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A Universe to call my own


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Re: A Universe to call my own


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I am The Dark.

And I hunt.

And I wait.

I will have to hunt forever, but I will not have to wait for long.

- The Dark






A World of Heroes

They say that the phenomena began with World War II. That is an untruth, but the popular consensus. Super hero became a household word in the early forties with the forming of The Alliance, before that the idea was more a thing of urban myth than anything else. The Alliance, which included The Patriot, The Watchman, Arcana, Jack Frost, The ArcKnight, and Jonathon Sumner, were formed by the need to resist the Axis threat. All, with the exception of Sumner (whom was of African-American descent), were well respected and revered as icons of a free world.

After the defeat of the Axis forces The Alliance, having lost the true heart and soul of the team (Sumner), disbanded. The team met for one last grand adventure, eight years later, but that was their last outing as a team of heroes. Many rose to take their place, but in the reconstructive spirit of the fifties, they were nothing but pale comparisons to what had gone before. It was not until the sixties that the status quo changed.

The Patriot, a devout believer in equality amongst all races (some believe that this was a quality instilled in him from his time with Sumner) stood firmly behind Martin Luther King, Jr. in his passive resistance movement. Other heroes looked on in disgust of the changes occurring to America and the world at large. The Civil rights issue caused a chasm in the heroic community. The old guard liked the state of the world as it was and distrusted change.

At a peaceful demonstration in Washington, D.C., the forces of The Saviors of America (a well financed supremacist organization, which numbered several superhuman as well) attacked the protesters. The Patriot protected the gathering as well as he could, but it was clear that he was outnumbered and would soon fall. The battle continued for a time (time enough, some say, for many of the heroes of the city to appear and help counter this assault, but none came).

As the older generation would not heed the call to battle, it fell on the shoulders of the younger one. They were not found wanting. As the dust settled and the battle was won, two things became evident: first, the movement would not so easily die and secondly, the power and will of the youth of America had made the difference. This sent a powerful message to the rest of the world and from that battle a new team was formed, The Resistance.

The Resistance was led by The Patriot and was comprised of Fasttrack, Dogma, Mammoth, and The Mariner (the son of Sumner and Arcana). The Resistance took their cue from the movement and never tried to physically force their opinion on anyone. They were unpopular with the government, corporations, and the older generation in general. They were also the greatest team of heroes assembled to that date. They protected activists and bigots alike. They saved the world many times over and journeyed to the stars and beyond. By the 1970’s, they also disbanded, but not from some great tragedy. They had grown up together as only a family could and set out into the world to discover their own truths. The Patriot left America for a time, to see the world and discover the wonders that Sumner had told him of. He journeyed the world with The Mariner and many of their adventures are well documented.

The 1970’s led unremarkably into the 1980’s. Paranormal crime was on a downward spiral, as regular criminals became more prevalent. This led to a new breed of hero, a thinking man’s hero, who built good relations with the government and police in general.


By the mid-eighties everything changed. The Devourer made his first appearance. In a race against time, The Patriot rallied a force of heroes to oppose him and deliver the world from certain domination at his hands. The Devourer, a master tactician, had planned on this and captured the Patriot’s forces. He, then, mentally dominated them all, save for The Patriot and The Mariner. The time spent abroad had served the pair well and they had learned certain tricks of the mind to reinforce their will. They escaped and in a desperate attempt to stop The Devourer, plunged into a battle royale with him and his forces. The outcome of this would surely had been death, but for two factors, the arrivals of the New Watchman and the ultra-powerful Scion. The Watchman was able to take control of the machinery of The Devourer and free the imprisoned minds of the heroes, even as Scion could match him in raw power. The Devourer was able to escape, however, and plagues the Earth to this day.

The need for a global team of heroes became self evident in the months that followed and The Patriot was petitioned by the United Nations to form one. The Patriot agreed under two condi-tions: First, the team would be sanctioned by all United Nations members, but petitioned for favors or leniency from none. Second, that The Patriot be given free reign to pick the leader of the team as he had no intention of leading. He would work with the team as an advisor and then only part-time.

