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Need help putting together a kit.

M Bison

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Ok, so I'm going to be starting up a gritty sci-fi campaign soon using a world I have created with a mix of many popular sci-fi settings. Some worlds are basically one big city ala Coruscant from Star Wars and the further out into the reaches you get the less technology you will find ala Firefly.


The Known Universe has been split up by 3 major factions:


The Federation: (PCs faction) A collection of planets that have come together under one democratic government. They have a large Navy with good tech, but not the best.


The Imperium: A dictatorship run by an nebulous Emperor who no one has actually seen for about 200 years. It is actually believe he has died and a few of the higher up in the government are faking that he is still alive. They have a massive military, but lower tech than the Federation.


The Galactic Economic Consortium: A bunch of giant corporations got together and claimed independence and have carved out a sizable chunk of the galaxy for themselves. They have trade agreements with both the Federation and the Imperium as both are major purchasers of technology. They have the smallest army (or so the others believe) but it is extremely high tech and consists mostly of robot soldiers.



The PCs are going to be members of a Black Ops unit for the Federation and I need a Skill Kit of what they should all know coming out of training.



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Re: Need help putting together a kit.


Sounds like you need the Dark Champions book. The Field Agent package deal, page 40. :)


But the obvious things would be WFs, TFs, KSs of organizations and territories that conserns the PCs, cover PSs, Fringe Benefits, and some sundry skills for the specialists -- Security Systems, Combat Driving/Piloting, Electronics, Mechanics, Computer Programming, Criminology . . . The list goes on!

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Re: Need help putting together a kit.


Black Ops Package


Must Haves




Appropriate Weapons Familiarities (Knives, Small Arms, Military Weapons, etc)

Appropriate Transport Familiarities (Whatever is customary plus such exotics as Orbital Insertion parachuting)

Some kind of Martial Art

PS: Covert Operations (you know the drill)

KS: Own Organization (Yes, we have a safehouse on this planet.....)


At the 1 pt Familiarity level (for everyone - specialists on the team will have the full skill)

Acting (if it's not already an Everyman skill in the game)

Paramedic/First Aid (ditto)

Demolitions (just enough to handle explosives safely and put them where instructed)

Systems Operations (Communicators and/or sensors)



Computer Programming

Survival (possibly the full skill for any of a number of environments, including exotic ones like Deep Space or Airless Moons)


Security Systems




Probably should have, or at least consider




Bureaucratics (at least 1 pt)

Interrogation (ditto)

Acting (arguably, undercover work is nothing BUT Acting)

Analyze Intelligence


Zero Gee: If the campaign features microgravity environments, it is likely that the characters have the training to cope with them, whether that's an Environmental Movement Talent or a 0G version of Acrobatics or whatever you choose.


Cramming, perhaps multiple times. This kind of agent often has to learn things very quickly. In fact, Scholar, Jack of All Trades, Linguist, Traveler, and Scientist may all be appropriate, although not necessarily every one of them for every agent!


Things the team (not neccessarily every member) should have

(Note, if they're still following current doctrine every member will probably be trained in at least two specialties)


Paramedic/First Aid

Demolitions (possibly with Analyze: Structure, KS: Explosives, etc)

Systems Operations & Cryptography

Conversation & Interrogation


Bribery & Persuasion

Trading & PS: Scrounger

Survival (see above)




Security Systems



High Society



Deduction & Analyze Intelligence

Disguise & Mimicry



Lucius Alexander


Covert Palindromedary

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