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JJ "Colt Walker" McQuade


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A character built for Susano's amazing-looking Return to Dr. Han's Island convention game. Feedback welcomed.




Val Char Cost Roll Notes

15 STR 5 12- Lift 200.0kg; 3d6 [1]

23 DEX 39 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8

23 CON 26 14-

20 BODY 20 13-

10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-

13 EGO 6 12- ECV: 4

20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6

14 COM 2 12-


10 PD 7 Total: 10 PD (0 rPD)

10 ED 5 Total: 10 ED (0 rED)

4 SPD 7 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

10 REC 4

46 END 0

40 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 131


Movement: Running: 6"/12"

Leaping: 3"/6"

Swimming: 2"/4"


Cost Powers END

4 Final Roundhouse Kick: Hand-To-Hand Attack +3d6 (15 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1), Only With Roundhouse Kick Power loses about half of its effectiveness (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-½) 3

Notes: The Final Roundhouse kick is devastating, delivering 12d6 of damage, enough to put down virtually any human foe. However, it is exhausting, and can only be used with the Roundhouse Kick maneuver, with the accompanying penalties to CV. Against a more skilled martial artist, this makes it a risky maneuver.

Tang Soo Do and Judo

Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort

4 Chop -2 +0 HKA 2d6

3 Joint Lock +0 -1 Grab One Limb; 20 STR for holding on

5 Kick / Roundhouse Kick -2 +1 9d6 Strike

4 Punch / Low Kick +0 +2 7d6 Strike

4 Atemi Strike -1 +1 3d6 NND

5 Breaking Throw -2 -2 Grab One Limb; HKA 1d6 , Disable; Target Falls

4 Disarm -1 +1 Disarm; 35 STR to Disarm roll

4 Escape +0 +0 40 STR vs. Grabs

4 Submission Hold +0 +0 9d6 Crush, Must Follow Grab

8 +2 HTH Damage Class(es)

Notes: "Once forced 23 blackbelts in a row to submit"



5 Fringe Benefit: Accredited Instructor, Texas Ranger, Veteran and ex-Officer



5 OK by the next take: Rapid Healing



Tang Soo Do and Judo

3 1) Breakfall 14-

12 2) Landed Kicks on the Dragon: +4 with Martial Maneuvers

3 3) I noticed he always started with a low kick followed by a straight punch: Analyze: Style 11-

Air Policeman, Combat Vet, Texas Ranger

3 1) Climbing 14-

2 2) Navigation (Land) 11-

3 3) Stealth 14-

8 4) Survival (Temperate/Subtropical, Tropical, Desert, Mountain) 11-

3 5) Tracking 11-

1 6) Combat Driving 8-

3 7) Criminology 11-

3 8) Streetwise 13-

3 9) Tactics 11-

10 10) WF: Common Melee Weapons, Emplaced Weapons, Knives, Small Arms, Flamethrowers, General Purpose/Heavy Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers, Shoulder-Fired Weapons

7 11) TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Equines, Parachuting, Advanced, Parachuting, Basic, Rafts, Small Motorized Boats, Small Rowed Boats

3 Scholar

1 1) KS: Air Force History And Customs (2 Active Points) 11-

1 2) KS: Criminal Law And Procedure (2 Active Points) 11-

1 3) KS: Jujutsu (2 Active Points) 11-

1 4) KS: Tang Soo Do (2 Active Points) 11-

1 5) KS: Texas Ranger History And Traditions (2 Active Points) 11-

1 6) KS: The Law Enforcement World (2 Active Points) 11-

1 7) KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World (2 Active Points) 11-

3 Jack of All Trades

1 1) He's one of my students: PS: Sensei/SIfu/Sabumnim (2 Active Points) 11-

1 2) PS: Air Policeman (2 Active Points) 11-

1 3) PS: Military Officer (2 Active Points) 11-

1 4) PS: Police Officer (or the like) (2 Active Points) 11-


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 144

Total Cost: 275


150+ Disadvantages

10 Style DIsadvantage: Tang Soo Do and Judo (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

10 Dependent NPC: Sally McQuade, daughter 8- (Normal)

10 Dependent NPC: Girl of the Week 8- (Normal)

20 Psychological Limitation: Heroic Code (Very Common, Strong)

Notes: Always Improve, Help and Respect Others, Respect Authority, Loyalty to Family, Friends, G_d and Country; see Chun Kuck Do

15 Psychological Limitation: Protective of Women and Children (Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Must Avenge Wrongs to friends, comrades, family and Self (Uncommon, Total)

45 Experience Points


Total Disadvantage Points: 275


Background/History: Born in 1940, the son of an alcoholic, abusive father and a loving, devout mother, JJ McQuade's poverty and mixed Irish and Cherokee heritage made him the target of bullying by his peers. JJ grew up idolizing the cowboy heroes of the cinema, and the lawmen on both sides of his family tree. He dreamed of becoming a Texas Ranger, both lawman and cowboy, and took his first steps in that direction when he joined the US Air Force at the age of 18. Initially stationed in Korea, JJ discovered talents for Judo and Tang Soo Do, the martial arts that would shape his life. Re-enlisting, he was transferred to Viet Nam. JJ rose quickly through the ranks, re-upping again and gaining his final promotion to Colonel before his capture by the Viet Kong.


