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Ok, I saw this trailer from the anime series Basalisk. There's this dud in it that uses wires to fight with, he can entange with them as well as use them in a whip like fashion. In the scene I saw he sliced through a boulder with them.


Now the thing is I want to work this out into some sort of special power for a character like in the anime. But, how to work this out in terms of rules is the question.


I was thinking of it as some sort of HKA with an Entangle linked to it. But I'd like some second opinions on this and how it might be worked out.

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Re: Lines-O-Death


Well, I haven't seen the movie your talking about, but it should be fairly easy to construct..


50 Razor Wire: Multipower, 75-point reserve, (75 Active Points); all slots OIF (-1/2)


4u 1) Cheese Slicin' Wrap Up: (Total: 67 Active Cost, 45 Real Cost) Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6 (1d6+1 w/STR), Continuous (+1) (30 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) (Real Cost: 20) PLUS Entangle 3d6, 3 DEF, Takes No Damage From Attacks Limited Group (the HKA above) (+1/4) (37 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) (Real Cost: 25)


4u 2) Slice N Dice: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 4d6 (4 1/2d6 w/STR) (60 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)


4u 3) Entangle, 4d6, 4 DEF, Takes No Damage From Attacks (+1/2)


1u 4) Stretching 2" (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), no Noncombat Stretching (-1/4), No Velocity Damage (-1/4), Limited Body Parts (-1/4)


Whups, shoulda put No Range on the Entangles, but that's about right for an anime game, I think... you can probably link the first slots two powers together, too..


Hope that helps..



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Re: Lines-O-Death


This is a multipower, straight up, as KS said. I would include:


MP, All Slots Lock Out (Wire can only do one thing at a time)


U) HKA Xd6, lock out

U) Entagle, lock out (you can't do anything else while you've got someone locked up)

U) NND Choke, lock out


Etcetara, etcetara.

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Re: Lines-O-Death


Curious - why would you make it a lockout multipower? In my minds eye, I can see (in an anime setting) someone wrapping someone up, then yanking him into pieces.. And if he had wires coming out of both arms, being able to wrap one person up and try to whip another while the first is struggling to be free..



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Re: Lines-O-Death


Ultimately, unless the reserve was big enough to allow two or more slots, since they are ultra slots they are already effectively "Locked Out" so applying the Lim is not really limiting.


Typically you see Lockout on slots in a Multipower on an Entangle to represent something like a rope, but not the other slots in the multipower. This is an attempt to work around the fact that Entangle has a persistent _effect_ but its activation is INSTANT and thus technically you can keep Entangling more people in later phases if something isnt done to represent that you can't.


Personally I think 1 Recoverable Charge is more accurate in many cases but some builds are not friendly to Charges, Lims on ultraslots have very little effect anyway points wise, and at any rate Lockout is an easy way to handle it without any design baggage.

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