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Not Quite Galactic...


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I'm running a Champions game in which super technology has influenced the space race. The idea was to make it that space travel is more common than our reality, but not so common that the game feels like Galactic Champions.


The Russians and Americans continued to compete for supremacy after the space race began in the 50s and 60s, with the Americans taking the lead by completing a space base in the early 80s, and a Mars base in 1999. The USSR kept up, building a moonbase of their own, before their space expansion stopped due to lack of funding.


When Communism in the USSR collapsed, private industry moved in and bought up old USSR space resources. Of all these space corporations, [Company X] is the largest, though it still runs second to the American-led NATO military presence that dominates space. NATO has a small military fleet (70 ships). The lightspeed barrier has not been broken though, and antigrav technology has not been invented. The look of these spaceships is similar to the Earth Force ships from Babylon 5 or from the first two Alien films (for those of you who know the game Jovian chronicles, it's an excellent sourcebook for hard scifi technology).


There are two large L5 colonies, with a population of about 7000 people and 5500 people (10% of whom are tourists).


Three moonbases are operational. One is military, with a staff of approximately 600 people, while another is privately run and used for mining operations (civilian population of approximately 2500). China has recently (and rapidly) built a third base (~1000, half of whom are military).


There is a satelite base, staffed by about 200 people- 75% of whom are military, in orbit of Venus that is overseeing aggressive terraforming on that system. The terraforming is expected to take about 100 years.


The Martian terraforming will be sooner, with the projection being 60 years. There is only one military-run space base on Mars' surface, though the military has allowed private industry to work out of it. A small civilian "port town" has developed (think Total Recall) to keep the miners that work out of the place there sane. The mines have occasional tremors, but superhuman intervention has only been required twice in the 5 years since operations begun. Mars is also the primary relay point for the mining operations in the Asteroid belt.


The Asteroid belt houses a base for at least one master villain (a la Dr Destroyer).


Two remote satelite bases are in orbit of Jupiter as well. One is run by [Company X], the other by the military.


Titan, one of Saturn's moons, is currently the next goal of the military fleet. Unknown to them, though, [Company X] has a small, mobile base with cloaking capabilites around it. This base is running a shadow operation with a great deal of attention on Phoebe, Saturn's smallest moon. (GURPS has a sourcebook called GURPS Terradyne in which, during the backstory decades earlier, a massive corporation decides to speed up the Terraforming process on Mars by having Phoebe break out of its orbit and slam into Mars. If interfering with that is not a Champions adeventure, I don't know what is).


There is a sensor grid of long range satelites in the outer orbit past Pluto. However, given the fact that it takes more than a day to transmit data from that distance, even at the speed of light, that the satelites are not "cutting edge" since it takes years to position each new one, that there is still a great distance between the relay points, and that many objects in the solar system can interfere with the signals back to Earth or to one another, the grid is not foolproof.


My goal here, as I said is to allow an expansion into space out to the solar system and adding a futuristic feel to it, but still have it not feel like Galactic Champions. Let me know what you all think.

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Re: Not Quite Galactic...


I think it does admirably, myself. Plenty of details, and it should give the feel you're after. :) Repped!


Also, it kinda sounds like what might happen if you mixed Cowboy Bebop and Champions. If that's not re-worthy, I dunno what is. :D


Thanks for the rep. ;) Bebop was one of many influences.


A minor note I forgot to add is that many intercontinental flights fly up to low earth orbit, cutting travel time planetside as well.

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Re: Not Quite Galactic...


Have you checked out GURPS Transhuman Space? If you move their timeline back 50 years or so, it sounds similar to what you've got here - no FTL tech, but humans are starting to get out into the solar system.


It's also a good source for post-cyberpunk-influenced science fiction, with an emphasis on immersive AI and biotech (rather than cyberlimbs and whatnot).

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Re: Not Quite Galactic...


Have you checked out GURPS Transhuman Space? If you move their timeline back 50 years or so, it sounds similar to what you've got here - no FTL tech, but humans are starting to get out into the solar system.


It's also a good source for post-cyberpunk-influenced science fiction, with an emphasis on immersive AI and biotech (rather than cyberlimbs and whatnot).


I'll have to check it out. It sounds like it might be the evolution of GURPS Terradyne (an older supplement that is now out of print). It and Jovian Chronicles (from DreamPod9, but also out of print, I think) were my main gaming sources. Total Recall and the Alien(s) movie(s) were my main silver screen influences. Neuromancer's Jules Verne station was the inspiration for the L5 stations.


Basically, in the various superhero cartoons, it seems that there's always some kind of space activity going on, but they never really define it. At the same time, it seems that Earth's space expansion hasn't made Earth part of the Galactic community. I co-GM the current Champions game that I'm in with another player/GM, and I play a Superman type character who is often "off in space" when I don't want the character in the scenario (or if I'm not present for a session). This write up was made to give "space" a bit more definition.

