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[Character] Impact

Doc Samson

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Not really sure what I want to do with this guy. He's kind of a homage to Captain Atom's and Nitro's explosions triggering major plot events. Am I double dipping with the Side Effects Limitation and the Disadvantages?



Adam Hunter

Val Char Cost

35 STR 25

20 DEX 30

25 CON 30

15 BODY 10

23 INT 13

25 EGO 30

20 PRE 10

14 COM 2

10/30 PD 3

10/30 ED 5

5 SPD 20

10 REC -4

50 END 0

50 STUN 4

6" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

10" LEAP 3

Characteristics Cost: 181


Cost Power END


20 Kinetic Energy Absorption: Absorption 4d6+1, Varying Effect (+3/4), [sTR, END, STUN, and Leaping] simultaneously (+1) (60 Active Points); Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Side Effect affects both character and environment near the character, Side Effect does a predefined amount of damage; Accidental Change, Distinctive Features, Physical Limitation, and Susceptibility; -2) 0


30 Armor (20 PD/20 ED) (60 Active Points); Linked (Kinetic Energy Absorption; -1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Only Upto Amount Rolled By Absorption; -1/2) 0


30 Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% (60 Active Points); Linked (Kinetic Energy Absorption; -1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Only Upto Amount Rolled By Absorption; -1/2) 0


30 Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% (60 Active Points); Linked (Kinetic Energy Absorption; -1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Only Upto Amount Rolled By Absorption; -1/2) 0


22 Regeneration: Healing 1 BODY, Resurrection, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2) 0


3 Life Support (Longevity: Immortal) (5 Active Points); Linked (Regeneration; -1/2) 0


Powers Cost: 135


Cost Skill

3 Scientist

2 1) SS: Biology 14- (3 Active Points)

2 2) SS: Biochemistry 14- (3 Active Points)

2 3) SS: Biophysics 14- (3 Active Points)

25 +5 with HTH Combat

Skills Cost: 34


Total Character Cost: 350


Val Disadvantages

15 Accidental Change: Explodes when Absorption reaches "Threshold" 8- (Very Common)

15 Distinctive Features: Increasingly bright glow while Absorbing kinetic energy (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

20 Hunted: by other superheroes 14- (Mo Pow, NCI, Limited Geographical Area, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

5 Money: Poor

15 Physical Limitation: Explodes when Absorption reaches "Threshold", automatically Stunning character (Infrequently, Fully Impairing)

15 Psychological Limitation: Fear of harming innocent people (Very Common, Moderate)

20 Reputation: Exploded killing several innocent people, 14- (Extreme)

15 Social Limitation: Public Identity (Frequently, Major)

15 Susceptibility: When Absorption reaches "Threshold", 3d6 damage Instant (Uncommon)

15 Susceptibility: When Absorption reaches "Threshold", 3d6 damage (BODY) Instant (Uncommon)


Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0



Impact appears as a well built man of indeterminate age. He wears a Green, Yellow, and Black costume that exposes his hair and lower part of his face. He glows a myriad of colors while his powers are active. The glow becomes increasingly brighter as he absorbs more kinetic energy.



Impact is a homage to the circumnstances involving the DC character Captain Atom and his role in Kingdom come and the Marvel Character Nitro and his role in Civil War.


Adam Hunter was a biologist specializing in the study of the cellular organelles known as mitochondria. Mitochondria can be described as a cell's "power plant" as they generate most of a cell's supply of energy. Hunter was very interested in the fact the mitochondria possess their own genetic material, or DNA, and was fascinated by the possibility of altering the DNA of mitochondria to increase their energy output. He believed the scientific and medical potential of such an accomplishment would be beyond imagination. Hunter only partially succeeded in his goal. Using a battery of chemical and radiation treatments, he was able to vastly increase the amount of energy able to be stored by mitochondria. His experimental cells were able to absorb tremendous amounts of energy, but could not produce this amount of energy on their own. Though Hunter felt he was on the verge of a breakthough, his research funding was cut. Desperate to continue his work, he performed the series of chemical and radiation treatments on himself. He would later find out that he only survived the process due to a genetic abnormality passed down from his mother.


