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A character able to hold her own in a team?


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Hi there,


Looks pretty good!


I did see a few things though...


You might as well drop her INT to 18. Doesn't change any INT-based rolls and saves you a point.


This just might be a typo... In the SFB, Uses End is listed as +1/2, Costs END is a limitation.


Possibly another typo:

9 Hand to Hand Attack +4d vs. ED; Hand to hand attack (-1/2), OIF (-1/2), 10 charges (-1/4). [uniform gloves]
If the "vs. ED" isn't a typo, I'm pretty sure you have to buy this as an Energy Blast with the No Range limitation...


I just noticed something in the disads

15 DNPC: Fraternal twin sister; Normal, 11-, unaware, useful skills

10 Rivalry: Fraternal twin sister. (romantic and professional), Rival just as powerful, character seeks to outdo, Rival aware of rivalry.

For the DNPC, the fraternal twin sister is a "normal". However, in the Rivalry she's "as powerful". While Falcon may not be superhuman, she is far beyond the points of a normal. So the DNPC disadvantage would probably be worth less points. Maybe none... :( In fact, if she's just as powerful (according to the Rivarly), why is she a DNPC? I'd switch the DNPC for something else. Perhaps a Hunted? Such as by the Mob (or other non-superhuman criminal organization) or even law enforcement (who are trying to stop her vigilante ways).


Take care,



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18-25 points? Two words: Utility Belt.


What you have going here is Batman in the JLA -- other people with POWERS, you with just you, your martial arts, and your ability to outthink the bad guys. Okay, and maybe a suit of armor with some enhancements...


If I may offer a redesign ...


Lisa Anne Fields



15 STR (05)

20/30 DEX (30)

15 CON (10)

15 BOD (10)

25 INT (15)

15 EGO (10)

20 PRE (10)

14 COM (02)


8 PD (05)

8 ED (05)

4/8 SPD (10)

10 REC (06)

30 END (00)

45 STN (14)

[Attribute Cost: 132]



(7) EC: Enhancement Bodysuit, 30 Actives, OIF (-½), ¼ Mass (30 total kg, -¼), Real Armor (-¼)

(7) a) "Body Suit": Armor, 10r/10r, (30 Active Points)

(5) B) "Synaptic Feedback Booster": +10 Dex, (31 Active Points); 1 Continuing Fuel Charge (5 Minutes, -½), Side Effect (Feedback, character takes 1d6 STUN each Turn of activation) (-½)

(5) c) "Synaptic Feedback Booster": +3 SPD, (30 Active Points); 1 Continuing Fuel Charge (5 Minutes, -½), Side Effect (Feedback, character takes 1d6 STUN each Turn of activation) (-½)

(6) d) "Hawk Claws": Swinging, 20", 0 END (+½), (30 Active Points); Cannot use Stretching or Clinging in the Same Phase (-½)

(4) e) "Hawk Claws": Stretching, 3", x4 Noncombat, 0 END (+½), (30 Active Points); Cannot use Swinging or Clinging in the Same Phase (-½), Always Direct (-¼), Range Modifier Applies (-¼), Limited Body Parts ('Hands') (-¼), No Fine Manipulation (Punch/Grab/Pull, -½)

(5) f) "Built-In Taser", Hand to Hand Attack, +6d6 vs. ED, HtH Attack (-½), 10 Charges (-¼)


(4) "Hawk Claws": Clinging, Normal Strength, (10 Active Points); Cannot use Swinging or Clinging in the Same Phase (-½), OIF (-½), ¼ Mass (Part of Armor, -¼), Real Armor (-¼)

Helmet Systems:

(6) Threat Computer: Defense Maneuver IV (10 Active Points); OIF (-½), Real Equipment (-¼)

(3) UV Perception (5 Active Points); OIF (-½), Real Equipment (-¼)

(6) Flash Defense, 5 Points vs Sight & Hearing (10 Active Points); OIF (-½), Real Equipment (-¼)


(10) Multipower "Utility Belt": 15 Active Points, all OIF (-½)

(9) u) 9 Ultra Slots (1 Point Each)

[Powers Cost: 77]




Eclectic Combat Training:

5 Martial Block, VF/X (+¼)

4 Martial Throw, VF/X (+¼)

5 Nerve Strike, VF/X (+¼)

5 Martial Strike, VF/X (+¼)

4 Martial Dodge

5 Martial Escape, VF/X (+¼)

4 Martial Grab, VF/X (+¼)

8 2 Damage Classes (+2 DC, +10 STR)

6 2 Combat Skill Levels w/ Eclectic Combat Training

2 Weapon Elements (Clubs, Karate Weapons)

3 Analyze: Martial Style, 14-


Dexterity Skills

3 Acrobatics, 13-/15-

3 Breakfall, 13-/15-

3 Climbing, 13-/15-

3 Lockpicking, 13-/15-

3 Stealth, 13-/15-


Intelligence Skills

3 Bugging, 14-

3 Computer Programming, 14-

3 Criminology, 14-

3 Cryptography, 14-

3 Deduction, 14-

3 Electronics, 14-

3 Forensic Medicine, 14-

3 Inventor, 14-

3 Mechanics, 14-

3 Security Systems, 14-


Presence Skills

3 Acting, 13-

3 High Society, 13-

3 Interrogation, 13-

3 Streetwise, 13-



3 PS: Body Armor Designer/Mechanic (INT Based), 14-


3 Scholar

2 KS: Armor Systems, 14-

2 KS: Undetermined, 14-

2 KS: Undetermined, 14-

1 KS: Undetermined, 11-

[skills Cost: 121]



