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FREELancer organization campaign roster


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This thread will be detailing some of the NPCs in my ongoing Dark Champions FREELancers game. The FREELancers (stands for Fast Reaction/Experimental Espionage) are heroes for hire, and have contracts with municipal, state and fedeal agencies to supplement police forces, and offer disaster relief. They also carry out investigations, security operations and offer their considerable scientific expertise in a variety of areas, thanks to the gadgeteers on their staff. They will work for private citizens, but all their work must be "legal". They also do work abroad for other governments and individuals/organizations outside the US, but their work must be compliant with US restrictions on exporting metahuman expertise. Most of their work is billable, but they do take on pro bono cases as circumstances allow for it.


Powers are used, but the game has a street-level supers (hence the inclusion in Dark Champions) feel to it. Most PCs have Normal characteristic Maxima, with all PCs having 4 SPD.


The organization is based on the FREELancers supplement from the old Top Secret game (it was written in 1988, and detailed a dark future set in 1998. Heh. A pair of novels by Mel Odom reset the timeline and had it set in 2023.)


The original setting had the team based in Chicago, but I chose to base my game in Seattle originally (thank you to Shadowrun). A few years later, I decided it might be fun to have a branch office in Hudson city (I also ran a one shot for an office set in Miami). A lot of characters are directly taken from the FREELancer supplement, though I have added my own twists. I've also added support staff, and over the years have compiled quite a list of people. I thought I'd share it here with the forum for you all to enjoy as well.


Other sources include the Op Center novels, GI JOE (for some code names), some Champions Supplements (like Normals Unbound), Top Secret (pre- and post-SI) modules, movies ranging from Kill Bill to the IPCRESS file, the Queen & Country comics and a few GURPS books. Plus others. Yes: I rip off a lot of stuff. I will list my "inspirations" in each character's write up, which I plan to expand over the next few weeks.


In the meantime here is the roster. I've broken it down into departments by branch office. I actually keep all the NPCs on a long Excel sheet for quick reference, and have reduced them to one line with a few tags. All characters who have been played as a PC are identifed as such, although the Players may not neccesarily be active. Enjoy:

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All of the current PCs are Metable Field agents. I have them made up with a base of 175 pts, plus another 150 pts in disads, 20 extra points that don't count against the disad total if they take Normal Char. Maxima (it's their option to tkae it), and another 5 pts in quirks (effectively it makes them 175/175 pt characters). All my players are SPD 4. On average, they have about 100-125 XP


Hudson City FREELancer team Field Agents


  • Boost aka Cody Murphy. (Boost is a former athlete who was experimented on with high end steroid treatments by a mysterious organization. He is a brick with a 45 STR (one of the highest STRs in the campaign), has regenerative powers and is permanently 10 ft tall. He is an active PC).
  • Charm aka Simon Drake. Empathic manipulation, needs to feed off of other people's emotional responses (not a drain power, just a disad for him). He is influenced by the emotions he absorbs and tends to use his powers to make people like him, intensify those feelings, and then returns them. Also a master of disguise and a rival to Counterfeit. Good for short term infiltrations, but in the long term, is at risk to forget his loyalties to FREELancers and liable to join the organizations he's infiltrated, or cults, or random other groups like roaming circuses or theatre companies. Taken Directly from the FREELancers supplement.
  • Counterfeit aka Robert Borden. Counterfeit is a Cellular Shapeshifter who can mimic people's DNA when he makes contact with them. He is a synthetic replicant who's genes were spliced with DNA from a Shapechanging demon by an evil corporation called IMClone (the same company that Martha Stewart illegally sold shares of with insider trading, but in this reality they make genetically spliced assassins as well as anti-cancer drugs. What a cool name for an evil company- I just had to use it). He is an active PC.
  • Download aka Jefferson Scott. Has "Skillwires"- Cybernetically simulated skills. The Download device records brainwaves of skilled people as they use their skills and makes cybernetic simulations of their patterns on a datachip. He loads the datachip into his system and can mimic their skills. Unfortunately, he also picks up subjects' psych limitations and memories which tend to imprint them on his own psyche over time. He is watching in horror as his original personality fades and a new one is emerging from the accumulated mix. He was "volunteered" to this project to avoid jailtime. Rumor has it he was romantically involved with Lee Won Underhill many years ago, and she keeps sending him on suicide missions. Imported from the FREELancer supplement.
  • GlowStar aka Shirae Yoshiko. She has STR 20 Telekinetic abilities with a visible special effect: a green glow. Her attack of choice is to telekinetically accelerate throwing stars that she carries on her. She is a younger team member, recently having graduated from the Training Team in Seattle. She grew up on the streets of Tokyo, where she became a streetwise pickpocket. The character was written up by Mel Odom in the first FREELancer novel).
  • Hellfire aka Dr. Melinda Randall. She is an Irish citizen who was born with an invulnerability to heat and flame. She joined the British army who paid for her medical schooling where she became a genetics expert, specifically to find out how her power worked. A shadow group found out about her ability and forced her to be used in a ritual that summoned Ukobash, a fire demon. Ukobash's entry into this realm is normally carried out by consuming a human host through slow combustion and controlling the burning body until it runs out. Thanks to her invulnerability, "Mindy" kept control of her body and newfound fire powers, but couldn't turn off her flame form. Until recently, she had to wear a liquid filled containment suit. The FREELancers developed a synthcloth suit that allowed her to function more normally. She is considered a leading expert in metahuman genetics and is an active PC.
  • Hurricane aka Katherine Payne. She is one of the team's pilots who was bitten by a vampire. The only way to save her from turning was to remove her brain and nervous system out of her body and transplant into a full conversion cyborg body (that has synthetic skin grown over it, but she is going through a bit of an existential crisis a la Ghost in the Shell). She is a PC, who'se original concept was imported from an old Top Secret campaign I ran years ago.
  • Sidewinder aka Mike Carradine. He is a Kenjutsu expert who has a few Chi skills, but his true mastery is in the area of Chi Invisibility. He is a former member of the DVAS- the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad. He was inpired by the character of the same name in the Kill Bill movies. His brother, Snake Charmer has used his Chi skills to become a full mentalist, and currently heads the DVAS (who are a Viper unit, as the name may have suggested). He is GM PC from another game that I imported, but I do my best not to have him "be awesome and totally save the world 'cause he's my PC, and is awesome right?" I also borrowed the name from Sidewinder in the Serpent Squad since he sort of has a Vanishing Teleport
  • Wolf aka Wolfgang Crowe. Wolf is a werewolf who has a Wolf totem in his head that calls himself the Old One and urges him to give in to his true nature and bite the throats of his enemies in combat. Because of the paperwork this causes for the organization, he tries not to use his wolf form, prefering to use his heightened senses and Army Ranger training instead. He is an active PC and is the ranking field officer in Hudson City. He was inspired by a similar character called Wolfgang Kies from Mike Stackepole's "Wolf & Raven" Shadowrun short stories, though the character has evolved in a radically different direction.