JJ led an escape, but his short imprisonment was emotionally shattering, robbing him briefly of his idealism and faith. Discharged, he found himself back in America suffering from PTSD. He took work as a martial arts instructor and bodyguard. At bottom, he accepted a contract as an enforcer, flying to Rome to deal with what he believed to be a group of Chinese gangsters. There he encountered Lee Tang Lung, a superb Chinese martial artist. Lee defeated JJ after an epic battle in the Coliseum, leaving him unconscious and seriously injured.


After JJs recovery, he returned to America and looked at what his life had become. He realized that he'd become the kind of man he despised, a brute, a bad guy. JJ threw himself back into his training, and renewed his quest to become a Texas Ranger. His road to redemption has only begun.


JJ McQuade married at 18 to his high school sweetheart, Molly, before joining the military. Their relationship has been troubled, not unlike JJ's own parent's relationship. After a brief reconciliation and reunion In 1964, Molly became pregnant, giving birth to JJ's daughter, Sally, in 1965


Personality/Motivation: JJ McQuade is at this stage motivated by his determination to become the man he'd always hoped to be. While still dealing with the loss and bitter anger of his Vietnam experience, he has started to return to the faith and idealism of his youth. He tries to live the part of the Western Hero, respectful to women, kind to children, honest and plain spoken. He abhors bullying and violence directed against the innocent. His darker, violent side does still show through, especially in combat. He is willing to kill for the right reasons.


JJ attempts to live as a Christian, but this has not prevented him from pursuing extra-marital relationships in the past, a weakness he regrets.


Quote: You wanna join the fun?


Powers/Tactics: JJ McQuade is a skilled practitioner of both Judo and Tang Soo Do, and backs this up with considerable street fighting experience. He is also a reasonable marksman, and will not hesitate to use a gun against armed opponents. He once came close to defeating Lee Tang Lung, something few martial artists can claim. In hand to hand combat, he'll usually stick with fast kicks and punches, grappling only if facing a single opponent. His deadlier maneuvers, including the dreaded roundhouse kick, are usually reserved for the most dangerous of foes; even then, he tends to hold them back until he is certain they'll be needed.


While not the fastest martial artist, JJ can take a significant beating and still keep fighting, and his blows do considerable damage when they land.


JJ is a well trained former Air Policeman and Military Officer. He is well acquainted with small arms and demolitions, stealth, strategy, tactics, and various survival techniques. He also possesses basic investigative skills, and the skill set of a martial arts instructor.


Campaign Use: Lawman, adversary or ally.


This build draws on Chuck Norris' autobiography "Against All Odds", as well as the characters JJ McQuade from "Lone Wolf McQuade", Colt from "Way of the Dragon", Walker from "Walker, Texas Ranger", and James Braddock from Missing in Action, including Norris' own comments on each of these characters. The aspects of the build I expect to be most controversial are the Dex and SPD; these were chosen as campaign appropriate rather than out of any special stab at "realism". While not the fastest or most acrobatic martial artist, JJ should be able to seriously challenge faster opponents. The high CON, BOD and PD come from the severe beatings that JJ takes, and his ability to both stay conscious through them and recover afterwards. In particular, Bruce Lee wanted Norris' Colt character to appear bigger, stronger, and slightly less skilled than his own, and asked Norris to put on 20 pounds for the role.


To decrease the character's power, reduce his CON, BOD and PD, and reduce his Dex and SPD to just under your campaign's top martial artists (remembering that Norris was able to win six world championships). You might also reduce his skill levels and DCs. To increase his power, cinematic super skills including Cinematic Toughness, Combat Luck, etc might be appropriate. Also consider adding a "Tears Cure Cancer" Internet Meme VPP.


His Heroic Code is lifted from the ideals of Norris' self-founded martial art, Chun Kuk Do.


Appearance: A handsome Caucasian of slightly above average height with an athletic build. Light brown hair, blue eyes, considerable body hair, often sports a beard. Dresses in American Western fashions.


Chuck Norris by Chuck Norris, JJ Colt Walker Braddock McQuade by Robert Dorf and Mike Surbrook inspired by Chuck Norris, Character Sheet by Robert Dorf

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Re: JJ "Colt Walker" McQuade


Cool build. He doesn't have NCM?


I don't write characters with NCM; That said, it's easy enough to add to the sheet.


Adjusting the character sheet afterwards shouldn't be done with a strict formula; I'd suggest setting his CON, PD and REC as equal to or slightly above the best martial artists in the campaign (for that "takes a beating" effect), and keeping his DEX 1 or 2 CV under your fastest martial artists. That puts him at a level where his close battle with Bruce Lee (presumably the top martial artist in a fictional world) stays feasible.

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  • 2 months later...

Re: JJ "Colt Walker" McQuade


could these stats also be used for cordel walker?


Sure. Norris has stated that Walker was based on McQuade; legal issues required the name change. Both characters are roughly based on Norris himself. The write up is a composite character.

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