3 Well Connected

8 Points of Contacts

5 Well off

4 Reputation, Ruthless Vigilante (2 Levels, 14-, Cops & Underworld in Campaign City)

[Perks Cost: 20]

[Total Cost: 350]



15 DNPC: Elderly Father, Incompetent, 8-, Unaware of Secret ID, Useful NonCombat Skills

10 DNPC: Fraternal Twin, Slightly Less Powerful, 11-, Unaware of Secret ID, Useful Skills (Co-Owner of Company)

10 Rivalry: Fraternal Twin, Romantic & Professional, Rival less powerful but in better position, outdo, aware.

20 Social Limitation: Secret ID (Frequently, Severe)

10 Social Limitation: Hero ID considered an Urban Legend (Frequently, Minor)

5 Reputation: Philanthropist (11-, Limited Group: High Society)

15 Distinctive Features: Costume (Concealable, Major Reaction)

10 Psychological Limitation: Deceptive (Common, Moderate)

20 Psychological Limitation: Improve Society, Don't Just Fight Crime (Very Common, Strong)

25 Psychological Limitation: Relentlessly Devoted to Justice (Very Common, Total)

10 Hunted: Black Harlequin, As Powerful, 11-, Humiliate PC

[Total Disadvantages: 150]


Increasing her INT from 19 to 25 gives a noticable boost to the character's skills; building the Armor, two Attribute boosts, and the swinging/stretching 'claw' into an EC gave significant bonuses. I admit that I cut a few things, such as the one Overall Skill Level and several of the Martial Arts bonuses, but with the 'Variable F/X' on the maneuvers, you free up your capabilities -- the Nerve Strike doesn't have to be to the same place every time, the Grab doesn't have to be a Clinch (though it can), you can execute the Martial Strike with any part of your body, any movement.


I dropped the languages for now; they can be added as 'Oh I knew them all the time, you just never asked' background items. Similarly, one or two of the KS's got cut, though overall there was more points spent there, in order to get everything as an INT roll. (What's the use of having a 25 INT if you don't have the skills to put it to use?)


The Disads also got a revamp. 'Father' is now someone whom she can get assistance from, possibly/probably put into a wheelchair by the 'trigger' for her crimefighting. But Falcon isn't only a crimefighter; she's also a firm believer in urban renewal, social programs, and the like -- a true philanthropist and do-gooder, possibly unlike her DNPC/Rival sister, who perhaps is technically above her in the company they co-own. Sibling rivalry -- ain't it wonderful?


'Relentlessly Devoted to Justice' is the Batman psych lim -- she's going to go out every night if she can manage it. She sees something wrong, she's driven to fix it.


Heh. This girl's going to make it into MY campaign...

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[surprised smile] Neat, I like it. What an interesting redesign. And your mention of Batman is something that sparked the idea. I wanted to develop someone that was basically a human in inhuman situations. The motivations and the rivalry circumstances with her sister are identical to what I was thinking about. I absolutely 'adore' the idea of urban renewal and improvement.


Thanks for you time. [smiles and waves]



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Originally posted by Harry Canyon

Hi there,


Looks pretty good!


I did see a few things though...


You might as well drop her INT to 18. Doesn't change any INT-based rolls and saves you a point.


This just might be a typo... In the SFB, Uses End is listed as +1/2, Costs END is a limitation.


Possibly another typo: If the "vs. ED" isn't a typo, I'm pretty sure you have to buy this as an Energy Blast with the No Range limitation...


I just noticed something in the disadsFor the DNPC, the fraternal twin sister is a "normal". However, in the Rivalry she's "as powerful". While Falcon may not be superhuman, she is far beyond the points of a normal. So the DNPC disadvantage would probably be worth less points. Maybe none... :( In fact, if she's just as powerful (according to the Rivarly), why is she a DNPC? I'd switch the DNPC for something else. Perhaps a Hunted? Such as by the Mob (or other non-superhuman criminal organization) or even law enforcement (who are trying to stop her vigilante ways).


Take care,




Hi. [smiles] Sorry I did not answer you ealier. The vs. ED question is allowed with the Hand to Hand attack. It's in the book, and says if you define it as ED you can use your STR though it's not normally thought of as ED. It did say to check with the GM first though.


As for the sister, the Uses END lim, you're right, those are boo-boo's. [smiles]


I'll drop her INT to 18, and see how she applies. I also, really love what Wyrm Ouroboros did in his reinterpretation. I may adapt some of that, and see how she fairs. [smiles]


[smiles and waves] Bye for now.



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