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PRE (or lack there of) question


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she stands (on her toes maybe) 4'10" and she wouldn't see 100lbs if she were soaking wet with a over-weight cat in her arms.

...and has no gift for persuasion.


i was thinking a 5 PRE.


she is very hard to impress. nigh impossible.


i was thinking +25 PRE, only useable for def (-1)


am i over looking anything important?

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Re: PRE (or lack there of) question




she stands (on her toes maybe) 4'10" and she wouldn't see 100lbs if she were soaking wet with a over-weight cat in her arms.

...and has no gift for persuasion.


i was thinking a 5 PRE.


she is very hard to impress. nigh impossible.


i was thinking +25 PRE, only useable for def (-1)


am i over looking anything important?

Not that I can see.


Just keep in mind that numerous other Skills besides Persuasion depend on PRE, such as Acting, Bureaucratics, Animal Handler, Disguise, etc. If you don't plan on using any of those you should be OK. Personally, I wouldn't sell it back down; I'd just stick with the base 10 PRE and buy +20 with the -1 Limitation.

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Re: PRE (or lack there of) question


PRE can also represent 'likeableness'. Is she likeable? If so then 5 is a bit low IMHO. If she isn't good at persuasion then don't buy the skill. Or buy extra PRE limited to not for PRE attacks or something like that.


As far as the defense goes it really depends on the range in your campaign. If 30 PRE is going to stop her being affected by PRE attacks,then that should do. If PRE is generally higher in your game then your defensive PRE needs to be higher.

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Re: PRE (or lack there of) question


she isn't very likable, but i was going for the "easily ignored" aspect of it.


not worried about her being bad at PRE based skills, just don't want her to be overly effected by them being used against her.

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Re: PRE (or lack there of) question


If she is really easily ignored, then how about Invisibility req PRE roll? But

yeah, if she has no charisma and no one likes her at all, then a low PRE (offensive anyway) is pretty justified.


The question though is why play someone that no one will listen to - not even PCs if they are roleplaying the stat.

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Re: PRE (or lack there of) question


Just because a person isn't impressive looking shouldn't mean that they can't have "presence" ! Take Adolph Hitler for example; a small man of no great atractiveness but' date=' when he spoke in public, people were mesmerised ![/quote']


Low COM, Low PRE, High Oratory Skill. Essentially - very true.

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Re: PRE (or lack there of) question


Low COM' date=' Low PRE, High Oratory Skill. Essentially - very true.[/quote']I would argue that Adolf Hitler in fact is the classic example of high PRE. Everyone who ever met the man, from his valet to heads of state, commented on Hitler's magnetism and the sheer force of his personality. He utterly dominated any room he entered. People literally worshipped the man, and that doesn't come simply from good speaking skills. His oratory abilities simply allowed him to apply that magnetism to larger audiences, which is why Oratory is (correctly) a PRE-based Skill in Hero.


Low COM, yes. But very high PRE and EGO. 25 or 30 for either or even both would not be out of line IMO.

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Re: PRE (or lack there of) question


Another thought about "presence" involves what you can do to enhance it. If a "presence attack" is used to make someone listen to or obey a character then it s effectiveness should be partly reliant on what the character using the atack has just done or said as well as how they look. For example "St Barbara" is(as I have described her before) 5ft2'' tall, blonde haired, blue eyed and beautifull (in a "girlish " sort of way. "Built like an Olympic gymnast" is a common description ). Now if a girl like that, even wearing a tight costume, comes up to a bunch of men who are escaping after a bank robbery AND she simply calls upon them to surrender what is their reaction likely to be ? Unless she has a reputation or they have seen her in action before they are like to laugh and perhaps even try to shoot her (if they are meanies !). So the bullets bounce off her (normally invisible) force field. That might impress them a bit BUT when she blows a hole in the pavement just in front of them with a multi coloured fireball, takes to the air and THEN asks them to surrender while obviously aiming her next atack straight at them they just MIGHT be more inclined to listen ! So a "presence" attack shouldn't rely entirely on the players "presence " stat, but on his or her actions immediatly before using the attack as well !

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