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Hudson City FREELancer Administration & Support Team


  • Janet Melendy. Regional Director of the Hudson City office. No metabilities, but she is an ex-MI-6 agent and was a crack driver that was good enough to have a cover as a Grand Prix driver when she was in the field. I imported her from the High Stakes Gamble Top Secret/SI supplement, but have aged her 15 years so that she is in her 40s.
  • Phantom aka James "Jimmy" Jessup, the Hudson City office Deputy Director/Intelligence Director. When the FREELancers started up in the 80s, he was one of the early field agents with nearly 20 years of CIA experience. He used to have the ability to turn into mist and a death touch and was destined to fight against a demon called Croydon. He transferred his powers to a PC named Smoke, wheh she became the new Hunter of Croydon. He is currently powerless, but has nearly 4 decades of espionage related experience. His last name is a tribute to Nathan Jessup, Jack Nicholson's character from "A Few Good Men".
  • Matthew Armbruster. He is the organization's CFO and actually answers to Director Underhill in Seattle (the HQ). He is extremely wealthy and married to a Congressional Reprentative (Shanna Armbruster). He's a bit of a gadgeteer when his schedule allows for it. I imported him from the 4th edition Normals Unbound supplement.
  • Dr. Bluestreak aka Dr. Russell Sanders used to be a speedster who used a neural wire suit with an optical interface to get his powers, but the device took it's toll on his brain after years of use. He now has superspeed thought processes, minor paranoid delusions and acts as the team gadgeteer. He is a former PC who's player has retired. I've modelled his belief in consipracy theories on Whistler, Dan Ackryod's character in "Sneakers"
  • Robert "Ace" Gilmore. Ace has no metabilities, but he is lucky and good at cards (I'm so original, aren't I?) , is trained as a bodyguard and a pilot. I took the nickname from the GIJoe pilot of the same code name.
  • Lyle Kaffey. Legal Counsel. No metabilities. He is currently having an affair w/ Ruth Montiverdi, the PR specialist (she is married to another man), but this subplot hasn't really seen anything in game. I play this NPC as a mix between Lowell Coffey II from the Op center series and Daniel Kaffee from a Few Good Men (and who's last name I took for this character).
  • Dr. Amanda Callard. Staff Psychiatrist. No metabilities. Named and inspired by Eleanor Callard- the psychiatric counsellor from Greg Rucka's Queen & Country.
  • Dr. Erik Faraday. Diagnosis savant, surgeon, CSI/Forensic expert. Based on Eric Foreman from House, with House's instant diagnostic skills. The last name was inspired by King Faraday, from DC, but just because I liked the name.
  • Bonnie Knight. Mechanic/gadgeteer, No metabilities. Ex-UNTIL. Based on Bonnie Barstow from Knight Rider.
  • Edgar "Egger" Brian. No metabilities, Mechanic, overweight, ex-NASCAR mechanic. The "Eggar" nickname came from Men In Black.
  • Ruth Montiverdi. Pheromones. PR expert. Is married, but in affair w/Kaffey and several other men (she is easily influenced by the pheromones generated by men who are attracted to her). I got the name from a classic Top Secret supplement called Operation: Orient Express.

