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Super ability creation question?


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I'm trying to design a metahuman that can create a forcewall either centered around themselves or at range, that part seems easy enough but what I'm finding a challenge is how to design the second part of the metahuman's power. Basically they can do the following things to area that's inside the Forcewall:


1. Rapidly 'cook' the area inside the forcewall doing damage.


2. Rapidly 'crush' the area (by shrinking the forcewall) inside the forcewall doing damag.


3. Rapidly evacuate the oxygen of the area inside the forcewall, causing whatever is inside it to be killed (to put out a flame or suffocate a person for instance).


I'm not sure how to go about designing the above 3 abilities. Could someone give me some ideas about how to go about it?


Any help's appreciated, thanks. =)

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Re: Super ability creation question?


Some random stabs at a multipower reflecting the above abilities:


Said multipower would presumably be linked to the force bubble power.


Slot 1) Xd6 EB, NND (defense is life support: extreme heat), AOE (radius or perhaps single hex).


Slot 2) TK, AOE, limited power (can only crush, not otherwise manipulate - some pretty hefty limitation), and/or:


Xd6 EB (physical), NND (defense is life support: high pressure), AOE.


Slot 3) Xd6 EB, NND (defense is life support: vacuum/low pressure/self-contained breathing), AOE, plus (or possibly as an alternate slot)


Xd6 dispel (all powers with combustion/oxidative reaction special FX), AOE.




Hopefully that's a helpful start.

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