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That's Easy?? Show me how _you_ did it.

SSgt Baloo

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Re: That's Easy?? Show me how _you_ did it.


I always like the idea of a character with a Possession power like Jericho or Nocturne. The problem with this power is that it is often so costly, it will only effect the weakest of opponents (read as opponents probably not worth possessing). I am aware of the Bodyjacking power from the Ultimate Metamorph, but not only does that build exceed the AP limits of most of the campaigns I have played in, it was very clunky to run when I did finally talk a GM into letting me try it. Here is what I came up with the last time I tried to write up Possession (assume a 60 AP campaign). It's time consuming if their are no low EGO foes to possess, but cost effective.


Possession I

4d6 Mind Control, Cumulative x2 (+1), Indirect (+1/2), Transdimensional [the Material World] (+1/2), Mandatory Effect: EGO +20 (-1/2), Eye Contact Required (-1/2) "The Eyes are the Windows to the Soul."


Possession II

Extra-Dimensional Movement (20), Travel to a Single Location in a Related Group of Dimensions: [the Target’s Soul] (5), Linked to Mind Control (-1/4) "Spiritual Possession"


Possession III

6d6 Telepathy, Indirect (+1/2), Transdimensional [the Material World] (+1/2), No Range (-1/2), Linked to Mind Control (-1/2) "The Victim's Thoughts and Memories"


Total Cost = 80

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Re: That's Easy?? Show me how _you_ did it.


Cyclopse: I like the single 16d6 EB and the Missile Defelction, RKA multipower option too. You can spread the EB and make it just like an AE. You can bounce it with skill levels, so it covers those bases.


"Limitless Power": In comics even the characters that are "Invulnerable to harm" still get harmmed. Cannonball had an irrational attraction (remember those :D ) to bragging about how invulnerable he was while "blasting" and yet still got clobbered at times. Jack of Hearts was "invulnerable" to fire and even flew through a star, yet Nova (Galactus Hearld not New Warrior) was able to hurt him with her fire powers. So I just put limitless as a high limit.

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Re: That's Easy?? Show me how _you_ did it.


Assume "limitless" just means "very high limit"...


This is what I assume. Same with invulnerability. You can call anything "limitless" even though there is an actual mechanical limit, so long as no one every knows that limit has been reached.

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Re: That's Easy?? Show me how _you_ did it.


I always like the idea of a character with a Possession power like Jericho or Nocturne. The problem with this power is that it is often so costly, it will only effect the weakest of opponents (read as opponents probably not worth possessing). I am aware of the Bodyjacking power from the Ultimate Metamorph, but not only does that build exceed the AP limits of most of the campaigns I have played in, it was very clunky to run when I did finally talk a GM into letting me try it. Here is what I came up with the last time I tried to write up Possession (assume a 60 AP campaign). It's time consuming if their are no low EGO foes to possess, but cost effective.


Possession I

4d6 Mind Control, Cumulative x2 (+1), Indirect (+1/2), Transdimensional [the Material World] (+1/2), Mandatory Effect: EGO +20 (-1/2), Eye Contact Required (-1/2) "The Eyes are the Windows to the Soul."


Possession II

Extra-Dimensional Movement (20), Travel to a Single Location in a Related Group of Dimensions: [the Target’s Soul] (5), Linked to Mind Control (-1/4) "The Victim's Body, Mind, and Spirit"


Possession III

6d6 Telepathy, Indirect (+1/2), Transdimensional [the Material World] (+1/2), No Range (-1/2), Linked to Mind Control (-1/2) "The Victim's Thoughts and Memories"


Total Cost = 80


Looks good, but two suggestions, remove Possession III (Adding the telepathic option to mind control)


Add a Clairsentience, extra dimensional, through the eyes of, etc...


You also should buy a naked advantage for your physical skills UBO, Extra dimensional

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Re: That's Easy?? Show me how _you_ did it.