The members of the UN were shocked in horror at this announcement. The main strength of the plan centered on the leadership of The Patriot, as he was respected the world around. The Patriot answered the protest with the now famous ‘Speech of the Generations’-

“All my life has been in service of the people of the world. At first, I simply believed that meant the people of America. As I grew older I understood what was great about this country. It was not the mountains nor the sky that made this country great, but the people. The people of the world, who sought out this new land and forged a life out of those mountains and under those skies. It is the people of the world. I am named The Patriot, but many assume that my patriotism exists solely for America. That assumption was true once, but not now. I am a patriot of life.

You ask me to lead a new team of this generation. Look at me; I have not physically aged a year, since the time of my empowerment. I have served in two of the greatest teams that has every existed in this century. I even had the honor to lead one. I see the shake of several heads before me, but it is not an error on my part. I led The Resistance, but I served in The Alliance. It is Jonathon Sumner, who truly led that team. He led with passion and spirit as the world denied him, as the world did not mourn his death, so that we may live.

It was Jon, whom shaped an annoying little bigot into the man you see before you. He suffered more than any of you can imagine, not for glory, nor for wealth, but because he was strong enough to do that which needs to be done, no matter the consequences.

I am youthful and strong. I will never shirk my responsibilities. I will fight any terror and oppose any horror. I, however, will not lead this team.

Whether, I want it or not, I am considered one of the fathers of the superhero community. As my mentor, Jon, told me, I will tell you. Every generation needs someone from his or her generation to look to. Every father must respect his offspring’s choice of heroes and when the time comes, every father must let his offspring grow strong under their own power and rules. In the forties, Jon was my hero, in the sixties; I was the hero for many. This is the eighties; let this generation speak for themselves. As all good fathers should.”

The Patriot’s conditions were approved unanimously and The Peacekeepers were born.



The Patriot assembled a truly international team of heroes led by Die-Hard. The team exists to this day and occasionally changes member-ship. The current roster reads as follows: Die-Hard, Scion, The Watchman, Samuree, Meltdown, Hunter, and Chozen. Sovereign is an unofficial member, as he is an artificial intelligence that inhabits and controls The Peacekeepers orbital headquarters. The Patriot is still employed as team advisor. They are often referred to as ‘The Legacy of Sumner’. They are without a doubt the world’s ultimate defense and greatest triumph. They are, indeed, the heroes all others look to.


The World at a Glance



The Earth is the mother of secrets and won-ders. Cross the galaxy, explore the universe, and you will be hard pressed to find another world that comes close to the majesty of the Earth. Only on the Earth can magic be so prevalent and still coexist besides technology. Earth plays host to many various lifeforms, all indigenous. The Earth is a lover and a destroyer, a mystery and the truth. Most of all Earth is home.


The United States of America:

No country has such potential for greatness or disaster. They are a nuclear power, with the ability to obliterate the world several times over. America leads the field in science governing weaponry. They are a technological wonder with an economy and standard of living that puts most others to shame. In short, the average American is lazy, decadent, and takes too much for granted.

The average citizen knows nothing of the numerous secret wars fought throughout the world or the many secret bases, who’s sole purpose is to decipher the ancient technologies excavated from various venerable sites that outstrips their own by many centuries, located around the country.

Mysticism is also abundant in this country. Not so readily believed in as it was many decades pass, but there nonetheless. Whole civilizations lie in hiding that none but a few know about. One such place is The Lost Valley, a place of ancient Native American mysticism, which is inhabited by The Lost Tribes for the better part of two centuries.

America holds many secrets of magic and technology.



Few countries hold as much devastating mystical secrets as Canada. Somewhere in its wilderness and tundra lies The Cairn of Power, a place of great magical energy and malevolent evil. Its location has been lost for millennia, but people still search for it. The abundant mystical energy natural to Canada causes all manner of creature, alive and undead, to call the country home.



Mexico was a country in ruin. Economy destroyed, natives fleeing for the promise of a new land. Mexico was a country on the way out. Was.

