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Parasite-Host Power help???

VR Dragon

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Got a star hero game in the works and a player has an idea for an alien.


It's a plant like organism like the snake thing from Stargate.


Basicly I need some advice on how this would work in game mechanics language.


The organism can transfer to anther host if it's current host is no longer viable. Or if it wants to it can transfer to a host when it finds a better one.


Things to keep in mind.


Transfering to anther host is very stressful to the organism. It takes the organism 1 month to recover before it can do anther transfer.


When taking a host the organism can either take over the host. Doing this destories the new host's mind and leaves only parts of the brain needed to continue life fuctions of the body.


The Organism has limited mobility. It uses a stinger vine that shoots out of a limb from its current host to sting the soon to be new host. This injects a powerfulneurotoxin into the victem that causes paralysis of the movement systems.


Once the new host can't move the organism removes itself from the old host ( Read: Rips itself from the host along the spine area of the back. Old host body dies most likely. ) and moves into position on the new host and enters in through the back and takes over the nervous system.



So with that in mind how do I make this? I am doing it in a 150 point game. I know this is a star hero topic, but I felt it would be better answered here. Power build questions seem to be answered here faster.



Thanks for any help.

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Re: Parasite-Host Power help???


Parasite buys hosts as followers, has a Transform: Free Person to Follower usable once per month, Side Effect Only Affects Environment: Kills current follower. Each new follower must be purchased separately.




Parasite has Multiform with many limits, and a Transform to turn Target into Host.

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Re: Parasite-Host Power help???


thanks for the info so far, might anyone else have something to throw in? Or is this the only options?


here is what I have so far,



Major Transform 4d6 (Person into Host) (60 Active Points); 1 Charge which Recovers every 1 Month (-3), No Range (Target must be in phsyical contact.; -1/2), Limited Target ([slightly Limited]; Only Organic Lifeforms.; -1/4)


Any ideas on the posion sting attack?

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Re: Parasite-Host Power help???


thanks for the info so far, might anyone else have something to throw in? Or is this the only options?


here is what I have so far,



Major Transform 4d6 (Person into Host) (60 Active Points); 1 Charge which Recovers every 1 Month (-3), No Range (Target must be in phsyical contact.; -1/2), Limited Target ([slightly Limited]; Only Organic Lifeforms.; -1/4)


Any ideas on the posion sting attack?


On average, that's only going to do 14 BODY. He's generally not going to be able to transform anyone with more than 7 BODY, which rules out most healthy adults. If you want it as an all-or-nothing attack, you might go up to 7d6 and add the All or Nothing limitation.


The Paralysis is probably a simple NND (SFX: Target is paralyzed but not unconscious) or a big Drain SPD.

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Re: Parasite-Host Power help???


So should I up the the transform damage? Keeping in mind that this is a normal human level game with 150 characters. The target host has to be armorless so the parasite can attach to the spinal cord and go subdermal.

How whould I go about making this a prolong take over? instead of taking 1 phase orwhater to complete it will take several minutes possibly? what do I need to change to make the above correct? :help: do?

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Re: Parasite-Host Power help???


So should I up the the transform damage? Keeping in mind that this is a normal human level game with 150 characters. The target host has to be armorless so the parasite can attach to the spinal cord and go subdermal.

How whould I go about making this a prolong take over? instead of taking 1 phase orwhater to complete it will take several minutes possibly? what do I need to change to make the above correct? :help: do?


To transform a character, you must do 2xBody. In a 150 point campaign, Normals will probably have 8 BODY, PCs will probably start at 10. You'll need to roll 16+ BODY to transform a normal, 20+ to transform a PC.


For the Armorless effect, you might take a limit on the Transform of -1/4, or make it an NND stopped by Armor (which means it would bypass Power Def).


To make it a prolonged take over only useable once per month, add the Gradual Effect limit.


Something like this:


73 Parasite Syndrome: (Total: 370 Active Cost, 73 Real Cost) Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1 point (½d6 w/STR) (Real Cost: 5) plus Drain SPD 14d6 (standard effect: 42 points), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per 20 Minutes; +¾) (245 Active Points); 1 Charge which Recovers every 1 Month (-3), Bite must do BODY Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-½), Linked (Bite; -¼) (Real Cost: 51) plus Major Transform 8d6 (standard effect: 24 points) (Target into Host Body) (120 Active Points); 1 Charge which Recovers every 1 Month (-3), Gradual Effect (20 Minutes; -1), No Range (-½), All Or Nothing (-½), Bite must do body Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-½), Limited Target (Biologicals that can be used as hosts; -¼), Linked (Bite; -¼) (Real Cost: 17)

Notes: Injects venom through soft tissues to slowly change target into host body. Host body is paralyzed during change and for some time afterwards. Most people are completely helpless against this venom, but a few exceptional individuals have survived. A very small percentage of targets may regain mobility before the transformation is complete, and may gain their freedom by tearing away the parasite. The parasite is unable to bite through most armor.


You'd still need a Multiform VPP to take on the new host's combined form, as Transform is specificly prohibitted from being used as a cheap version of Multiform.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Parasite-Host Power help???


This should do it. If you need more, up the points.

Cost Powers END

84 Parasitical Possession: Variable Power Pool (Multiform Pool), 70 base + 14 control cost, (105 Active Points); Limited Class Of Powers Available Very Limited (Multiform Only; -1), VPP Powers Can Be Changed Only In Given Circumstance (Must have a prepared host, only to assume form of that host with own mental abilities; -½)

Notes: This pool allows the Mimic to assume the form of a prepared host while retaining his own mental abilities. The final form may be up to 350 total points. If the combined form would exceed this level, the GM is advised to drop skills, powers, perks, and characteristics from the combined form until the 350 point ceiling has been reached. These dropped abilities represent an imperfect bond between parasite and host.

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