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My characters


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I don't play rpgs of any sort, but I "devour" lots of sourcebooks (Champions and others) in search of inspiration for creating my own Universe. I had plans to do a comic book, but unfortunately I still haven't found an artist here in Portugal interested in doing it :idjit:


So, I decided to start sharing some of my creations. They don't have any kind of stats only short bios and sometimes the description of their powers. I've used Heromachine and the in-game City of Heroes Character creator to "draw" some of them.


If anyone is interested in using the characters, please feel free to do it. Just let me know ;)


Here's the first character. A villain called Almighty Dollar




John Star was a terrorist, no doubt about it. But he saw himself as a crusader against the capitalist might of the US.. He was a “soldier” of Green Earth, a dangerous group of individuals raging from die-hard ecologists to anti-globalization protesters.


His life changed in one night – the night they decided to attack a research laboratory from the mighty GreyTech Corporation. Rumours said that the laboratory was more like a torture chamber, with live test subjects, both animals and human… Green Earth had to strike!


What they didn’t know was that the rumour had been spawned deep in the bowels of GreyTech security itself. They were sick and tired of Green Earth and decided it was time to get rid of them, once and for all. And that way, they could do a little test…


The Green Earth strike squad entered the building without a glitch, with John Star being in the lead. But when they reached the laboratories, they got the shock of their lives. The installation was empty of all personnel and material except for some 2 huge steel containers, filled with a swirling green fluid and with a big digital clock counting down.


The chemical blast caught the 10 members of the strike squad full on. The K1 mutagenic was still in raw form and killed 6 of them in mere second, just dissolving their bodies. But the other 4, John Star included, were transformed…


When the security detail from GreyTech emerged from their hideouts, they came across three hugely mutated bodies and an apparently unchanged human. John Star came about at the time he was being hauled into a GreyTech armoured ambulance.


He struggled with his captors and was astonished to see that he was now capable of destroying everything with a touch of his hands! Steel, plastic, and even human flesh would simply dissolve when he concentrated.


Escaping from his captors, John fled to Green Earth’s base, just in time to see it destroyed by a bomb, courtesy of GreyTech. Hunted by their security forces and by the Police, John then joined forces with even more radical anti-globalizations movements, going deep underground and vanishing from the public.


When he finally emerged, we had donned a costume and had adopted the name “Almighty Dollar” – in his opinion, the only thing that could match his power and destroy everything! Since then, he’s been striking multiple targets, attacking capitalism’s roots of power… corporations, banks, government buildings, etc…


Unknown to him, GreyTech has brainwashed his former partners in crime and sent them in his pursuit.

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Re: My characters


Cool character. Although I would question dubbing him a "villian" outright. In certain genres (cyperpunk' date=' for instance), he would be a "hero".[/quote']


In my mind, he considers himself a "hero", but his actions aren't those of one. He has no qualms about blowing up some lab, for instance, even if there are civilians nearby.


And here's another character, this time a Hero! American Spirit



The first time he appeared was during the War of Independence against Great Britain. Some legends say it was the soul of a young man killed by the British Red Coats that came back to fight against their tyranny.


After the war ended, the so-called “American Spirit” vanished without a trace, only reappearing during the Civil War, fighting for the Union against the South. It was a different man at least in appearance, but he’s fighting style and powers were the same – invulnerability, great strength and perfect aiming. The American Spirit always got his target…


After the War ended, the Government tried to track down the hero, but it couldn’t. There wasn’t a trace of him, but he had left a message to his commanding officers: “In times of need, I will return.”


During the First World War, there was an American Spirit fighting alongside the American troops in the bloody trenches of Europe. In World War Two, another American Spirit appeared to fight against the Axis forces, in both fronts – Europe and Pacific – joining forces with other heroes.

By now, the government had finally given up on its attempts to track down the hero. It appeared from nowhere and always tried to go to the place where the fighting was fiercest and where American lives were in danger.