Mexico is now on an upswing. The peso is fast approaching the dollar and in ten year’s time they will have to start worrying about an illegal alien’s problem. The cause of the revival of Mexico is one man, Eduardo Guillermo Ramirez. He is a man of singular vision, more respected than the president of Mexico. His corporation, World Ventures, revolutionised the field in medical research, prosthesis enhance-ments, genetic engineering, computer tech-nology, and bionic augmentation (still experi-mental stage, but indications of a serious breakthrough in the next decade.) Ramirez has also opened a new corporation, Jumpstart Consolidated, whose sole purpose is to help start up Latino run businesses and boost Mexico’s economy. The company has existed for the last five years and have helped several hundred businesses start and find a market for their products.


Central and South America:

Only one word can describe the country of Central America: unstable. Central America has long been the testing ground of various and sundry organisation’s weaponry. Weapons of mass destruction used on the people of the country while a corrupt government turns a blind eye. Riots and uprisings are common place. Rumour has it that a paramilitary force, The Sons of Death, holds The United States of America wholly to blame for these conditions. Reprisals and terrorist actions is just a matter of time.

South America is a place of mystery and often death. Rumours of death cults become more abundant each passing year. A general belief is that The Reaper was raised amongst one of those cults in the South American jungle. Another common belief is that somewhere in the Amazon rain forest exists, a civilisation of Man-beasts and warrior women that live in harmony, protecting the land and safeguarding The Pledge of Man.




This undersea nation is very xenophobic in its relation to the world. The birthplace of Arcana and The Mariner, Atlantis has also spawned its share of would be world conquerors such as The Ocean Master, Entropy, and The Magus, just to name a few. Atlantis is also the world’s largest magic wielding community. Secrets of power and long forgotten arts can be found on its Paths of Infinite Wisdom. Trade and negotiations with this nation is very limited. Alanteans are very suspicious of foreigners and are openly hostile and contemptuous to anyone violating their borders. The City of Atlantis is reputed to be one of the great wonders of the world and grown men .

have been known to weep openly when trying to put into words the majestic beauty of it all.



The United Kingdom:

The United States of America has its deepest roots in England. So it is understandable that as a good father, England has allowed America to surpass it in mystery and conspiracies, if only by a small percentage. Many unexplainable pheno-mena occur in England, Scotland, and Ireland combined to justify funding for an organization to catalogue and report on these bizarre happenings. This organization is called The Questors.

The scientific community is quite large and well financed. England has just engaged in a bitter rivalry with America’s space program. The colonization of the stars does not seem far off. Leading the way is Daedelos Enterprises, owned by Lazarus Dane. Dane is a well-known figure in England and is believed by many to be The Bishop, the Underworld criminal mastermind and patron of The Harlequin, the sadistic serial killer.





Since the combining of the east and west, rumors have persisted of the rise of a man known as Die Vater. He preaches of the rise of The Superman and perverts Nietzsche’s key work, “Thus Spoke Zarathustra”, much in the same manner as The Third Reich. Die Vater is believed to be behind the rise of The Untouched, a right wing extremist group that is rising in power, on the streets and in the political arena.

The Black Forest has been the site of many strange happenings in the last thirty years. Reportedly, a woman has taken up residence in the forest. She has appeared to help those in trouble and to counsel those in mortal danger. She asks only one boon from those that she helps: to find a specific person that she requests, no matter the distance, and to ask them to come to her forest for information that could save their lives. There is not any discernible pattern as to who is called to the Black Forest or information regarding to the basis of her abilities. She is referred to as The Forest Mistress.




Russia is a shadow of its former self. After the loss of The Cold War the great powers of The Soviet Union were destroyed. Or were they? Many secrets, weaponry, and personnel have gone missing. A few secret agents and super soldiers have decamped into the private sector, selling their services to the highest bidder, but a surprisingly high number of former agents have been left unaccounted for.

The WereNation has begun to make their pre-sence known as they continue their search for The Valadaine, the reincarnation of their first leader and messiah.




