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Build Inquery: Bard's Map


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Mulling over some ideas for an odd enchanted item...


How would Herodom Assembled (that's you guys) build this:


The Bard's Map

This small parchment, when unfolded and held in the hands of an appropriately trained bard shows the direction of the nearest Inn, Tavern or similar establishment that the Bard has previously visited. It gives no other information, not distance, name or anything else.


I have my thoughts, but I'd like some input first.

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Re: Build Inquery: Bard's Map


Actually sounds very similar to Bump of Direction in an OAF with a few other limitations' date=' but instead of detecting north it detects a broader class of things (limited types of establishments I've visited).[/quote']


That's where I got stuck is "The Nearest Inn I Visited Last" a broad class of things or a single thing?


It potentially has lots of 'things' in it (if the character has visited many inns), but it can only detect one specific one at a time, not determined by the user of the map.


Is that last part a form of Uncontrolled, or has the Detect moved down a level to Single Thing from Broad Class?


Here's the build I managed to come up with initially:


Detect A Single Thing "Nearest Inn Bard Last Visited" (Unusual Group), Range (8 Active Points); OAF (-1) [4 Real Points]

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Re: Build Inquery: Bard's Map


Oh my. Epiphany.


The Bard's Treasure Map

Detect: The Nearest Inn Never Before Visited.

(Detect, Range, OAF, Extra Time: 1 Minute [8 AP, 2RP])

This small parchment is usually well worn, folded several times, a corner missing. When looked at it is blank. When held in a Bard's hands however, and the bard takes a moment to concentrate (usually this involves turning in various directions, possibly whistling a tune) the parchment will reveal an elaborate arrow to the bard when they are facing in the direction of the nearest inn, tavern, or similar that they have never before visited.

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Re: Build Inquery: Bard's Map


You could also define it as a really high AK or CK skill built into the focus.


Edit: Just saw the "distinct lack of other information" clause.


Still, for a video game-esque map, that is revealed as you visit thing, you could start with a low AK/CK that is improved as you "unlock" more locations. Neat original idea ghost-angel. Something that was easy to build on.

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Re: Build Inquery: Bard's Map


You could also define it as a really high AK or CK skill built into the focus.


Edit: Just saw the "distinct lack of other information" clause.


Still, for a video game-esque map, that is revealed as you visit thing, you could start with a low AK/CK that is improved as you "unlock" more locations. Neat original idea ghost-angel. Something that was easy to build on.


I have this grand epic idea for it actually... But I've gotta jot some notes down.

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Re: Build Inquery: Bard's Map


"Here's the story as it was told to me. When I was seventeen, nevermind how long ago that was, my father came to me. Well, he said he was my father, and I could see some resemblance, but I'd never met the man before that day. As I said, when I was seventeen and wasting my life in my uncle's tavern, on my mother's side, do you plan on interrupting me every other sentence with questions? No? Maybe? Ok then.


He came into the tavern and immediately began to babble at me. At first I thought he was just some drunken patron coming on to me. A regular occurance. After some minutes he got it out that he was in fact my father and he had something for me. Producing a rather worn and old looking piece of parchment he shoved it into my hand. I looked at him like was crazy. He might have been, but that has nothing to do with this story.


He was, from my understanding, a decent bard himself. Well traveled, as well as you can travel at least. He told me it was a map, the greatest map a bard could ever have. From days untold it has passed through our family, he said it came from before the time The Raveger ruled, passed down the line. He said that at times the magic in it had great power, and at other times it had almost none at all. But always, when the current owners eldest child turned fifteen it compelled them to hand down the map to the next generation so they could use it.


What does it do? For my father, so he said, it was a map of every inn, tavern, hostel and safe haven a bard could find in this land. For me, it only points in vague directions to places I've never ventured. He told me, as it was told to him, that it holds the blessing of Ardilune, given to one of my great-ancestors deep in the lost days of history. You've not heard of Ardilune? How easy men forget, she is the Goddess of song and music. Who knows what magic it could hold. For most people, it's simply a blank parchment, even some bards I've shown it to can't get it to work. But for those who are descended from the original owner it works.


No, that's it. No, not all magic is spectacular and flashy. Some is very subtle. Some is simply helpful in small ways. After all, you never know what new adventures will come when going to an unknown place."


-The woman folded the small blank parchment into quarters and placed it in a pouch, she flashed a smile at the small crowd in the tiny room, it barely qualified as a tavern, but she assured them the bard's map had led her here so it was worthy of the title. Her greys eyes caught the firelight and seemed lit by some inner fire before she turned up her hood to the late evening rain and stepped out, the inn was simply a hearth and a table from which Old Vallet served mediocre ale. She disappeared into the growing night, and they never saw her again. On the chair she had sat were three coins, somehow the few patrons felt it should have been the other way around, but not one to turn down a gift Vallet scooped them up and served another round. . .



[so, the whole idea of a family heirloom passed down from bard to bard that fed into the wanderlust bardic types tend to have struck me as a pretty neat idea... and thus the Bard's Treasure Map - I mean what do bard's treasure more than finding a new story? Telling It of course! And they need an audience, so I figured a Bard's Treasure was an audience, and Inns and Taverns are a captive audience to boot.]

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