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Hudson City Surveillance/Reconnaisance Agents


These are the "guys in the van" that do surveillance work. They are also experts ast shadowing and staking out a place, so they can often help the Field agents by acting as their eyes for long term work. They are not supposed to engage a target, only observe them, remain unseen and call in for back up when needed. On average, they are 150 pt characters with SPD 3 (I generally model them on FBI agent templates with some customization).


  • Scarlett aka Aideen Martin. No metabilities, ex-NYPD undercover, cautious, with a tattoo. I imported her directly from the Op Center series. She is a redhead, so I assigned her a code name from the GI Joe character.
  • Cable aka David Hatcher No metabilities, ex-CIA and a former marine, with a reputation for cockiness. Based on David Battat, also from Op Center. The code name is from the XMan of the same name, but only because Cable is kind of a techie name and Moore down below had a name that coincidentally was XMan-ish.
  • Bishop aka Harold Moore. No metabilities, ex-MI-5, facetious and mildly insubordinate, with a rivalry towards any MI-6 types, including Janet Melendy. The name comes from a character referred to in passing in the Op Center series. I based him on Harry Palmer from the IPCRESS files and Bullet to Beijing. His code name is actually a tribute to Robert Redford's character in "Sneakers" (Martin Bishop)
  • Fastjack aka Zack Bensen. No metabilities, ex-NSA, ambitious, gambler, h4x0r! Another character that is only mentioned in passing in Op-Center. I assigned him a code name based on the legendary Shadowrun decker/hacker, though this version is a young kid (based on River Phoenix's character in "Sneakers").

Hudson City Combat Operatives "The Redshirts"


The Combat Operatives tend to have "Elite level" training, and in many cases, that training is backed up by minor superpowers. The Combat Operatives tend to be about 300 pts, and usually SPD 4. They also have access to Man Amplifying Exoskeltons (MAX), bulky (10 ft tall) suits of power armor that give them STR 30 and give them the defenses and firepower of a small tank- think Terminator Armor from the WarHammer 40K game. The MAX is equipment that doesn't count as part of their point totals.


  • Landshark aka Capt. Richard Kamen. He has no metabilities, but is the local Combat Ops leader, and is an ex-Navy Seal, who has worked for UNTIL. He's a bit of a lech, and has had an encounter or eight with Ruth Montiverdi, though Kaffey doesn't know that.
  • Ripcord aka Sgt. Geoffrey B. Liddell. No metabilities, second in command of the HC Combat Ops. He is an ex-Ranger who worked for Kamen in UNTIL. His years of service have left him with a cynical attitude. He and Deep Six have a strange rivalry over how often each one can save the other's life in battle. Code name comes from the GIJoe paratrooper.
  • Lowlight aka Cpl. Derek Richards. Metability incluides Enhanced vision that lets him see farther and allows him to augment the ambient light from stars and other "lowlight" conditions. He has come to the combat ops team after a few years on the LAPD SWAT team. Code name comes from the GIJoe sniper.
  • Deep-Six aka Cpl. Jacques Runne. Born of Haitian descent. Possesses the ability to hold his breath for close to an hour. Exceeds the NCM for swimming speeds. Is an ex-SEAL who worked for Kamen in UNTIL before joining his team with the FREELancers. Has a daughter who goes to a fancy private school thanks to the perks offered by the FREELancers (Ripcord is her godfather). code name comes from the GIJoe Combat Sub pilot. Real name comes from an agent in a classic Top Secret module (Operation: Rapidstrike).
  • Torpedo aka Juan Matthews. No metabilities, Background is a Coast Guard boarding crew. He's a crude sexist, bastard who is divorced and has two kids, who also benefit from the FREELancer perks to get a better education. Code name comes from the GIJoe diver. Real name comes from an agent in a Top Secret Supplement (Lady in Distress)
  • Bad Vibe aka Clyde "Chase" Bottoms. Has the danger sense talent. Is ex-NYPD SWAT, and has a rep for being a bully. Name comes from Rapidstrike Top Secret module (was another pregenerated agent). Nicknamed him "Chase" after Jack Bauer's partner in Season 3 of 24.
  • Cover Girl aka Sarah King. No metabilities, Was a member of the UK Olympic biathlon team. She has an intolerance for the non-athletic. Code name comes from the GIJoe missle tank driver/mechanic. Real name comes from Operation: Lady in Distress Top Secret module
  • Snake Eyes aka Luke Zabronski. No metabilities, Combat Ops, ex-VIPER, overconfident, gambling. Code name comes from GIJoe. Character is based on a pregenerated agent from Operation Orient Express (the character was a combat monster in Classic Top Secret, which was not an easy feat to do in that game).