The technological leader of the world, Japan is a confusing mix of Old World honor and cus-toms with the decadent spirit of the 21st century. Anything can be bought or sold here, for the right price. Japan is only second to the United States in its technology regarding weaponry and to Mexico, in large part because of World Ven-tures, in medicinal research. This is a trend that they are working hard to rectify.

Japan is also home to The Black Mist, an assassin organization of no small fame. They are considered some of the most renowned killers in the known world. Their leader is a young woman by the name of Nabiki. What her exact cap-abilities are, no one knows for sure. What is known, is that even The Devourer treats her with the utmost respect and deference. That in and of itself speaks more of the type of power that she commands than almost anything in the world does.



So ends the tour of some of the notable places of the Earth. It is a planet full of mystery, deceit, magic, wild technology, and would be world dominators.

Most important of all, though, it is a world full of heroes as well. They maintain the balance of power and set right that which has gone wrong. Heroes fight the injustice of the world, whenever and wherever it appears. Some heroes may fly and shoot mighty bolts of energy from their fingertips, while others will have nothing more than their wits and fists. This is a world of heroes of all shapes and sizes.

The Earth is a better place because of them.










“Imagination is more important than know-ledge”

-Albert Einstein


Ever changing, ever expanding, technology is a part of everyone’s life whether they realize it or not. The rules of science, supposedly irrefutable in its ability to define our place in the universe are forever in flux, changing here and there. What is learned today is disregarded tomorrow and so the world turns.

The first thing to understand is that beyond hypothesis, onto reality, there are four grades of technological levels (five if one is to figure the science of extra-sensory perception and all that it encompasses, but for this writing that particular science will be disregarded). The four grades, from lowest to highest, are Delta, Gamma, Beta, and Alpha.

Delta grade technology is the lowest and most readily available. This is the province of Sony CD walkmans, microwaves, televisions, and almost all personal computer systems. Essentially anything that one could find at the corner Radio Shack is considered low class technology.



Gamma grade technology is slightly harder to come by than Delta, although some Delta grade goods can be modified to Gamma. Most nuclear weaponry, governmental security sys-tems, global tracking systems, and mid-grade spy satellites are prime examples of Gamma grade technology.

Beta grade technology is what most of the civilized populace of the planet would consider cutting edge, some would even go so far as to call it the province of science fiction. Full configuration bionics, androids, artificial intelli-gence programs, faster than light space travel, trans-dimensional relocation devices, cold fusion, and personal force field generators are just a small sampling of Beta grade technology. Some Gamma grade items can be raised to Beta grade with modifications.

Alpha grade technology is so beyond the scope of the everyday, that is has become viewed as mythical. Alpha grade technology is such that only the low end of it can be described. The human language does not have enough letters in its alphabet to clearly define or understand the working of high-end Alpha grade technology. Liquid music, knowledge plagues, planetary sculpting engines, and reality convergence matrixes are but, a small sampling of this technology. Only a handful of individuals on Earth understand the true scope of Alpha technology. For this precious few, the boundaries of what is known and what is unknown is paper-thin. Only the truly gifted can modify Beta grade equipment into Alpha.


The Westwild:

The Westwild is the connection of com-puters that form the Internet and the myriad of systems that are affected by this association. The Artful Dodger supposedly, coined the term in a letter to The Secret Service of the United States after they had followed another disastrous lead to his whereabouts. In the letter, he declared himself and others like him as console cowboys (an apparent sign of praise to the work of William Gibson) and that the Internet and all it encompasses as their Westwild.

The four primary ways of entering The Westwild are doing the slow dance, by wire, by hardwire, and blitzkrieg.

Doing the slow dance is the term used for the mundane interaction between humans and the keyboards of all computer systems. It is the slowest way to navigate The Westwild and the least dangerous.

By wire is referring to the use of sophis-ticated equipment to allow oneself to simulate the feel of being inside of the computer. The machinery reacts from the electrodes attached to the participant and totally disregards the use of the keyboard, altogether. The information that one seeks is extracted faster and allows the user to bypass most mundane security systems and passwords like they were nonexistent. It, also, allows for higher interaction between other users. The downside is the psychological addiction that results from this particular diversion.

