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Star Hero Tech Project: v1.5


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Okay. Lets try this again.


Since my last thread got hijacked, lets post our tech items in this one.


The purpose of this thread is exactly like the Magic Items thread in the Fantasy Hero forum; to provide GM's with a quick source of ideas for items to use in his/her games. Any idea is welcome, as long as it fits with the theme (in this case, Science Fiction Tech).


Detailed descriptions of the item being presented are encouraged, but it is understandable that oftentimes people don't have the time to create such large posts, and a brief description as well as the basic stats are just fine and dandy as well.


Lets get started!

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Liquid Metal Cloak


Liquid Metal Cloak


This appears to be a skin-tight suit of reflective body armor that covers the wearer from neck to the soles of their feet. (its worn over footwear). There are suspiscious looking bulges at the biceps and thigh areas of the suit. When activated, a cloack billows forth from the back of the suit, which constantly flows as if caught in a light breeze...even if there isn't one.


The "Cloak" consists of a large Nanotech colony which is normally housed in the sections at the biceps/thighs and back of the suit. It moves and flows like Liquid Metal (think T-2 or T-3). Nanites are sent into the wearer's body, which link with the operators nervous system, allowing the cloak to be controlled by the wearer's thought processes.


The primary function of the cloak is protection. The suit itself acts like physical armor with a laser resistant coating. The cloak section can flow around the wearer and move to block incomming attacks. The nanotech colony can sense incomming attacks and harden the instant before impact, reducing or (in many cases) completely nullifying damage. This is not an infallible defense however. If the wearer is sufficiently distracted (concentrating on attacking an enemy perhaps) then the nanotech colony may not detect the attack in time. The nanites depend on the senses of the wearer and react accordingly, thus, the cloak will not move to protect a surprised individual.


The secondary function of the cloak is offensive. The Cloak can make blade-like shapes and these can be used to attack individuals within 8 meters of the operator. Obviously when used in attack mode, the defensive capabilities of the cloak are reduced, however the defense of the basic suit is always available. The cloak can make several tendrils and attack a single target multiple times, or attack multiple targets.


The device is powered by micro-fusion reactors housed in the bicep and thigh sections of the suit. If these are damaged it will lose the ability to charge the nanites with power and its nanite-production ability will be destroyed.


These are exceptionaly rare devices of a very high tech level. Oftentimes best introduced into a campaign in the hands of a major enemy, or as a percursor artifact of exteptional value. Weapons manufacturers would do just about anything to get their hands on one of these bad-boys. Take that into consideration when using these in your campaigns.


Characteristics and stats:


Armor: 12pd/16ed(42) Hardx1(+1/4) 52Act

--OIF(-1/2) Difficult to obtain(-1/2) Independant(-2) No mass(-0) Real Armor(-1/4) 16pts


Battery Pack:

Endurance Reserve: 100End(10) 20Rec(20) 30 Act

--IIF(-1/4) Difficult to obtain(-1/2) Independant(-2) 8pts


Laser Reflective Coating:


--Only vs Lasers(-1/2) OIF(-1/2) Independant(-2) Linked to Armor(-1/4) 4pts


Multipower: 60pt reserve 14pts

--OFI(-1/2) Difficult to obtain(-1/2) Independant(-2) Linked to Armor(-1/4)


1) Blades: 2D6 HKA(30) Autofire-5(+1/2) 45Act End=4/attack Ultra slot: 2pts


2) Stretching: +3"(15)

-- Only to cause damage(-1/2) X2 End(-1/2) End=3/attack Ultra slot: 1pt


3) Missile Deflection: Vs All(20) +5 to deflect(10) Adjacent(+1/2) 45 Act: --Cost Endurance(-1/2) End=4/deflection Ultra slot: 2pts


4) Force Wall: 10pd/10ed FW(50) +5" width(10) 60Act

--Self Only(-1/2) No Range(-1/2) End=6/phase Ultra slot: 2pts.


Multipower cost: 21pts.


Total cost of Liquid Metal Cloak: 49pts.



They are all linked to the armor because if the armored suit itself is destroyed, taken away, etc, none of the other powers will operate any longer.


Because they are "Ultra" slots, the Blades, Missile Deflection and Force Wall cannot be used simultanteously. Only the Blades and the Stretching can be used together (a total active cost of 60pts, the total in the MP reserve).


Price: I don't know, but it would be a lot of cash (worth at least 1 million credits [or whatever passes for Currency in your campaign] to an R&D team)

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Impact Cannon: IC-19A


Impact Cannons are weapons based on advanced Force Field principles, and as such are available only to such societies that have a working knowledge of such principles. (FF technology should be fairly common within a society before introducing such weapons)


An Impact cannon generates a focused Force Field and fires the field at a target. Range is moderate (less than 1000 meters) but the damage potential is oftentimes considerable. However, the weakness of the Impact cannon is its inability to penetrate hard armor and (of course) other Force Fields. As such, Impact cannons are often used as Riot-control weaponry by the police and are the weapons the government advocates for use as "Home Defense" weaponry. Don't let this fool you though. Impact cannons can be quite deadly, and many of them have military applications.


First, an Impact cannon doesn't generate a visible "beam", making them difficult to dodge and to pinpoint the exact position of the user.

Second, Impact cannons tend to generate a large amount of kinetic energy when it impacts a target. Lighter objects (small cars on down) tend to get pushed around by Impact Cannon blasts. This means when fighting at high elevations, Impact cannons have a VERY good chance of knocking one's opponent over a ledge or cliff or rooftop.


The following Impact Cannon, the IC-19A, is an Autofire-capable, mid-range IC that is oftentimes used by S.W.A.T. teams on many worlds. It has enough "punch" to easily break bones with a single blast. Its also quite good at tossing people about.



OCV: +0

Rmod: +2

Damage: 12D6N

StunX: N/A

Ammo: 20

STRmin: 12

Range: 450"

Rate of Fire: 4


Cost: 1560 credits


12D6 Energy Blast [phy](60):

--Autofire-4(+1/2) Double Knockback(+3/4) Invisible Power Effects[sight](+1/2) 180 Act:

--OAF(-1) Difficult to Obtain(-1/4) Independant(-2) Limited Range(-1/4) STRmin(-1/2) Two Hands[Rifle](-1/2) Real Weapon(-1/4) Cost: 31pts


Notes: With the IPE advantage added to this weapon, this makes it difficult to pinpoint the source of the attack with normal perception rolls. Hearing rolls are at -2...there is some sound when it is fired (a whine and a loud "whoosh") but its not as loud as a Plasma cannon or old-skool projectile weapon.

The Double Knockback should be treated as normal. For those not using the knockback rules in their Star Hero game, double the body damage for purposes of determining Knockdown and throw in a few hexes of knockback as well. (suggestion: 1 Hex per 2pts of Body damage rolled over the targets normal Body characteristic)

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Cost Powers END

28 Sand Caster: Multipower, 90-point reserve, all slots: (90 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Ablative BODY or STUN (-1), 12 Charges (-1/4)

2u 1) Single Shot: Force Wall (10 PD/10 ED; 3" long and 1" tall) (Opaque: Normal Sight) (59 Active Points)

3u 2) Double Shot: Force Wall (15 PD/15 ED; 5" long and 2" tall) (Opaque: Normal Sight) (90 Active Points)


Sand Casters from traveller

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