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Spence last won the day on June 23 2022

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About Spence

  • Birthday 12/31/1963

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    : Marysville, WA

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  1. You sadden me. You remind me of the modern "news". To read what someone says and then completely ignore it and go on a diatribe in an entirely different direction. But in an attempt at basic understanding. Providing players with a basic start so they can progress and actually play enough to learn the game so they can then build their own is not robbing them. But then we all cannot be omnipotent beings so I will retire and leave this field to your most epic magnificence
  2. You don't have to. This is the major failing of Hero as a system and why literally no one plays it compared to other game. Not the game, but the "fans" of the game have no compromise. You want the almost painful complete individual customization of the the game. Cool. I love that aspect too. But I started the game in 1982. Any world you run has "world rules' or "setting guideline" if you prefer. The way things work in that world. Designing a prebuilt set of spells/powers/thingies that follow those guidelines that people can just pick from does not mean that no one can customize anything. What it does mean is that people who have never played a hero game may actually make a character and give it a try. But Like I have said before, Hero System (4th, 5th or 6th) is not a Roleplaying Game. It is a SRD/Tool Kit that you can use to make an RPG. I get it that people are done with D&D. Original D&D was my first RPG and brought me away from wargames to RPGs. It isn't that I don't like D&D as much as I can no longer take Class/Level games at all. But class/level is easy for people to build a quick PC in an hour or so and play today. And "here is a 300+ page tome to assimilate with minimum setting guidance and create a character" is not easy. Hence, even though Hero in actual play is IMO opinion far simpler and easier than D&D or PF's rules/option by the pound approach. Few people ever really get to the "play" part. If D&D's spells are arbitrary and stupid, make your version to not be stupid and arbitrary. But make it SIMPLE enough so that Bob who only has time to walk in sit down and play and most definitely does NOT have time to spend studying like he is in school, can actually join in and play. As to "I have never thought that Hero's magic system was clunky or.....", well Hero does not have a magic system to have an issue with. Even "Fantasy Hero" does not have a magic system. It discusses a wide range of ideas that could be a magic system. Even the various grimoires were just very large lists of power sets that have been given "spell names". But there is no "magic system". Even the setting books The Turakian Age and The Valdorian Age didn't establish playable magic systems. Or even playable worlds. But YMMV
  3. Arise O post of ages past ๐Ÿ˜œ I don't really consider that as a Hero Rules issue. Hero, be it 4th, 5th or 6th edition. Or any addition for that matter is more of an SRD guide than a playable set of rules and a setting. Don't give a list of modifiers/limitations/advantages with which ones are required and which ones are options. Build the spell "list" and then tell them what they have or give them the option to pick the spells they want. Do it just like D&D or PF if you want. For the spells do not include any "game mechanics notation". Just the name, the effect and the cost per cast. Mana, End, times per day, whatever. Make the magic just as mysterious as any other game. You are the only person that needs to know how you balanced it.
  4. Just saw this thread. Is this to be an organization book only? Or an Org book plus playable supers campaign?
  5. Maybe CoC using their version of Pulp which is definitely not the Pulp most people think of. Or Down Darker Trails. And then in a very limited way. But any version of CoC is not cinematic action.
  6. Sorry about the delay. My Hero forum time has declined over the years... To be honest I never really considered cost and balance. Just in game play and whether it will enhance the game. The list I posted above was for Pulpy Investigation types. I will add/change to fit the game/genre as necessary. The one thing I really try to avoid is "game" pointing. +3 dcv, +1 whatever. In my limited experience, most of the people tend to not be familiar with these and will forget them more than use them. If I add "calculating" to it they begin to deliberately avoid them which defeats the purpose. So my version of HAPs just sidestep/ignore the game system I happen to be using them in. Of course, the actions/benefits have to promote the game being played. My list from above would work great for a pulpy actioner but fail miserably for a serious horror game.
  7. Yep, kinda a bummer though. Toho normally doesn't release it's movies to media overseas this soon and streaming takes longer. I was in Okinawa on business and took the opportunity to buy a few copies of the Blu Ray as a surprise gift for some of the Godzilla fans I know and then discover Netflix of all things has beaten me to the punch ๐Ÿ™
  8. Thanks n5dkj. I had known how to do this many moons ago, but had completely forgotten. I was going to begin the task of hunting down the forum thread from long ago when I saw this one. So much time saved ๐Ÿ˜
  9. Thanks I finally figured it out a while ago, plus I started a new profile and make sure I NEVER click on anything even remotely related to Bollywood
  10. You were correct. I had it running on my D drive and even though I used the administrator login it gave me the electronic finger. So I just moved the folder to the C drive and everything is fine. So I'll just leave it there. Thanks for the quick reply.
  11. I have a quick question that is computer related. I do not want to post this to the Hero Designer forum because this is a computer issue not a HD issue. When I load HD6 on the laptop I carry around the font is simply too small to see. The solution is to launch HD from the command line (or create a batch script) with the following: javaw -jar HD6.jar [font size] for example, the following would set the default font size throughout the application to 18pt: javaw -jar HD6.jar 18 Full thread here: https://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/94648-hd6-issues-under-windows-high-resolution-screens/ My problem is I cannot get my Windows 10 Home computer to let me change to the directory I need and if I modify a shortcut in the directory it will not start. I know I did this on a different machine a few years ago but apparently I cannot duplicate the feat. Any input welcome.
  12. And since we are speaking about MLS. The Sounders have won their first two games of the season 4-0 and 2-0. Heber has hit the field and opened his account with one goal each game. Morris is back with three goals in two games.
  13. Not completely correct. Yes Apple+TV is the system that is hosting the MLS matches, but you do not need to actually get Apple+TV. You can get just the MLS part. If you do NOT want the full AppleTV the cost is $14.99/month or $99/season. If you already have AppleTV or get a subscription to AppleTV you can add MLS for $12.99/month or $79/season. I have it (the MLS only part) and it is actually pretty good. Real commentary and good pre and post game shows plus a back catalog. AND no blackouts. You can watch the local games live.
  14. I just figured out why so few people I know have watched SNW. You can't stream it without subscribing to their service. As bad as STD was, it is no wonder people are not subscribing.
  15. I don't really know. The people I know that have seen it aren't giving glowing reviews though. I haven't seen it myself, but they say two things. 1) It only resembles Trek when compared to STD and STP deep dark grimness. 2) It is basically old TOS scripts given a slight rewrite and shot as "something new". I don't know personally because as I mentioned, I havenโ€™t seen it.
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