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The Children of Destroyer!


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No it's not what you think.


A group of kids have become enamoured with the armoured super villain or another suitably powerful one like Takofanes or Istvatha V’han. They start organizing group meets and do crimes in his/her name.


What do your players do? Is this genuine or some kind of mind control? And what if your kid DNPC (Sidekick, son etc) becomes part of the cult?


And what if the villain takes an interest in this cult? An entire generation dedicated to him/her would be helpful in taking over the world.


For even more fun here's a nice twist. The children of Foxbat! The costumed clown has his own tv show made of him and his antics and the kids love it! Now all of them dress up like him and start leaping off buildings and disrupting super fights.


And they aren't as lucky as he is. How long before one of them gets hurt? And is Foxbat smart enough to take advantage of this? Probably not.

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Re: The Children of Destroyer!


After Detroit went down, Destroyer worship is tantamount to "hate crime". A street gang is Anthem's sizet o deal with. She'd confront the leader, talk him out of his silly worship by comparing him to heroes, who she views as far greater. If that doesn't work she'd challenge his authority to lead the gang. When she beats him in the fight she'd turn them into a force for good. Probably worshippers of...


Uncle Slam would only be involved if Destroyer himself was involved. Then he'd go about using them and their naive carelessness to find out where Destroyer is or how he makes contact with them. After that, head to the source.

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Re: The Children of Destroyer!


They don't actually have ties to that person. It is completely independent from the super villain it is dedicated to. No leads there. They don't know anything you can't find on non-restricted internet sites.


Also remember they are just children, less then 12 years old. Not teenagers.

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Re: The Children of Destroyer!


Janette l'Fleur===Give them The Speech™. You know, the usual one. If that doesn't work, arrest the little brats. And make sure they do time.


Janette l'Fleur is a Superheroine from a campaign where ~1/2 the players have Svillains and ~1/2 Sheroes and we switch off from time to time. It's very 4-colour, almost camp. Janette l'Fleur is my current character.

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