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Question about quantifiable levels



Just wondering...


It's well documented that for every 5 points in Strength, the character's carry capacity or lift doubles. The question is, does this apply to all primary characteristics? Thus is a person with 15 Int twice as smart as a person with a 10 Int. Is a 15 Con twice as healthy as a 10 Con person and so on?


If yes, what about secondary characteristics?


Lastly, many long time GMs and Players associate this also to powers such as EB and KA. Since damage output between a 50 Str and 10d6 EB are equal, should we think that a 10d6 EB has an equivalent power output in terms of physics?

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Re: Question about quantifiable levels


I'm sorry, but for the most part I think this delves into game design/philosophy issues, and I don't answer those sorts of questions.


Not to mention the fact that trying to quantify things like PRE could easily be the gaming equivalent of attempting to figure out how many angels can dance on the head of a pin... and whether they can engage angels from the next pin over in melee combat. :eek:

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