Hudson City Compound Security


Security is not as well trained as the Combat Ops. They tend to be 150 pt characters on par with veteran beat cops, averaging SPD 3. They tend to stay on base and are rarely in the field. As such, they haven't seen much play, except for escorting characters on base, where they don't talk much.


  • Scott "Chief" Mackenzie. No metabilities, security chief, dislike for non-security, by the book
  • Martin Fairchild. No metabilities, security, intimidating, birthmark on face
  • Edward Barkin. No metabilities, security, ambitious with rep for ambition
  • Isaiah Woods. No metabilities, security, opportunist, dependants
  • Tom Prowse. No metabilities, security, sexist, gambler, criminal record
  • Ann Gammerstein. No metabilities, security, overconfident, scar from a fight
  • Dan Warren. No metabilities, security, intimidating, known to be bully
  • Neil Marks. Has a cyberarm, security, redneck, unlucky


The security characters were just created using random names. I decided to have Neil Marks with a cyberarm just ot remind the PCs that bionic technology is more common than they might think and that not everyone with a cyberarm is a superhero.

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The Operations team coordinates electronic communcations between the branch offices, agents in the field and other agencies.




Members of the Operations team tend to be non-combatants. Their Physical attributes are unexceptional (8-12 range, with SPD 2), but they tend to have high INT (13-20) and above average EGO (11-14)


  • Matrix aka Irene Domino Computer Savant, Head of Information Systems. She was a housewife who discovered that she could go int oa trance and instinctively hack computers when she ran into financial trouble and hacked an ATM machine. Since then, she has been trained to focumes her ability and runs the Computer Networks that the FREELancers use to gather data. Whenever she isn't "logged in", she is timid and tries not be seen. She is taken directly from Jeff Grubb's FREELancer supplement for TOP Secret/SI.
  • Matthew Stroller. No metabilities, chief of IT. He is a cocky know it all who annoys everyone by usually being right, He is based on Matt Stoll, the head of IT from the Op Center series.
  • Steven Vineberg. No metabilities, IT, satelite recon interpretation. Based on Stephen Viens, a character who works at the NRO (National Reconnaissance Offiice) from Op Center.
  • Gygory "Greg" Borovan No metabilities, Ops, an overconfident analyst. Based on a pregenerated field agent from the Top Secret Orient Express Supplement.
  • Carmen Mendoza no metabilities, Ops, Based on a pregenerated field agent from the Top Secret Operation Lady in Distress module
  • Thomas Rinkman no metabilities, Ops. Old school cavalier attitude: a sexist, gambler who is based on a pregenerated field agent from the Top Secret Orient Express Supplement.
  • Alfredo Saludo no metabilities, Ops, He is a recovering alcoholic. Based on a pregenerated field agent from the Top Secret Operation Lady in Distress module
  • Werner Clause no metabilities, Ops, disdain for uneducated. Based on a pregenerated field agent from the Top Secret Operation Rapidstrike module

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Seattle (HQ) FREELancer Field Agents

  • Captain Ares alias unknown. Possesses Super Strength (30) and Toughness. Flies with a rocket belt (that works a lot like Boba Fett's jet pack. It requires SuperSTR to maneuver effectively with it). Has amnesia and enough mental defense that he can't be telepathically probed to find out who he is. Directly imported from the FREELancer supplement, but I added the rocket belt.
  • Comet aka Ashley Armstrong. Ironclad's little sister. Power is exceptional eyesight. Her eyesight allows her to use the optical interface without the long term effects on the brain that made Dr BlueStreak a little wacky. Wear Bluestreak's Mk IV Wiresuit to act as a Wired Reflexes based Speedster. Partly inspired by Pacesetter from the GURPS Mixed Doubles supplement.
  • Flashback aka Allan Gutsmen. Postcognitive. Hasn't really seen much play in game. Original character.
  • IronClad aka Jack Armstrong . Metallic form, Brick with 45 STR. Was dropped in a vat full of chemicals by terrorists that transforemd him into metal, permanently. Was in suspended animation for three yeras in FREELancer labs while they developed nanites that could transform him back. Needed regular injections to not become a statue again. Uses same model rocket belt as Captain Ares to fly. PC.
  • Minder aka Peter Duncan O'Shea. Telepath, Director Operations. Was a Green Beret in 'Nam. Joined the CIA afterwards, retired when the Berlin Wall came down. Used Phamaceutical/Chemistry knowledge to become a vigilante known as Midnight Mist. Got exposed to a mutagen that activated his telepathic powers (his ID was exposed and he dropped the Mist ID). Joined the FREELancers to learn how to use his powers. Was the field team leader until his player retired. PC.
  • ScratchBuilt aka Juan Miguel DeChanza. Savant w/ machines. Natural mechanolink. Built a 35 foot powersuit that only responds to him. Imported from FREELancer supplement.
  • Shadow aka Jenny Suzuki. Martial Arts, Chi Powers. A former member of Shadow Squadron that Fearless recruited. Inspired by Shado from the Green Arrow: Longbow Hunter storyline
  • Tandem (1 & 2) aka Marsha Martini & Jimmy Conrad. Physical abilities augmented in each other's vicinity, Telepathic blasts when in contact with one another, mindlink. Not related, but were born at the same hospital on the same day- origin of powers suspected to be a batch of altered innoculations. Marsha is impulsive and gets into trouble a lot, Jimmy is reluctant but good at helping her get out of it. Imported from FREELancer supplement.