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Re: Not Quite Galactic...


Yes, very nice..


One question- without Anti-Grav tech, all the spaceships are limited manuevers within human g-force tolerance? Or do you have a workaround?




They are in fact limited. I didn't want to make them too cutting edge since I'd like them to need frequent rescues by the various superheroes populating my campaign. ;)


The space stations use centrifugal force to simulate gravity, but that isn't a 100% substitute for it. The larger spaceships have a part of their hull set to rotate and create centrifugal force in part of the ship, but there are areas where no gravity is found. The ships crews buckle in when they are seeing action. The mentality I'm looking for is big, space-capable, nuclear submarines. ;)

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Re: Not Quite Galactic...


Is this going to be an in-person game' date=' or an online one somewhere?[/quote']


It is an in-person game that is already in progress. Sunday Gamer & jystdave are in it, plus a few other guys who aren't cool enough to have signed up on the Hero Boards. ;) jystdave is a co-GM (we alternate the GM's seat every adventure and play our PC as an NPC (or find an excuse to sideline them) while doing so).

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Re: Not Quite Galactic...


Of note: superhumans would be inherently valuable to space operations, as they can ( in many cases, and through various means ) exceed the usual human limits on acceleration. Thus, there'd be lots of research on ways to grant superhuman abilities related to G-tolerance, and alot of recruiting of superhumans into various space programs.


This also means that any superhuman with personal spaceflight is probably a resource beyond price, as they almost certainly can blow away any and all normal acceleration limits. In fact, I'd suggest arranging that to be the state of affairs, even if there is only one or two such superhumans.

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Re: Not Quite Galactic...


Of note: superhumans would be inherently valuable to space operations, as they can ( in many cases, and through various means ) exceed the usual human limits on acceleration. Thus, there'd be lots of research on ways to grant superhuman abilities related to G-tolerance, and alot of recruiting of superhumans into various space programs.


This also means that any superhuman with personal spaceflight is probably a resource beyond price, as they almost certainly can blow away any and all normal acceleration limits. In fact, I'd suggest arranging that to be the state of affairs, even if there is only one or two such superhumans.


Yes, there are about 25-35 known space capable superhumans, and they all are highly sought after. Sadly, some of them are evil, and not really interested in sharing their abilities to benefit their fellow man. Rest assured that the goodguys who can break orbit get invited to the NASA Xmas parties.

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Re: Not Quite Galactic...


Yeah - 1" of FTL flight will mean billions.


1" of Teleport (Gate, 2 Floating Points, 0 END, Persistent, Inherant) will mean trillions.


Hence the pressure on the R&D guys to come up with something... But as I said, FTL, jump gates and warp speed will make the world too Galactic for my tastes. However, it means the game is one discovery away from going Galactic, should I so decide.


Needless to say, all the tests to develop FTL, jump gates and warp speed make good ingredients for adventures,

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Re: Not Quite Galactic...


Ah - well, I was thinking more along the lines of a single meta who had one of those powers (perhaps the gateway one having the restriction "Only places I've been (-1)); they would be one of the resources to fight over in space, as they represent billions in saved transportation costs.


Although geting a Meta who can do the gateway thing, but who must fully concentrate and focus (and perhaps make a skill check roll), to keep the gateway stable would be an interesting story. Yeah, it's a useful power, but who wants to conentrate on the same point for eight hours a day? that meta's arguably become the wealthiest person on the planet, but they'd become a prisoner of their own power, as too many people would have a vested interest in them doing nothing BUT that, on a regular basis.

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Re: Not Quite Galactic...


Hence the pressure on the R&D guys to come up with something... But as I said, FTL, jump gates and warp speed will make the world too Galactic for my tastes. However, it means the game is one discovery away from going Galactic, should I so decide.


Needless to say, all the tests to develop FTL, jump gates and warp speed make good ingredients for adventures,


Depends on the scale, actually. If the FTL means measures out at just over C, for instance, than what it mainly does is shrink the size of the solar system. So, discovering such wouldn't instantly bring Earth onto the galactic stage.


Likewise for gate mechanisms that require physical apparatus assembled at both ends.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Not Quite Galactic...


Yes, there are about 25-35 known space capable superhumans, and they all are highly sought after. Sadly, some of them are evil, and not really interested in sharing their abilities to benefit their fellow man. Rest assured that the goodguys who can break orbit get invited to the NASA Xmas parties.


Well it's nice to know I get invites like that. :-P


Now I just have to install a FTL drive on the suit.

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Re: Not Quite Galactic...


Well it's nice to know I get invites like that. :-P


Now I just have to install a FTL drive on the suit.


I'm envisioning you in your suit of power armour with a massive pair of warp nacelle bolted to the shoulder blades... and a sombrero, so that you look like the Enterprise. ;)

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