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Cosmic Power Gem VPP

VR Dragon

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I was thinking of fun character to play after reading about a cosmic power gem in one of my books.


Cosmic Forge: VPP (Cosmic Power) 100 base 75 Control. Requires No Skill Roll(+1) and Powers can be changed as a Zero Phase Action (+1) Unbreakable OAF (-1) 175 Total


Too much for a 350 point game?

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Re: Cosmic Power Gem VPP


Origin Story:


Fred Morris was just an average person with a below average life. He worked a dead end job at a big name retail store, no girlfriend or really any friends for that matter. Fred Longed for a better life, one that he could do something to contribute something meaningful to the world.


One cold snowy night during the middle of winter he was on his way home after another soul numbing day of work. Halfway home; but miles to go still. his car suddenly clanked, clunked, and finally died. Fred pulled over, " Great just what I needed on this perfect day." he said as he got out of his car and slammed the door. Looking under the hood wouldn't do much good since he knew about as much about car engines as thermal nuclear brain engineering physics. With no other choice left to him he began the long walk home in the cold snowy Idaho night. If he didn't have bad luck he would have no luck at all he thought to himself....



Out in space a chunk of rock enters the earth's atmosphere and begins its fiery entrance into one man's life.


Fred walked on through the cold snow and bitting wind. Only 10 more miles to go he thought to himself with a sigh that puffed a cloud into the night air.


Gaining speed the rock began to break up and burn off in the this atmosphere as it sped on it's way towards the ground. As it flew its' debris shot off creating small shooting stars.


Fred continued to walk, as he went on he notices a shooting star high overhead. "What the hell?" he thought, "what could it hurt to make a silly wish....". So he stopped looked up at the shooting star and closed his eyes.


Having burned up nearly all it's rocky bits only a small core remained behind. About the size of a silver dollar, smooth and clear as perfect glass, one blue chuck remained. It easily survived the cold of space, the fires of reentry what could stop it? this crystal was indestructible.... and still it flew on down towards the ground....


With a slight grin at his moment of silliness, Fred began to recite a variation of much well known star wishing rhyme.


" Star light, star bright... Shooting star that..... (TWACK!) BRAINS ME TONIGHT!! With a sudden massive headache Fred passes out cold...


He awaken hours later to ringing ears, blurred vision and a pain in his head like nothing on earth..."What the hell happened?" he pondered around the pain in his head. He reached up to rub his forehead. "Something must have hit me" he thought as he rubbed a huge knot on his noggin. Slowly his sense of touch told him something was wrong.... Cold, hard and smooth? This was no knot. As he rubbed at it and felt around it's edge, whatever it was dislodged from his skull and fell into his hand. Whatever it was he was thankful it was not covered in blood, what ever this blue glass rock was.

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Re: Cosmic Power Gem VPP


I was thinking of fun character to play after reading about a cosmic power gem in one of my books.


Cosmic Forge: VPP (Cosmic Power) 100 base 75 Control. Requires No Skill Roll(+1) and Powers can be changed as a Zero Phase Action (+1) Unbreakable OAF (-1) 175 Total


Too much for a 350 point game?

I don't hink so. If your GM has a cap on attacks, add a +0 limitation "no more than X points in an attack power."

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Re: Cosmic Power Gem VPP


My biggest concern would be the concentration of points in that OAF. I'd want to make sure there is something the character can do when his OAF is not available to him. My villains would definitely use a lot of Grabs and Disarms against such a character.


Similar to McCoy, I would also require a mandate of not exceeding campaign limits.

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Re: Cosmic Power Gem VPP


I you going to buy any other key abilites outside of the VPP? Movement and defenses can potentially eat up a fair number of points there, so it's pretty common to buy those in an EC or MP derived from the same Focus. By contrast, this can be a good limiter on your overall power.


Also, does the gem work off personal END or an END Reserve?


Keep in mind, large Cosmic VPP's like that always carry massive potential for schtick infringement. I'd check with the other players individually to make sure they are cool with that fact that you have the ability to totally stomp on their uniqueness with your concept, should you ever so desire. Then I would avoid doing such a thing as much as possible.


I also note that the character can also very easily give himself abilities that largely negate the OAF disadvantage if the player gets sick of the GM taking the thing away. Since he can switch these abilites up as often as he likes, it can be very hard for the GM to plan around them.

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Re: Cosmic Power Gem VPP


Cosmic VPPs are a huge pain in the butt in a face-to-face game. The great thing about them is you can do anything. The bad thing about them is you can do anything. It winds up being kind of boring always being able to find the perfect solution to the problem, plus everybody winds up waiting for you to juggle points around.

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