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Seattle Support staff


  • Lee Won Underhill aka the Dragon Lady. No metabilities. Director and CEO of FREELancers. She is in her mid-40s. She is the daughter of the original founder of the agency George Anthony Underhill. She was fathered by him while he worked as a spy in the Vietnam war, but they only met when she was in her 20s (when she was working as a dealer on the Asian Black Market). She joined his agency and quickly became her father's Field team leader and then Deputy Director. When he contracted cancer, she took over the agency. She recently began a romantic relationship with Minder. Directly based on Jeff Grubb's writeup in FREELancers.
  • Kevin "Foghorn" MacPherson no metabilities, Deputy Director, ex-UNTIL, rep: loud style. Based on an old Top Secret PC of mine who was a wheelman and a crack shot with a pistol.
  • Dr. Random aka Dr. Andrew J. Rhand. Heightened Intelligence. Random Rolling Savant Syndrome- he has random savant knowledge that changes when he sleeps. As a resutl, when it kicks in, he can make leaps and bounds in a scientific field, but his mind is in overdrive and he'll often make notes that he can't understand after the savant state has passed, and personality wise, he refuses to play nicely with anyone else who can take notes for him. He'll stay awake for days when a state hits him, pushing his knowledge as much as his body can tolerate. In addition to his powers, he has 7 different scientific related PhDs. He is the organization's CTO & head of R&D. Patents extrapolated from the research he has done are responsible for a great deal of his wealth (and the FREELancer's). He is taken pretty much as is from the FREELancer supplement.
  • Philip Kent. No metabilities, Assistant Director. The name/character is taken from Mel Odom's novel, but I promoted him from Underhill's assistant to Deputy Director.
  • Martha Macintosh No metabilities, legal counsel, An ambitious lawyer with expertise in international agreements and politics. She handles the legal obligations and ensures that FREELancers operations are compliant with overseas laws and treaties when needed. I based her on Martha Mackall from the Op Center series, with a little bit of Amanda Waller thrown in.
  • Dr. Donald Blake No metabilities, staff physician. Has a mild disdain for everyone around him and a limp. Named after Thor's original secret ID, with Greg House's personality.
  • Dr. Liz Gordon. Staff psychiatrist. No metabilities, but she has the hypnotism and "I know what you're thinking" Super skill. Patient, chain smoker. Taken as is from the Op Center novels.
  • Anne Farris. No metabilities, FREELancers Marketing head. Taken from Op Centers series novel. Was involved in a plot where an infiltrator was having an affair with her and using mind control on her to collect data for him. (the PCs busted the op, and mind scanned her to make sure that her head was clear).
  • Paul Herrod. No metabilities, CIO, workaholic, troubled marriage.
  • Ben Armstrong. No metabilities, legal counsel, Law Enforcement Liason. Ironclad & Comet's brother.
  • Daniel Plummer. No metabilities, Administrative Staff, impatient, gambler. Named after Ron Plummer from Op Center series.
  • Stephen Benetar Assistant to Ms. Underhill. No metabilities, but Superskills as I need them. Serene and unfazeable, has an old scar from a fight suggesting a mysterious past that the players will never probably discover. He is more than an admin assistant- he's also a bodyguard. Named after Pat Benetar (Hit me with your Best Shot!)
  • Lance Johnston No metabilities, Pilot, reckless, ex-BF of Katherine Payne (all pilots know one another and used to date... :D). Based on one of Fearless' PC's old characters from Top Secret. Named for the surfer in Apocalypse Now, but personality-wise based on Charlie Sheen's character: "Ditch" Brodie from "Gone in 60 Seconds".
  • Jeff Riker No metabilities, Co-Pilot, ex-US Navy, intimidating, dnpc (married). Based on an NPC Submarine XO who appeared in an old Top Secret game I ran. I named him after another XO- William Riker.
  • Gregor Lang. No metabilities, Mechanic, timid, lucky. Named for a pregenerated character from a Top Secret module.
  • Tom Whitehead no metabilities, Mechanic, ex-USAF, opportunist, rivalry with Lang. Named for a pregenerated character from a Top Secret module.
  • Tokubi Tsuyu Her power is the ability to put up w/Dr. Random, She is the longtime assistant to Dr. Random- the only person who hasn't quit/been fired before working with him for a week. She is endlessly patient, unfazeable, and has a few dice of luck. Named for a pregenerated character from a Top Secret module.