The process granted Hunter the ability to absorb any kinetic energy his body came into contact with and convert it into superhuman strength and vitality. Calling himself Impact, he set out to use his new powers to be a superhero. News of his his achievement spread quickly among the scientific community and soon he had more grant money than he knew what to do with. Unfortunately for Hunter, his powers came with a terrible limitation. One day while doing battle with a team of low powered supervillains, Impact taunted them into attacking him repeatedly. He felt stronger than ever before. Intoxicated with power, he didn't realize until it was too late his absorption had overloaded. The resultant explosion caused severe collateral damage and killed several innocent bystanders. Impact's career as both a superhero and a scientist was ruined. Lack of financial funding and of faith in himself and forced him to retire.



Impact has just recently come out of retirement. He primary goal is to attone for the deaths he caused by protecting and helping people as much as he can. Though time has granted him better understanding and control of his powers, he is still terrified of the possibility of accidentally harming more innocent people. He is a long way from earning the trust of the public and even his fellow superheroes are wary of his return. Impact is hesistant to charge into dive into battle and prefers to use his superior intellect to solve problems whenever possible.



"The harder you hit me, the stronger I get!"



Impact is an Absorbing Brick. Essentially, the more you hit him the stronger he gets. His base level strength is in the superhuman range due to the absorption of ambient kinectic energy from the environment. At maximum levels, he possesses vast superhuman strength, able to lift approximately 100 tons. Though he is a slow starter in combats, he boasts an even greater resiistance to injury than most bricks of his power level and can easily survive the blows needed to carry him to the end of a battle.


When Impact's Kinetic Energy Absorption power reaches it's "Threshold", the excess energy is violently released damaging him and the environment surrounding him. His Absortion is considered to have reached it's "Threshold" at the end of any Turn after reaching his maximum absorption of 25 points and after failing an Accidental Change roll. The explosion causes an irresistable 3d6 BODY and STUN damage to Impact and anyone nearby. Impact is automatically Stunned by the explosion, turning off his Absorption and all Linked powers.



Scientist Brick, Reluctant Hero, Anti-hero


Character created with Hero Designer (version 2.42)

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Re: [Character] Impact


Good question. I think my powers of description have fallen short. the explosion is the Side Effects limitation on Absorption. The Side Effect is four short term disadvantages (allowed for under side effects, 5ER pg. 308). The Side Effect is bought at the level that it effects both the character and the enviornment around the character. The damage from the explosion is the Susceptibility Disadvanatge (and this damage effects both the character and anything near him, per the limitation). Under Side Effects (5ER pg. 308, No Defense Applies), it is stated that there is no defense against the Side Effect. In summary, when the character explodes, he and everything near him takes 3d6 BODY and STUN of irresistable damage. The explosion is triggered by the Accidental Change Disadvantage, with the further effect of a Physical Limitation, which results in the character being automatically Stunned (shutting off all his powers).


I didn't buy the explosion as a power because frankly, nothing good should come from it. I wanted it to be mostly a dramatic device, either forcing the character out of combat early or ending in disaster for everyone nearby. I like having it described almost purely in terms of Disadvantages, as then the results are left entirely in the hands of the GM (such as how big of a blast? who got caught in the radius? ect.). The only thing I am not sure about is whether I can claim points for both both the Limitation and the Disadvanatage. The reason I "think" I can is because of examples such the "Lame" Physical Limitation where you would get points for both the disadvantage and the points of Running you sold back.


The character is inherently flawed. He is designed for long drawn out combats, but each Turn he keeps his Absorption power running, he risks blowing up himself and everyone around him. This is why I am not really sure what to do with him, other than maybe a tragic retired NPC.


[EDIT] I think part of the problem may be that when you select the "affects character and envrionment" Side Effects option in Hero Creator, you only see "affects character and recipient of power". I took it for granted that everyone would know the side effect was bought to the "affects environment" level. I changed the build above to reflect this.

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Re: [Character] Impact


We have to hope Impact never gets caught out in a hail storm long enough to go unconscious..


Or underground or in an avalanche suffering continuing crushing damage.


My rule of thumb for 'selling back, limiting and disadvantaging' was that they could -- and should in a tight concept -- be related, but the points in each would come from a different aspect.


So selling back 4" of Running and Lame means 2" of Running, plus trouble with stairs, intermittent pain and tiredness, a distinctive trail for tracking purposes and a distinct limp, where just selling back 4" of Running means 2" of Running.


