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About Hagadorn

  • Birthday 05/14/1986

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  1. Re: Shadows into Light You also forgot to mention that after we discovered the alchemist who had been poisoning the vampires. The Stranger talked to him, found out everything he was thinking and then turned around annnd... "Well, I see nothing wrong here. Can we help him refine his process?"
  2. Re: Shadows into Light Kahn!
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... GM: So your in the crowd of police using your invisible to sight, sound, touch, taste, mytic, danger and combat power, to place donuts next to unsuspecting police officers... Stranger: And Coffee!
  4. Re: Change of Fortune The Stranger: Rich!... well, time to go use his crowd invisibility and freak people out by making money appear in their pockets. Radon: Lost all his money? The world stopped needing nuclear power? Doubtful. Paladin: Having been through SEVERAL world economy crashes (or close enough) he'll deal and plan for a long-term recovery.
  5. Re: Create-A-Character Bug Pacer. Steven was going to rule the world. He knew it! With his teleport capsule he could transport anything anywhere anytime and no-one would be able to trace it back to him! Not even Dr Destroyer had this much power! Steven felt like a god! And it was all thanks to his secret power source! But what to do first... Well Everyone get hungry. So Steven locked onto some fast food in a McRonalds on the otherside of the planet and got ready to push the button. Unbeknownst to Steven a Slater had crept its way inside his generator and was busily wandering across his 'power source'... The Bizzare energy surged and asorbed the slater. The machine, encountering a different energy signature tried to dump it, but it had no where to dump it. The last thing steven saw was a blinding flash and then his world went dark. What awoke a little while later was a combination of Dr Steven Jong and a Slater. It also ate some cold Maccers... Powers: With a strong exoskeleton, Buggy Strength and the ability to teleport perfectely, Bug Pacer fights for justice, freedom and maybe a snack or two. Personality: Bug Pacer is confused. He's not quite sure how he fits into this world. He mainly fights evil as it occurs around him. He desires human company but also finds that around alot of people he just wants to curl up into a little ball. Appearance: A Human with a black chitinous sheel, large chitin plates over his back, 4 arms and 2 legs. He also has antennae and compound eyes. He'll usually be seen with a Maccers bag in one of his hands. Next: King Rain
  6. Re: Shadows into Light Well... So far some sparks have flown between our US Marshal and Nightwalker on the matter of perception (both role-played it well). The Stranger has displayed a power directly in front of everyone and no one is capable of telling how/what he did. Our Martial artist got a new snazzy green necklace and our... whatever the hell she's playing can apparently turn into a miniature Chinese dragon and use mental powers... Oh, And I don't pass the chips around (I would if I knew they'd been passed to me)
  7. Re: A super-powered normal I once saw a 'Normal' built with a very snazzy ability... He had amazing, luck, gave good luck to his allies and lots of Bad Luck to anyone who attacked him. I'm talking 80 active point luck... Thats all he had...
  8. Re: New team on the evening news Radon: Really wouldn't care. If they turn out to be proper heroes, good for them. If they aren't up to it... Not his problem. Paladin: Ditto.
  9. Re: Enemies for Teen Champions game What Damage DC are they sitting around? Average PD ED? Average CVs?
  10. Re: Which is your least favorite archetype to play? I Too hold a special contempt for Martial Artists. They just peeve me.
  11. Re: Nuclear Explosion Man I try not to let the stats get in the way of the story/game.
  12. Re: Changing Into The Powersuit Yeh, Perhaps she has limited Teleport technology? Its easy to do, just take Dr D, as a hunted and buy it as the instant change (Does not work in limited circumstance, whenever teleport wouldn't work)
  13. Re: Nuclear Explosion Man This wasn't really directed at anyone. Just something another player/GM said to me a little while ago must of just stuck in my craw...
  14. Re: Nuclear Explosion Man I agree. but not everything HAS to be built.
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