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Training Team (Seattle)


  • Golem aka Agatha GreyWood. Team Trainer. Transfers her consciousness to objects she sculpts. She sculpts person sized statues and can use them to function as a Brick. Was a professional sculptor. Underhill discovered how she used her powers to imporve her sculptures and blackmailed her into joining the team. After a few years, she bought in. She is one of the senior members of the team and has retired from fieldwork, opting to train the next generation of metables in non-combat skills (Agent Prime handles the combat portion of their curriculum).Original character from the FREELancer supplement, though I've evolved her as a teacher.
  • CopyCat aka Sherry Simms. Power Mimicry, age 14. Younger sister to Ian Simms aka Synapse. Discovered to have power mimicry.
  • Lift aka Bruce Sato. Telekinetic (30 STR), age 17. Named for Lifter from Mask.
  • Lightning Rod aka Rodney Milhouse. Electrokinetic, age 14. My creation. Name is a bad pun. Last name and personality is inspired by Bart's best friend.


Seattle Surveillance/Reconnaisance Agents


  • Cloak aka Falah Shibli. Chameleon/Clinging, ex-Mossad, idealist, scars (from torture) Character comes from Op Center series. I added the powers since I wanted a Predator style stealth guy.
  • Dagger aka Maria Corneja MacPherson. No metabilities, ex-UNTIL, idealist, married to Kevin MacPherson. Character is inspired by Maria Corneja from Op Center series. Code name is a nod to Marvel duo.



Seattle Combat Operatives (aka The Redshirts)

  • Agent Prime aka Capt Thaddeus Johnson. Skill Mimicry, Combat Ops Team Leader, bully, scar on chin. Character is inspired from FREELancer supplement, but his skills are not explained (using his skills causes Download headaches, so there may be a metable component in the original write up). I decided that muscle mimicry and a career spent around commandos and special op types would be a cool way to explain his skills.
  • Panzer aka Sgt. Hans Koppel. STR 25, ex-UNTIL, GSG9, Ex-Juicer. Named for a TOP SECRET pregenerated agent.
  • Slugger aka Cpl Darrel McCaskey. No metabilities, ex-FBI, ambitious. Romantic rivalry w/ Macpherson over Maria. Named after a character in Op Center. He ends up marrying Maria in the series. In this version, they had a thing, but she ended up marrying to Macpherson. I randomly assigned the name to him then added the romantic rivalry subplot to him to give him some backstory. The situation could be career limiting for him.
  • RunDown aka Claude Bouchet. Running 15", ex-French Foreign Legion, cocky, scars from a fight, army tattoos. Named for a Top Secret pregenerated agent.


Seattle Security


  • Bruno Craig no metabilities, security chief, sarcastic, heavy tattoos
  • Jeff Knight no metabilities, security, dislike for non-security, rival w/Craig
  • Clark Kurtz no metabilities, security, lazy, army tattoo

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Re: FREELancer organization campaign roster



  • Nighthawk Clairvoyance/Telepathy, killed by Hollow Man (invisible assassin) before the campaign began, but seen by Counterfeit in a Flashback. Based on a character from Mel Odom's novel. I added the Telepathy.
  • C4 Explosive Blasts, killed by Prime after going rogue in campaign backstory. Based on a character from Mel Odom's novel (including the part where Prime kills her). I hated the character, but liked the plot element to add to Agent Prime's rep.
  • George Anthony Underhill FREELancer founder, no metabilities, died of cancer- is in cryofreeze. In the supplement, he is written as still being active, although still in cryo. In my setting, I have never confirmed if he is active, but I haven't had him appear, except in a flashback when he met Minder in his vigilante days. The team rumor mill has it that he is in cryo and still "active"..



  • CrossBow aka Prof. Abraham Davison. Expert w/Crossbow, Crossbow w/trick bolts. Contact's father. Referred to in her backstory from the supplement.
  • Synapse aka Ian Simms. Metabolic manipulation. Was a teenage kid and member of the training team. PC who's character was retired when the player moved to another province. Character is trapped in a medeival dimension that we played a one shot in where some modern Heroes were sumoned to fight an evil wizard. He is fighting alongside the heroes who elected to stay behind.
  • Arclight aka Smoke aka Daniella Romanova. Healing/Light Powers. Previously has Mist Form/Ghost powers. Was the Hunter of Croydon- a champion who is dedicated to fighting a demon named Croydon. Previous Hunter was James Jessup. Current Hunter is her brother, Yuri. She was caught in an EMP which "killed" her and brought her back as an angelic being with healing powers. Later, she sacrificed herself to save the rest of the PCS and trap Ukobash (see Hellfire) when a ritual that went wrong risked setting him free.