By hardwire is the incorporation of mech-anical parts within your cerebral cortex for the express use of accessing The Westwild. The gear is configured to the recipient’s nervous system and upper brain functions, which allows for increased speed, creating impromptu programs, and convenience of use. This is also highly illegal for anyone beyond certain government officials. The chance for addiction is also in-creased by a factor of ten.

Blitzkrieg is the term used for those with the ability to enter The Westwild under their own power without mechanical aid. These figures are viewed with a sense of awe from the majority of console cowboys. They are generally faster and more powerful than the most gifted of the console cowboy set.



Trans-Dimensional Relocation Devices:


Tran-Dimensional Relocation Devices or TDRD’s are the creation of Atomi Industries located in Kyoto, Japan. Or more to the point the first to patent the design. TDRD’s are tele-portation devices. The distance that they are capable of traversing is variable depending on the relative distance and the energy consumption of the model. It is known that the farther the distance traveled the less energy that is actually expended. This is because of the basic design of the system that allows it to be safely used by human beings. As matter is reconfigured and then relocated, the interactions of the cells produce an astonishing amount of energy. This energy could not be safely relocated with the original cells, for the resulting explosion would destroy the item or person being teleported.

What Dr. Kobe Endo, of the Atomi Industries research team, was able to do was to bleed off the excess energy being expended by the object of relocation and then reconvert that into energy to power the system itself. Dr. Endo was so sure of her findings that on November 8, 1994 she was the first living subject to test the prototype. In essence, if one was to transport to another TDRD halfway across the world the expenditure of energy would be minimal, but to go across the street would cost hundred of thousands of dollars.

It goes without saying that TDRD’s are not the only means of teleportation available in the world, but the most commonly known. Other agencies and alien lifeforms have displayed superior intelligence in this science and have alteration on the central design to allow for pinpoint targeting without any receiving area.

It has also been theorized that, if one could modify the TDRD’s to a different vibrational frequency it could pierce The Dimensional Membrane.


The Janus Project:



It did not begin with sheep. The ground-work for cloning was well underway by the mid 1950’s. The Janus Project is the name allocated to the clandestine United States government operation, headed by Philip Jeffers. The initial purpose of this project was to find a way to make the perfect being from the amalgamation of different genetic archetypes. Cloning was the first stumbling block that needed to be over-come. After the necessary and somewhat tedious task of mapping deoxyribonucleic acid for ten years, the Janus Project’s Head Genengineer, Gabrielle Kaufman set about cloning his first subject, his daughter. Kaufman’s daughter, Annabelle, had died in a car crash some two years before the end of the actual DNA mapping had been completed. The cell cultures that he had acquired from his daughter prior to her death were the groundwork for the first cloning pro-cess.

After many false starts and agonizing failures, Kaufman was able to successfully clone his daughter. Kaufman was ecstatic about his accomplishment, but Jeffers was less than pleased. Jeffers had promised many high placed officials in Washington a legion of supermen and all he had was an embryo of some young girl growing in a bottle. Undaunted, Jeffers ordered the rest of the Janus staff to alter the clones DNA along the lines of his vision. Kaufman, outraged by this breach of trust and etiquette, acquired his daughter and fled into the night. Kaufman could not destroy all of his records before his flight, but he still was able to set back the project by several years.

The Janus Project is now going strong and has a lucrative contract with the government for supplying spies and assassins. Kaufman and his daughter were never apprehended.



The Tempus Theory:


Outside of popular fiction time travel is not considered an actual possibility. This has not deterred many noted scientists from creating theories, however. The most radical and in-teresting theory is the Tempus Theory. The true origin of this theory is more comical in nature, than anything else.

The theory was proposed by Everett Thomas, a then failing student at Camden University in Delaware. Thomas, on the spot from a line of questioning from his professor, Elizabeth Biehl, on the popularity of the com-mon theories concerning time paradoxes and the common man’s perception of the possibility of time displacement, said that he believed that in fact all the possibilities were correct. He further went on to state that as time is a concept that is unfathomable by the human mind then if some-one had indeed traveled in time and changed the world how would we know? Biehl, intrigued by this unprecedented line of thought from this lackluster student, assigned Thomas an extra credit program to work on incorporating all the known theories of time travel and why they are all correct. What spawned out of that side project is now called The Tempus Theory.

