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Turakian magic keeping it balanced?


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Basic Hero question pertinent to the subject: If there is no disad prohibiting it, can a caster take extra time to improve his magic school skil roll? extra couple of minutes/hours? Its never come up with a wizard so I was wondering...


And that makes me think about Fantasy hero circa 1994... you could take generic magic spells, with your college... Ill have to go study up on it.

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Re: Turakian magic keeping it balanced?


Basic Hero question pertinent to the subject: If there is no disad prohibiting it' date=' can a caster take extra time to improve his magic school skil roll? extra couple of minutes/hours? Its never come up with a wizard so I was wondering...[/quote']


Yes. every step up the Time Chart improves a Skill Roll by 1.

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Re: Turakian magic keeping it balanced?


Dunno how much my answer is relevant with your question, nor i whanna hijack your post :) btw


i'm about to starting a TA campaign; we choose TA 'cause a) it's already made; i really don't have time to setup my own campaign, nor i got enough experience on hero system (first time i play Hero X-D save for two different single session game long time ago); B) it's dnd-like setting, so my player (who whant DnD like setting while i don't whanna dnd system) are happy and c) it's seems to me a good, balanced and well descripted setting.


Btw, something make me wonder if TA is a viable option or i need to trick'em a little X-D


for magic, i use a little variation on the base TA magic: wizard need to buy 12 different "arcana" (2 point each) and different magic skill for each arcana; arcana set the "basic power" so "soldier arcana" is for EB and HTH while "commander arcana" is for mind control and PRE-enhancing spell.

I keep TA's school of magic, in form of a background skill; school skill is meant to let player "buy" the spell: higher the skill, higher the AP cost for the spell... plus you need a school-skill roll to learn a spell. Membership of a Mage Guild of course will give you bonus (free arcana skill familiarity, a free school skill...)


Priest are less limited: they need only Faith roll and maybe a KS:Theologic Doctrine to learn new spells; on the other hand they are limited by "only to fulfill deity's purpose" limitation plus clerical library are not so "full of spell" like mage guild's one.


Dunno how much this could be good, but think is cool enough to feel a bit different from standard dnd game and still not unbalancing for not-magic-user players


For spell creation, i'd like to use Grimoire and Grimoire 2 for starting, then letting player create their own spell while they learn more about game (this will be in a faaaaaaaaar away future, you know :) )

i don't like FHG and FHG2's spell because they seems to me "clumsy" and "i can destroy the world but i need an almost impossible to find focus" type, but can be a good starting point to tweaking it a little :)


Btw, what i miss is a clearly stated "X Rules". i mean: how much spell can player start with? how much damage can a spell do? how much damage a warrior-like character do?

deadly blow can rise a lot of damage for warrior, plus they don't pay for power (just buy as equipment :D ); on the other hand, careful use of limitation/focus/extra time/etc can make a very powerful and high damaging spell cost really little (with the real/3 point cost and a wise end reserve)


i need to limit some powers? limit spell to "No more than X active point, Y with add"? and "no more than one deadly blow can stack"? or similar?


yes, it SEEMS i'm hijacking your post to ask my question... but it's not true... well... not really true :D just i don't whanna start a new post while you post similar question :D and an answer could be useful for both :)

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Re: Turakian magic keeping it balanced?


>>Btw, what i miss is a clearly stated "X Rules". i mean: how much spell can player start with? how much damage can a spell do? how much damage a warrior-like character do?

deadly blow can rise a lot of damage for warrior, plus they don't pay for power (just buy as equipment ); on the other hand, careful use of limitation/focus/extra time/etc can make a very powerful and high damaging spell cost really little (with the real/3 point cost and a wise end reserve). i need to limit some powers? limit spell to "No more than X active point, Y with add"? and "no more than one deadly blow can stack"? or similar?



Hi Doc: I had the same problems reading the TA book that you are describing...


I ran my first game. I just went with the basic TA rules. I used Grimoir 1 and 2. the player selected a few schools. I set the Active limit to raw 45 Active, and 60 adjusted Active. The players can know as many spells as they can afford to pay with char points.

here are 2 samples.


My Spell List [Notes: F: denotes fire school; W: denotes wizards school]


(15 real) costs 5 1) FireBall (F): Killing Attack - Ranged 1d6, Line Of Sight (+1/2), Area Of Effect (4" Radius; +1 1/4) (41 Active Points); OAF (-1), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) 4 end


(15 real) costs 5 2) Stelrane's Spell of Dispersion (W): Dispel 12d6, any magic power one at a time (+1/4) (45 Active Points); Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), IAF (-1/2), Spell (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) 4 end.


The game went nicely. I used one of chris taylors pre made modules. orcs of something.

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Re: Turakian magic keeping it balanced?


Turakian magic skill rolls for each college...

thats a 2/1 pay cost? correct? or is it 3/2?

also does the 2/1 give you a base of 11 or a base of int?

Are these rolls considered Knowledge skills? can they be discounted under the scholar modifier?


No, they are the Power Skill. 3/2, no Skill Modifiers for them unless the GM is feeling insanely nice.

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