Rogue Agents: Arrest or Neutralise


  • Deadline aka Crystal Young. Wealthy. She possesses a streamlined Version of Download Device, which she helped the FREELancers build by financing the project (based on the build for Download's device, which Random can't dupplicate. Based on the FREELancer supplement. In my game, she used her influence to become National Security Advisor, then used her influence to declare FREELancers as terrorists. The PCs neded up working with Datajack- a villainous superhacker, to swap her Deadline device for a device of his own manufacture. He then used the device to mind control her to activate an EMP weapon to take out an AI that he was having a flame war with. Then he bragged about 0wnz0ring the National Security Advisor. She was deemed a threat and interned in asylum, and the FREELancers were cleared as Datajack secured his rep on all the hacker forums.
  • Fireflash aka Danny Muldoon. Pyrokinetic. Rivalry with Agent Prime- deliberately didn't excercise just to spite him. Disappeared in an exploding helicopter on a mission that went bad. Turned up bloodbound to one of Wolf's vampire enemies (named Sylvia- based on Druscilla- complete with the precognition and craziness) after being MIA for a few years.

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Re: FREELancer organization campaign roster


Miami Team


  • Mike Rodgers, Regional Director, Retired General, No metabilities, Cynical, rivalry with Minder. Based on character from Op Center novels.
  • Contact aka Summer Davison. Officially, no powers, but has a strange knack for finding Metables, Deputy Director, formerly PR liason, Married to Tony Pickens (DNPC) Taken from FREELancer supplement.
  • Blue Crush aka Luana Simms. Water powers. PC- former member of the Thunderbolts, a one shot campaign.
  • Brainiac aka Daniel Jayne. Telepath, low level gadgeteer. Inspired by Brainiac 5, from the Legion of SuperHeroes.
  • Centaur aka Matthew Herbert. Centaurlike cybertorso, Regional Field Cmdr, Religious, unlucky. Mixes the character from the FREELancer supplement (Matthew Fine) with Bob Herbert from the Op Center series.
  • Dervish aka Karolyn Winters Dedicated martial artist, style: the Blade of Sirocco. Based on the character from the FREELancer supplement.
  • Impact aka Peter Long Personal Forcefield, Superstrength, PC- former Thunderbolt. Shockwave's brother. Son of Dr. Jupiter (gadgeteer, deceased) and Barrier (Telekinetic, deceased)
  • Refit aka Charles Henry Magastowkawicz. Universal Organ Recipient, Superior strength/stamina. Based on the character from the FREELancer supplement.
  • Shockwave aka Dinah Long Forcefield, flight, force bolts, PC- former Thunderbolt. Impact's sister. Daughter of Dr. Jupiter and Barrier

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Re: FREELancer organization campaign roster


UK Team


  • Hunchback aka Lord Simon Barrister Precognitive hunches, WWII hero, UK Regional Director. Taken from GURPS supplement: Mixed Doubles.
  • Broadcast aka Eric Ward Broadcast sight/hearing sense. Taken from GURPS Supers.
  • Decipher aka Juliet Powers. Universal Translator- ultra hacker/decrypter. Inspired by Cypher from the New Mutants.
  • Faust aka Dr. John-Michael Faust Sorceror/mystic. Inspired by a character of the same name from a DC Heroes module (Project Prometheus) and Giles from Buffy the Vampires Slayer.
  • Mongoose aka Karen Osborne Short bursts of SuperSpeed, infiltrated DVAS as Black Mamba. Inspired by a character of the same name from a DC Heroes module (Project Prometheus) and "the Bride" froim Kill Bill.
  • Oracle aka Claire Cagney. Precognition, training with Hunchback to perfect precognitive powers. PC- former member of the Thunderbolts.

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Re: FREELancer organization campaign roster


Cool stuff!


I loved the F.R.E.E.Lancers book when it first came out, using Hero to run something along the same lines. Though it lasted a short time, it went over very well.


What time setting are you using? 1998 or further in the future? Are you using F.R.E.E.America as the setting?

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What time setting are you using? 1998 or further in the future? Are you using F.R.E.E.America as the setting?


It's set in the modern day, but in a Super setting. The presence of metabilities and savantism explains some of the tech that is supposed ot be futuristic, and some of that tech is common place.


The US is still intact, though I'm using plot elements wherever possible. As society today becomes more Cyberpunkish, the FREELancers supplement becomes less and less a "futuristic" setting.


Clearly futuristic elements I have are AIs (there are 18 documented AIs out on the 'net) and Power Armor (large bulky suits are "common" technology, but not that common. Fighter jets are common, but most people rarely see on up close. Same with with Power armor). Bionics are pretty advanced, but not that widely used. "Juicer" technolgy, similar to the character class in "Rifts" is availalbe, with similar risks to the characters who take the treatment (and allowing me to have the occasional STR 25-30/DEX 17-23 thug or eight...). Replicant technology exists, but is outlawed. It doesn't stop them from being used, though you'll usually see replicants operating more openly in the Third world where the laws to regulate them are harder to enforce.