In Impact's case, if for every disadvantage there's an aspect of the disadvantage that is distinct from the mechanical value of the limitation, it's likely valid, to my way of thinking. If there's no way to distinguish the one from the other, then it's something I'd work on with a player as a GM.


Because there are so many of these in a single character, and they're so close, I could either take the view as a GM: wow, that saves me a lot of trouble because it's such a tight concept; or, wow, those things overlap it'd be hard for me to justify their value, at least without killing the character.


Which is the real problem with disads and limitations 'express the same view'. With unrelated disads and limitations, the stacking effect doesn't spike so much that all of them trigger at the same time and all of them have their worst effects, at least not so often. With Impact, it's almost inevitable.

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Re: [Character] Impact


Question? What happens after he hits his absorption cap and blows? Does every attack on out continue to set him off? Also, how do continuous attacks effect him? Last, what is the radius of the explosion? My guess would be as if explosion was bought on a 3d6 Killing attack but can you confirm.


I think the character has great potential as a tragic hero. Maybe someone the government or military keep tight reins on only sending him out under the most dire of circumstances due to the potential destruction.

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Re: [Character] Impact


Question? What happens after he hits his absorption cap and blows? Does every attack on out continue to set him off? Also, how do continuous attacks effect him? Last, what is the radius of the explosion? My guess would be as if explosion was bought on a 3d6 Killing attack but can you confirm.


I think the character has great potential as a tragic hero. Maybe someone the government or military keep tight reins on only sending him out under the most dire of circumstances due to the potential destruction.


Good questions.

Absorption is a Constant Power (and I did not buy the Power with Persistent or Always On). When the character is Stunned (such as after he explodes), the power shuts off preventing further Absorption. I am also considering adding the Limitation (or as part of the Physical Disadvantage) that when the power is shut off, all Absorbed points are immediately lost. This would prevent a player from shutting the power off to prevent exploding (if he did, all absorbed points would be lost).

I would let the GM determine the radius of the blast (as Side Effects does not indicate how much of the environment must be effected) based on dramatic liscense.

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Re: [Character] Impact


Oh a few more are you sure that everyone in the blast radius take damage unaffected? Although the hero has no defense against this damage I'm not sure those caught in the blast should be subject to a zero defense attack. That said looking at the 3d6 Body, unless those caught in the blast had already been wounded I believe it gives them a strong chance of survival. (IIRC Death is at -BODY)


Taking the source into consideration I would think having both susceptibilities a Body attack would more closely resemble the destruction that led to the greats of DC retiring. This would also mean there is the possibility that hitting the absorption cap could kill the hero himself. Granted he has Regeneration with Resurrection but it still can't be that nice.

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Re: [Character] Impact


Oh a few more are you sure that everyone in the blast radius take damage unaffected? Although the hero has no defense against this damage I'm not sure those caught in the blast should be subject to a zero defense attack. That said looking at the 3d6 Body, unless those caught in the blast had already been wounded I believe it gives them a strong chance of survival. (IIRC Death is at -BODY)


Taking the source into consideration I would think having both susceptibilities a Body attack would more closely resemble the destruction that led to the greats of DC retiring. This would also mean there is the possibility that hitting the absorption cap could kill the hero himself. Granted he has Regeneration with Resurrection but it still can't be that nice.


The section under Side Effects (5ER pg. 308, No Defense Applies) would seem to indicate there is no defense against this type of damage. An average roll (10-11) will put an average person (~8 BODY) into negative BODY, which will result in death after a few turns. Unless the roll is low (<9), the bystanders are exceptionally tough (>8 BODY), or Paramedics are standing by, there will likely be fatalities. Based on how much environment the GM decides is affected, the effects could be devastating.

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Re: [Character] Impact


I don't think characters in the area are effected. the "No Defense applies" section notes the enivornment, the character or the recepient takes damage automatically and with no defense. Just above that section though it says other characters cannot be effected by Side Effects and the Side Effects disadvantage gives no combat advantage at all

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Re: [Character] Impact


I don't think characters in the area are effected. the "No Defense applies" section notes the enivornment' date=' the character or the recepient takes damage automatically and with no defense. Just above that section though it says other characters cannot be effected by Side Effects and the Side Effects disadvantage gives no combat advantage at all[/quote']


Ok, back to the drawing board.

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