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The Stranger


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K, Well, the stats are gonna come along when I sit down with the GM and make him according to his rules. But, Hey. I can at least set up some backstory and such.



Concept: A human being who is becoming the living Avatar of an aspect.

The Aspect of the Crowd. I got the idea from a Pratchett Book. Where you have the god of hunted. I figured that now-a-days a herd mentality exists in the a Crowd of humans. Because people act differentely in a crowd, Almost like a crowd is a seperate entity made up of many individuals.


So perhaps these entities have created a being who is their protector and guide.


Rough Power outline: Definately a non-combat support character. He is literally another face in the crowd. With the ability to get information from people without them realizing (Telepathy with Invisible power effects and Requires Conversation). He does have a little bit of Combat ability. But is totally combat ineffective if you take him from his natural enviroment (Urban Settings)...


Quick List of some powers:

Another Face In The Crowd: Invisibility, No Fringe, Sight, Smell, Sound, Touch, Mental, Mystic. No End, Requires a crowd.

Idle Chit-Chat: Telepathy 12d6, Human minds only, Invisible Power effects, Requires Conversation Roll, Does not provide Mental Awareness.

Colloquio della folla (Crowd Talk): Universal Translator, Language Must be common to area.

Crowd Hopping: Teleportation 1', No velocity, Position Shift, No End, Megascale 1'=10'000Km, Can be scaled down, Requires a crowd at both ends.

Crowd HoppingII: Teleportation 15', No velocity, Poisition Shift, No End, Requires a crowd at both ends.



Coming to a Post near you!


Costume: Not that you'd ever remember, But brown shoes, brown pants, white shirt, Brown Trenchcoat. Sandy hair, white. But always Blends in. No matter where the crowd is. He fits in.


Goals: Protect the innocent. Defeat and thwart predators. Protect the crowd.


Disadvantages: Rivalry, Hunters/Predators. Hunted, Stalker (Check the champions Update book, he's a villain for The Black Mask). Psychological Limit, Losing touch with his own humanity.


And I'll add more as i can be bothered,

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Re: The Stranger


Combat-wise, perhaps thing relating to a person's place in a crowd. DEX reductions, maybe even Images to create crowd scenes. It's just that I've got to play alongside this guy, and it would be nice if he could contribute to a fight in some way. Also, have you thought of some parcour, maybe? I'm loving the concept, but in the end, we will get into fights.

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Re: The Stranger


Oh he's gonna have a few things... Force Walls, An EB bought as hium flinging bricks at people...



Of course, I could always just play Phoebe and Drake...


Everyone loves the insane little girl and her imaginary 200 point Brick Duck friend.

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Re: The Stranger


Some ideas:


As far as combat ability, you could give him powers to make people 'not special' so that they don't stand out from the crowd so various drains and whatnot. They would all have the limitation -1/4 just down to the local average so for instance, he could drain a brick down to 10 strength but not lower.


He could have another aspect of a mob...maybe he could have the 'strength of a mob' and just be a typical brick. He could simulate his 'super conversation' and the like with leveled skills such as concealment (to hide in the crowd), conversation. This would certainly be a simpler build.


A physical limitation could be that his emotions would be similar to whatever the crowd is feeling (angry, afraid, etc.) This could possibly also be an Enraged.

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Re: The Stranger


His main role in the group is classified as 'Diplomat'.


He's good at convincing people of things and getting people to talk.


I like the idea of the drains. They appeal to me. But I'd have to sit down with Weldun and figure them out...


The emotions thing would be less useful. Because one of his problems is that he's losing his humanity and attachment to normal life. I'm think if he ever reaches 500points, He'll become an actual avatar.


Maybe a transform to give Protective of innocents... hehehehe


Dr D: And now heroes! I shall Obliterate your pitiful city with my destroyer Blast...


The Stranger: *pew*


Dr D: ...But wait! Old mrs Jenkins is being Mugged! TO ACTION!

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  • 2 months later...

Re: The Stranger


Okay, I've decided I WILL play the stranger. He'll be fufilling 'the speaker' role.


But after creating his 'speaker' powers, I'me left with a rather sizeable chunk of points... I have an idea that will in fact be rather cool. I just need some suggestions on how to build it.


I want 'The stranger' to have a combat pool of abilities that enhance, inhibit and affect other characters. Such as OCV increases, PD/ED, MD, PowD and such...


I don't actually see him participating very well in combat except with a range of 'crowd control' abilities, (force walls, Entangles and a Mental Flash)

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