I also assume that Space exploration continued past 1972, and that there is a moonbase and L5 colonies. A Mars landing has been carried out successfully. They are trying to mine the asteroid belt. Low orbit factories and two skyhooks are in place, though the living conditions in space are pretty unpleasant- no one lives in space permanently, though they are trying to build a nice space station, but it won't be profitable for years. If you work in space, at best you do some well paid stints for a few weeks or months than return to the surface. If you vacation there, it's not a "relaxing" vacation. It requires a few weeks of expensive training before they even let you go.

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Re: FREELancer organization campaign roster


Hudson City also has a handful of other vigilantes, from another campaign with most of my PCs that included Fearless and SideWinder. Other characters in this "group" include:

  • Fearless aka Naomi Lewis. (Fearless was raised from birth in a Japanese ninja clan who used their genetic knowledge to remove all genetic defects from her, allowing her to train to reach her potential. She was assigned to a unit called Shadow Squadron where she used her Martial Arts skills and Chi Powers as an agent until she went rogue to become a vigilante.
  • Scorpio (a Martial Artist/Gadeteer who wears rigid body armor that looks Scorpion-like and uses a wrist mounted line gun as his "Sting"),
  • Midnight Mist II (a mysterious NPC scientist with a gaseous form that took his moniker from Minder- the original Midnight Mist- who is now in Seattle) and
  • Francis a Gargoyle (a character inspired by the Disney Gargoyles who sleeps on a Church and spends his non-patroling time reading in the Church library wondering if he has a soul).


The "group" is not a formal group (no HQ or anything, though they have a secure communications systems and a few meeting spots to exchange information and heal wounds. The media refers to them as the "Dark Champions".


The Hudson City Police Department has a SWAT unit that wears light powersuits (the Hawks). One of the members is a PC who's code name is Hawkeye: she was a SWAT sniper. Her real name is Patricia Garrett (she was originally an NPC from the Normals Unbound Supplement who joined SWAT and was selected for the Hawks. She cooperates a lot with the Dark Champions off the record.


The Dark Champions and the Hudson Hawks are frequent allies of the FREELancers.

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Re: FREELancer organization campaign roster


The D-VAS (Deadly Viper Assassination Squad) that SideWinder was part of is a direct inspiration from the DVAS in Kill Bill. My version has them working for Viper.


Many of the DVAS have Hanzo swords, which are Katannas of the highest quality. They are also made of Orichalchum, making them Unbreakable Foci and giving them the Affects Desolid Advantage (the swords can affect spirits because they are imbued with chi).


  • Snake Charmer aka Bill Carradine is their leader. He's a Martial Arts expert who's chi powers are so focused, it effectively makes him a Chi-powered mentalist with Mental Illusions, Mind Control and Telepathy.
  • Sidewinder is detailed in the Hudson City FREELancer Field agent section.
  • Black Mamba was Mongoose's code name when she infiltrated the unit. Her details are in the UK agent's section. She seduced Snake Charmer to gain his trust, but found that she has genuine feelings for him as the mission proceeded. Her cover has been blown, and he has sworn vengeance on her for her betrayal.
  • California Mountain Snake aka Elle Hannah has the ability to transform into Stone. Her STR is 35 in this form. Like all the other DVAS she is Martial Arts expert with some low end Chi skills. She lost an eye on a recent mission that has yet to heal, so she wears a patch (her remaining eye becomes a diamond in her stone form).
  • CottonMouth aka O-Ren Liu. Enhanced Underwater Physiology- gills, improved physical tolerance for underwater pressure, STR 20, improved swimming speeds, sonar. Side effect: bluish tinge to her skin. Martial Arts and low end Chi skills. Killed by a sword strike to her skull from a vigilante named Shroud to avenge one of her targets).
  • Constrictor has a pair of cybernetically implanted electro-whips in his forearms. Doesn't have a Hanzo sword.

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Re: FREELancer organization campaign roster


I'm not familiar with the FREELancer setting' date=' but I did have Top Secret. Great work. Sounds like a good setting.[/quote']


I have a copy of FreeLancers and FreeAmerica. Ill try to remember to bring them next time we meet face to face, whenever that may be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: FREELancer organization campaign roster


The Thunderbolts campaign was a one shot TEEN Champions game set in Miami where the PCs had to investigate the murder of their mentor- Dr. Jupiter. The campaign was set in the same continuinty.


I ran a FREELancer session where the Thunderbolts were played as NPCs. They were out on a rampage looking for one of their teammates (Blue Crush) who had been kidnapped. The FREELancers helped the kids find her and then recruited them for a new branch that was opened in Miami. The Thunderbolts are effectively NPCs now.

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