Darth rule the galaxy. They build three more Deathstars so that each one is available in one quarter of the galaxy. The rebels are almost broken and Leia is hunted by Luke--"Are father betrayed us and our mother. Together we can destroy him and bring peace and order to the galaxy!" Leia finds an old one armed hermit and he trains her, along with a few other young people who are strong with the Force, to be a Jedi. The hermit recounts the day when Anakin Skywalker betrayed the Jedi, cut off his arm, and allowed him to be nearly destroyed by the Emperor. Somehow, by the will of the Force, he survived. Jedi Leia along with Han, Chewie, the droids, and a few new knights put together a new rebellion to overthrow Emperor Darth Vader and his son, Darth Venom(Sorry, couldn't come up with any better name). You can guess who's the hermit.
  18. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Just finished watching season two of NCIS.
  19. Re: Star Trek Comedy Neither do I.
  20. Re: Nazi Robot Attrack Video Now, I wanna Mech!
  21. Re: Point Level for Spy Game I believe Von D-Man hit the target with the 125+75 level.
  22. Re: Top 10 Action Hero One-Liners There's nothing like a nice piece of Hickory. --Pale Rider
  23. Re: Top 10 Action Hero One-Liners All of a sudden it hit me...stampede. --Tremors Welcome to Earth. --ID4
  24. Re: Top 10 Action Hero One-Liners The Last Boyscout: "What would Joe do? He'd go in shoot everybody then smoke some cigarettes."
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