Plainly speaking, the world is made of unlimited possibilities. If we can not fly today, we might be able to do so tomorrow. If this is a preposterous notion, then ask the Wright bro-thers about the validity of that statement. Thomas theorized that one could only achieve that which is really sought after. Time travel relies on probability and the manipulation of it. If one could grasp that concept, then, the route one takes to the goal is superfluous. It is by the manipulation of probabilities that one could truly time travel, after that the method one does it in is meaningless, because the goal is the same. You have traveled in time.


He further went on to theorize that each moment in time is separate from the other and exists in its own universe, where it spawns its own history. You are not the same person this moment to the next; in fact you are not the same thousands of people this moment to the next. The universe divides and follows different paths faster than the human mind could fathom, creating whole universes and time periods. As a popular theory tells you that you can not exist at the same time as yourself it is correct and incorrect. As you are not the same individual as you were a minute ago, one could feasible exist aside one of the divergent personalities. As for altering time itself, Thomas likened the Time Stream to a river. If one was to throw a pebble into a riverbed then, one would see a ripple but then the river would reassert itself. One would have to throw a lot of pebbles into a river to make a difference in its flow.




The supernatural:


Magic is not another form of science. That is an important concept to understand and comprehend. At its bare essence science is the interpretation of man’s desires and wants. Magic is those desires given life.


The Primal Source:

The energy that one calls upon to wield magic forces is referred to as The Primal Source. The Earth teems with it along Ley Lines and in living beings. What is known about The Primal Source is that it does not originate from earth but another plane altogether. Why it gravitates to earth and follows certain paths is still a mystery. All, living, creatures on the planet also act as conduit to this power; they seem to actually store it. Those who learn the significance of the energy that they contain are forever changed some for the better, most for the worse.

The road to becoming a wielder of The Primal Source, or a magus, is a hard one. Only one person in 5 million can truly grasp the knowledge necessary to become a magus, of that number only 3/4th can actually master the dis-cipline necessary not to descend into madness.

This percentage is a generalization. Some areas, such as Canada and Atlantis for example, have been known to produce beings more conducive to The Primal Source. As of this date the Nation of Atlantis leads the world in pure concentration of magus per population (an unprecedented ratio of one magus in a million.)



The Segue:

The unseen lines of power that crisscross the earth are called Ley lines and when the lines overlap this is referred to as a nexus point or simply a nexus. The nexus point can on occasion flare to life and allow for entrance to this plane or as an exit from it. The Segue is the term used for a nexus point that has been permanently opened and realigned to open onto a set amount of planes, some can even breach time.

The Segue are, actually, pocket dimensions located at the mouth of a nexus point and is home of a Consul, a being transformed at the very creation of The Segue to oversee its activity and to protect the world from mass invasions from other dimensional planes. Each Consul works independently of the rest and their personalities vary greatly. There are 7 entrances to The Segue in the world. The locations and Consuls are as follows: Los Angeles, California (Joshua); Lima, Peru (Mauro); Tallinn, Estonia (Pekka); Algiers, Algeria (Rawa); Vientiane, Laos (Supaporn); Canberra, Australia (Kent); Vinvon Massif, Antarctica (Elzbieta).



The Heir of Gray Smoke:

At one point in time there was a Magus unlike any other. His name was Aldarai and he was the Hegemon Magus of the magi. Alderai was the ultimate magus of his time and protector of the earthly plane. At the time of his death, after the sealing of The Cairn of Power, Alderai pro-phesized that the seals of the cairn would not hold and that only his heir would be able to seal the cairn for all eternity. At the time of the prophecy Alderai had no such apprentice and many magi hurried to his Tower of Gray Smoke to appropriate his reservoir of mystical know-ledge, but the tower was nowhere to be seen. It is widely believed that the tower will only appear once the Heir has been established. This was over four thousand years ago and no heir has yet to manifest.

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