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New Campiagn World


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Re: New Campiagn World


It's safe MT, it's just a .txt file that you have to C/P into a Word doc in order to read it. But seeing as I did all that already, I've attached it for your convenience. I'll assume I qualify as a "long time poster" and you won't mind DLing it from me. ;)


I've read through it. I apologize that I do this from time to time, but keep hope that you're not the first person to receive this lambasting from me:


Where's the beef? I see all the usual genre tropes; world war, post war unification, man achieves FTL travel and you rubber-science the explanation (not unlike the Shaw-Fujikawa Drive of my HALO conversion from their IP) to keep FTL and Einsteinian law separate from each other (again, fine). You're using standard modern-arms. Fine.


Where's the originality to your setting? If it's a new setting, other than some groovy names, where's the newness? What story is this setting supposed to tell, and why does it require this setting to be told?


I'm not fully following your political structure; either you have absolute power, OR, there's a series of checks & balances. Achieving a 3/4s vote among individual states that are going to have wildly differing needs is pretty much impossible. Mankind is diverse as it is already; we already have 50 STATES, 48 of which are contiguous, and we can barely agree on anything.


Why is Interstellar trade handled by only one company? This flies in the face of all things 'human' by nature.


Some things to think on.

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Re: New Campiagn World


Thanks for your feedback guys.


I would have responded sooner, but weekend+college=headache :D


So here is my idea for a unique twist:


During the 30 years of war far to many new weapons were used, but it wasn't until the peace that the full existent of the damage was know. Humanity was diseased. The countless chemical, biological and radioactive weapons had irreparable damaged humanities genetic code as a whole. Birth was still possible, if rare, but the children born were diseased mutants. some even born with terminal cancer


Most thought humanity was lost, until a research team found the remnants of an old computer in bombed out research lab. It contained the human genome project data.


This data contained an untainted sample of human DNA. Scientists were able to begin growing new humans in the lab.


however this data only contained 120 sample enough to help but not enough to fix the problem.


Advances in genetic engineering solved the problem with the advent of modular genetics. this allowed scientist to create human genetic code from scratch and to determine the traits this human would possess.


not only did this end humanity's problem it lead to a new caste system in which people are grown for their job




This is all I've got so far. More to follow later


let me know what you think

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Re: New Campiagn World


Hmmm, as Thia said, "where's the beef?"

Here's some things to consider in fleshing this out.


Tone: Is the campaign supposed to be dark, light, or neutral? While multiple colonies and existence is neutral, the style of government and quality of life overall will keep it neutral or make it dark.


Can the PCs Change Things? In a neutral tone campaign, they'll want to get better at what they do; in a dark campaign, if they're heroic at all, they'll want to make things better (Blake 7 and Firefly, for example).


Government: If you have strictly a military government, there won't be a senate with any real power, if at all. With a Grand Marshall and a senate, you're moving from a monarchy (of sorts) to a constitutional monarchy, which makes the Grand Marshall more like a president and subject to the laws of the senate, and with veto rights. If you want something more stringent, do a little research on military Junta governments and socialist party governments (ugh). Decide what model you want governmental power to follow.

What impact does this have on how the colony worlds are governed? Are they independent, or do they have colonial military governors?


Commerce: If you have a military government, commerce exists more or less at their whim, so you can have a single "sanctioned" interstellar trading company, like the old India Trading Company in colonial days. However, sanctioned is the key word, the only limiting factor being access to starships for interstellar commerce. Commerce on individual worlds is a different matter.

What is there that's worth transporting (profitable) from main world to colony worlds, and from colony worlds to the main world? Are the colonies agricultural, industrial, mining, scientific?


Society: What is overall society like? Is this life in a despotic regime, with no rights for the people unless you happen to be in the military or other favored group? If so, technology will crawl due to heavy constaints on creativity other than military research.


Culture: Is this a unified culture, like Firefly, where the human culture is a mix of American and Chinese - everyone speaks both English and Chinese? Did the individual cultures (Chinese, Japanese, Indian, American, and so on) all survive in some form? Or is humanity now all bred by job (Strong dumb workers, weak intelligent thinkers, and so forth) which creates their own subcultures?


Technology: A military government will stress military technology, even in peace time. A civilian government will stress commercial technology (iPhone version 700) and more scientific research for research's sake. What is the level and type of technologies available?


Robotics and AI: Do AI robots exist, or only primitive (21st century) robots?


Playability: What is it about your campaign that makes someone say "cool! I want to play an ongoing character" ?


Story: What is going to be compelling about the campaign from the point of view of the characters living the story?


If you start tieing these things out in a believable manner, you'll have a great campaign.

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Re: New Campiagn World


Here is some more stuff:


Star Hero Setting Notes:


Tone: The feeling I'm trying to go for is a Neutral society/Government forced upon dark times


The PCs will play an integral part in the outcome of the story


Government: A Dictatorship. The Grand Marshal has supreme power. However each system is entrusted to a System marshal,

Who in turn leaves the running of each planet up to a Plantary marshal.


All government positions are set in a strict hierarchy, much like the military, and positions are awarded based on skill and attitude.

While the government has supreme power life is generally easy. The government provides for all citizens equally with a sliding tax scale based primarily

on income.


Commerce: There is one 'Sanctioned' Trading company. However free traders are allowed, however the tariffs imposed on their goods make it impractical at best

The main trade items sent 'in'- system from the colony worlds are:


Gradadium: This somewhat transparent, reflective substance is used to make reactor shields and starship hulls. It is very heavy, and very dense.

This material has a rough texture in solid form. This substance's melting point is one of the highest known.

This substance provides excellent protection from radiation. This substance is not very conductive. It is also a amazing insulator against temperature changes.


Haputonium: This dark blue metal is used to make the warp condueites (sp?) that allow for warp travel.


The Core worlds in turn ship out Processed and refined goods to the colony worlds


Society: While the government is a dictatorship, most people do not see it as such. They have free will and may pre sue any profession that they wish.

When someone is 'born' they have perfect baseline DNA (in stat terms all 10s) the appearance genes are randomly determined to help prevent copies.

At age 10 a child chooses his profession, once chosen he is given a fast acting virus that alters his DNA so that he is better suited for the job

Children then spend then next 5-10 years finishing their schooling and specialty training for their Job.


Culture: The UHE culture is still a mixed pot of all the cultures of old earth, all religions are tolerated by the government.

Their is a strong Caste system associated with your chosen career, no person is bred to be 'dumb', instead some people are altered to be smarter based on the needs of their job (i.e. doctors)



I'll put up more later, but for now I have to get to class:help:

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Re: New Campiagn World


I've got it!


The twist to make the story interesting and enjoyable.


The alien race, name to be decided, is first of all feline, enough of all these lizard look a likes.


Secondly where as humanity uses technology they use magic and have no concept of technology.


I am also thinking of loosely basing them off of some of earths mythical creatures.


Let me know what you guys think.

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