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Broad Spectrum Absorption


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Is there an advantage/adder for transferring Absorption points to any characteristic or power, one item at a time, selectable when hit by an attack?


For example, char named "Sponge" gets hit by an energy attack for 5 BODY (after defenses). He then spends those 5 points on STR. The second attack hits Sponge for another 5 BODY which he spends on DEX. A third attack hits Sponge for 5 more BODY which he decides to spend on increasing his BODY.


I keep seeing (ONE POWER) of a limited group, or (TWO POWERS SIMULTANEOUS) of a limited group, or (ALL POWERS SIMULTANEOUS) of a limited group. But nothing that says (ONE POWER) of *ANY* char/power.


(unless of course you can define the limited group as every characteristic and power that the character has)

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Re: Broad Spectrum Absorption


I'd allow a combination of 1 power within a limited group and variable sfx to cover all of a character's current abilities.




7 Power Conversion: Absorption 1d6, any [special effect] power one at a time ((Hero System Fifth Edition Rule Book, page 75; Revised, page 111) This Modifier allows an Adjustment Power to be applied to any Characteristic or Power within a related group of special effects.; +1/4), Variable Special Effects (Limited Group of SFX; (Hero System Fifth Edition Rule Book, page 178; Revised, page 278) The special effects of a Power with this Advantage can vary. This Advantage has no direct effect on combat.; +1/4) (7 Active Points) - END=0

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Re: Broad Spectrum Absorption


But the catch would be that you could only change what the Absorption was feeding when it was your turn. And the limit on the Absorption would be the total of all the powers raised.


Actually, if you change the power the Absorption feeds, would you still have the points in the previous stat? If I absorb 10 points into STR and then switch the Absorption to feed my STUN, do the STR points go away, or do they fade at the normal rate?



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Re: Broad Spectrum Absorption


You can define all characteristics in this way as a special fx esstentially, so any 1 characteristic would be ok. For truely any power or characteristic you'd have to take Variable Effect at + 1/2 (ie 2 powers at once) and then Variable Effect - Multiple Special Effects at the +2 level (All SFX), this would be much more powerful thou as it would be 2 powers in EVERY SFX. Thou to be honest you might be able to get by with fewer SFX's as your character may not have that many. If for example you only need to cover 4 SFX you could take Variable Effect - Multiple SFX at the +1 level.


Or Alternatively take Variable Effect at the +1/4 level and Variable SFX at the +1/2 level, I think its fair to say that being able to change the SFX of the Absorption to anything would allow you to change what SFX of powers it can Absorb to (without changing the number of powers that are affected ie in this case total 1). Opps just noticed this is the same as what Hyper-man posted just with Variable SFX at the +1/2 level.


Lastly you could make an Absorption only VPP, thats worth -1 1/2 (a character in one of the books has this) as a Limitation on the Control Cost, so it wouldn't be that expensive and would allow you even more flexibility.


To answer your question Doc they would fade at the normal rate this is the same for Aid, Transfer, Drain (ie any power that has a specified fade rate), but not Suppress or Succor.

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