Not sure you could go with OIF for the Visor; it's been Grabbed in the past (IIRC - certainly it was in the first X-Men movie, but I suppose you could argue it was "out of combat" at the time).


I always got the impression that the visor helped Cyke focus his power, rather than just kept it in check - that is, I thought his beams were more powerful with the visor on than without. But this may just be my idle fancy.


I always thought of it as OIF, but like you said that is a matter of opinion


On your second point, depends on the writer I think, but as I am a generous GM I would consider letting them "get the difference" on slots in the multi power if the slot required a certain lim included in VarLim


So, assuming the visor is OIF, they could get a extra -1/4 lim for the slot if they needed the OIF


Of cource if the player was an ultimate munchkin he could build cyclops as having a -1/4 lim (or even -0): not vs Ruby quartz. Then buy his visor/glasses as 1 pt Flash Defence with the f/x of Ruby quartz...

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Re: That's Easy?? Show me how _you_ did it.


I preferred the original idea: EB in a multi with MD and everything else as applications of rules' date=' tactics and skills.[/quote']


Yes good. For the whole "focused beam cuts the Blob" thing plus "blowing through walls like they weren't there," might I suggest Find Weakness. It doesn't make a killing attack as suggested, but it will help by-pass some of a target's defenses.


Something like:

40 Eye-Beams Multipower 60 point reserve, OIF, NNC or Blind (-1/2)

4 u Blast Energy Blast 12d6

? u Point Defense Missle Deflection some class of missiles, requires a Power Skill roll


Power Skill 12-

Find Weakness with Eye-Beams, 11-


Later, the player can up the skill levels, and add a new slot something like:


4 u Even Trickier Energy Blast 6d6, +1/2 Variable Advantages (+1)


to simulate most of the powers in the Multipower posted earlier, or just add slots that the player uses all the time, like perhaps the 0 END version.

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Re: That's Easy?? Show me how _you_ did it.


Looks good, but two suggestions, remove Possession III (Adding the telepathic option to mind control)


Add a Clairsentience, extra dimensional, through the eyes of, etc...


You also should buy a naked advantage for your physical skills UBO, Extra dimensional


Great ideas. I actually had Clairsentience in an earlier build, but it runs into problems when the Target depends on Senses that you didn't buy or didn't take Clairsentience with.


Also, the Telepathy serves a very important function (in addition to giving commands and letting you know what the victim is sensing), without it you don't know what Powers and Skills the victim has unless you have seen him use them.


Buying your own skills with a Naked Transdimensional UBO is brilliant and closes a hole in the build, thanks.


In a more aggressive version of the character, to speed up the possession process I also bought this (below), but it isn't really necessary unless your getting hammered by Breakout Rolls.


Possession IV

4d6 EGO Suppress, Based on ECV (+1), Indirect (+1/2), Transdimensional [the Material World] (+1/2), No Range (-1/2), Linked to Mind Control (-1/2) "Demonic Possession"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: That's Easy?? Show me how _you_ did it.


I've been "cloning" characters from The Tick (both the Animated and Live Action series). One character, The Human Ton (and Mr. Handy, his handpuppet) is giving me pause. When The Human Ton is knocked out, Mr. Handy is still conscious, shouting at THT to "Get UP, ya wimp!" I assume Mr. Handy is a follower or THT is

Mr. Handy's follower (Mr. Handy appears to be the smarter of the two). How would you make a character who is an appendage of another character?

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Re: That's Easy?? Show me how _you_ did it.


Write Mr. Handy up as an automaton or an AI... just don't give him any ability to move' date=' etc. on his own. He has to be worn like a hand puppet by someone else in order to get around...[/quote']


Brilliant, I say! Brilliant! (also repped. ;) )

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Re: That's Easy?? Show me how _you_ did it.


Write Mr. Handy up as an automaton or an AI... just don't give him any ability to move' date=' etc. on his own. He has to be worn like a hand puppet by someone else in order to get around...[/quote']


Except for the hand puppet thing, that's how I did D's Left Hand from Vampire Hunter D.

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