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  1. Re: The Children of Destroyer! Janette l'Fleur===Give them The Speech™. You know, the usual one. If that doesn't work, arrest the little brats. And make sure they do time. Janette l'Fleur is a Superheroine from a campaign where ~1/2 the players have Svillains and ~1/2 Sheroes and we switch off from time to time. It's very 4-colour, almost camp. Janette l'Fleur is my current character.
  2. Re: Doubling Costs I know someone who tried it. It was terrible; no way for the GM to say "no you can't, it's too powerful." Not without getting whined at for the rest of the campaign.
  3. Re: Nightwalker Hurtled from Shadowrunworld to Darkchampionsworld --- cool idea!!
  4. Re: Unworkable Premises for a Campaign I haven't read this whole thread. Did anyone else come up with an "unworkable premise"?
  5. Re: "Uh ... you can *do* that?" The first character that died. The team is surrounded, we're getting beat like h***, we have to get to the Magufin to save the city, we're rolling for s***. My character has a "escape" power: Desolid for one Phase, takes a minute to recharge. But I don't use it to escape---I go Desolid, drop thru the floor, the floor below that, and into the computer that runs the base security. Then go resolid in the middle of it. It goes blooey, and the rest of the team blows through the mooks and (eventually) saves the city. The look on the GM's face when I said "I go desolid, drop thru to the computer, and wait to go resolid in the middle of it" was priceless. So were the cheers from the rest of the team. If your gonna die, make it important.
  6. Re: "Uh ... you can *do* that?" The first character that died. The team is surrounded, we're getting beat like h***, we have to get to the Magufin to save the city, we're rolling for s***. My character has a "escape" power: Desolid for one Phase, takes a minute to recharge. But I don't use it to escape---I go Desolid, drop thru the floor, the floor below that, and into the computer that runs the base security. Then go resolid in the middle of it. It goes blooey, and the rest of the team blows through the mooks and (eventually) saves the city. The look on the GM's face when I said "I go desolid, drop thru to the computer, and wait to go resolid in the middle of it" was priceless. So were the cheers from the rest of the team. If your gonna die, make it important.
  7. Re: First role playing memory I met this gal who really sent me. I tried every way I could to get near her. She was into Hero System. So I started playing. I never did get it on with her, but I found I really liked role playing. So I stuck with it.
  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I'm with her! They ain't big, but they say "I'm a girl".
  9. Re: Solar HERO: Everybody's getting into the act! Well, I suppose she can be part of a team.
  10. Re: Needed: A witty quote That works too.
  11. Re: Money in Fantasy Setting So people wondered how money & magik was handled in different campains. So I said how it went in a campaign that worked. So you asked me a question. So I answered. So you went off on me about how you thought it should be done. Cold, dude, cold. If you won't hear answers you don't like, don't ask questions. And that's HER answer, dude.
  12. Re: Public Domain/Free Pictures You could always scan in from a Dover book. They got a lot of no-copyright stuff.
  13. Re: 1970s-era Police Camaro Give it the right size, plenty of running, maybe a distinctive feature. IOW, like they show in TUV.
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