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Thrilling Places In Warehouse

Secret Master

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Re: Thrilling Places In Warehouse


What exactly is in TP? I have read the synopsis on the Hero Website, but while it gives a very general overview, it doesn’t say what will be in it. From the comment “lost civilizations” I think of Hidden Lands. “Secret Islands” and “Hidden Temples” brings the Battleground books to mind especially the MAPS. But Villainy Amok is also out there.


So just what is TP? For me a Battleground type book would be first choice followed by a VA type book. The HL type book can be useful and is fun to read, but doesn’t leap right into a game.


Probably doesn’t matter since I usually buy everything anyway, but it does help me set my “what first” priorities. ;)

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Re: Thrilling Places In Warehouse


In short, Thrilling Places is a book of locations for GM's to build adventures around in their pulp games, as opposed to a series of adventures. You get the location, complete with history, maps, sample residents, and adventure seeds, and the rest is up to you and your GM. Some of the locations are 'lost world' locations, some of them are the kind of places that you'd find in your campaign city, and others are the places that your character might go looking for to learn the answer to a question, or to stop someone else from exploiting.


Steve listed the contents in an earlier thread:




Have fun with it, and let me know what you liked and didn't like!

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Re: Thrilling Places In Warehouse


In short, Thrilling Places is a book of locations for GM's to build adventures around in their pulp games, as opposed to a series of adventures. You get the location, complete with history, maps, sample residents, and adventure seeds, and the rest is up to you and your GM. Some of the locations are 'lost world' locations, some of them are the kind of places that you'd find in your campaign city, and others are the places that your character might go looking for to learn the answer to a question, or to stop someone else from exploiting.


Steve listed the contents in an earlier thread:




Have fun with it, and let me know what you liked and didn't like!



I missed that thread, but after seeing it all I can say is...oooooowwwww :D


This has gone right to the top of my "must have list". This type of book is what I catually mean when I say pre-made Adventure/Scenario book. Locations and genral write-up plus some plot seeds. While a beginners entry level how to play adventure book should include the entire plot, PC's and NPC's so it can be used right out of the box. A adventure book for existing games doesn't need all the character write-ups. The GM will add those to fit his campaign. Plus the MAPS :thumbup:


I do wish that the various maps would be available as PDF in high resolution. I would kill to be able to print out the mall in battlegrounds as a tiled print so the hexes were 1" in true scale. I have a transparent and blank "battlemat" that I like to lay over my maps so I can draw on them without actually drawing on the real map.


But I am getting off topic.


Thrilling Places, add to list, check! :thumbup:

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