During the Korean War, the American Spirit instilled respect even on the Chinese troops. He was a one-man army, always fighting until the last American on the battlefield was safe or the battle was won.


But during the Vietnam War, the hero didn’t make an appearance. Some say it was a sign that this patriot wasn’t happy with his country. But others say that wasn’t true. There were rumours that the American Spirit was fighting…but on American soil – against the Mob, the segregationists in the South and other internal enemies. And no one can forget that it was he who first fought against the “Super-Soldier” when the official super-hero of the US. Government went on his killing rampage, levelling half of San Francisco (in 1976).


Despite public pleas made by the Government, the American Spirit never appeared during the 80’. But in Gulf War I he was there and the country couldn’t be happier to have their icon back. During 9/11, he appeared again, this time to help in the rescue efforts… and for the second time in his “life” he made a declaration: “America is in peril and I’m here to help.”


Nowadays, American Spirit has seen action in Afghanistan, Iraq and other less know countries. How long will this help last, no one knows…





Sorry for the lack of pic. I've got lots of Heromachine portraits for him, but don't know where they are... I'll keep searching :nonp:

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Re: My characters


Cool character. Although I would question dubbing him a "villian" outright. In certain genres (cyperpunk' date=' for instance), he would be a "hero".[/quote']



I'm from Humboldt County in northern California. My father was a lumber mill worker for the Pacific Lumber Company. Trust me when I say, people belonging to these "Earth First" organizations are terrorists.


As for the Almighty Dollar, himself, he is a villain. He is just choosing to use his efforts against other villains, rather than heroes. Now, he may strike at the employees of these corporations, who are just average folks trying to do their job. Thus, that makes him most definately not a hero.

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Re: My characters


I'm from Humboldt County in northern California. My father was a lumber mill worker for the Pacific Lumber Company. Trust me when I say, people belonging to these "Earth First" organizations are terrorists.


As for the Almighty Dollar, himself, he is a villain. He is just choosing to use his efforts against other villains, rather than heroes. Now, he may strike at the employees of these corporations, who are just average folks trying to do their job. Thus, that makes him most definately not a hero.


I agree that in the real world, such organizations are indeed evil.


I was, however, referring to specific generes (such as cyperpunk) where things are slightly different. Generally in those generes, large corporations and governments (when there is a distinction between the two) are wholely evil and anyone working for them is loyal to the company, and, thus, are also generally evil except when plot dictates otherwise.


Any campaign that featured characters acting as the Almighty Dollar would be a decidedly dark campaign with lots of opportunity for intense role playing: i.e. - at what point in a war against a super-national organization with unchecked power does collateral damage in the form of innocent casualties become acceptable and at what scale?

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Re: My characters


Here's another character of mine. Hope you like it.




Little is know about the real origins of the being called “Starchild”. He presented himself to the public as a Human/Grey hybrid that had evolved to the “next level” and explained that all his mind powers came from his Grey heritage.



He even told everyone that his mother was famous abductee, Loren Cole but he steadily refused to do DNA tests to prove that claim.


He also refused to explain if it was true that he was responsible for the mind-wiping of about 15 civilians and USAF personnel that had been found roaming the Mojave Desert, after being sent to investigate an alleged UFO-crash…


Some fringe groups say that Starchild is the first of the alien invaders that will attack Earth in the near future. That he’s only paving the way for the acceptance of Grey rule over Humankind. Starchild as been victim of more than 23 terrorist attacks just in the last year.


Is true plan is still unknown…

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Re: My characters


I'm from Humboldt County in northern California. My father was a lumber mill worker for the Pacific Lumber Company. Trust me when I say' date=' people belonging to these "Earth First" organizations are terrorists.[/quote']


I'm kinda lefty in politics, and yeah Earth First are definitely terrorists. And they have like no members either, everyone else on the left disavowed any support for Earth First long ago.


Contrary to your quote, terrorism is the weapon of the stupid. Earth First is proof of that.

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