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Suppress in a Multipower


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If I have a 60-point Suppress as a slot in an 60-point MP, can I use any of the other powers in a phase after a successful use of the Suppress? For example:


Botman uses his Suppress Forcefield on Dr. Destroyer.


Next phase, Botman decides to continue paying the END to keep the Suppress running. And now he wants to use his Energy Blast on the Doc. But the Energy Blast is another slot in the same MP as the Suppress.


Yes? No?





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Re: Suppress in a Multipower


Thanks, GA!


A follow-up, if I may:


Does the Suppress turn off instantly? I.e. can I fire my EB, and the Suppress is still active say until the end of my phase? Or does the Suppress drop first, before I can fire the EB?


Thanks again,



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Re: Suppress in a Multipower


And even another question: is there some combination of advantages I could add to this power to make it "fire and forget" and basically free up it's slot in the MP, but it continues to work ("Continuous" or something maybe)?





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Re: Suppress in a Multipower


1) It turns off instantly, a nice GM will have the effect last until the end of the current Segment.


2) Yes - Uncontrolled (some Powers will require Continuous as well, Supress is already a Constant Power) will allow an MP Slot to "continue" after the slot has been changed out.

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Re: Suppress in a Multipower


Another question on this one, please (maybe I'm making this more complicated than it is):


The Multipower that this Suppress is in is represented by a gun. I'd like the Suppress slot to have only 1 charge, so the Suppress can only be used once, and then it needs to be reloaded back at the Hero's base.


But then I want the Suppress to only last a set amount of time (say 1 turn). Which seems like the Suppress would also be powered by a Charge. So a Charge fueling the ammo, and only 1 shot in the slot!


Any ideas on how I could model that?





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Re: Suppress in a Multipower


Another question on this one, please (maybe I'm making this more complicated than it is):


The Multipower that this Suppress is in is represented by a gun. I'd like the Suppress slot to have only 1 charge, so the Suppress can only be used once, and then it needs to be reloaded back at the Hero's base.


But then I want the Suppress to only last a set amount of time (say 1 turn). Which seems like the Suppress would also be powered by a Charge. So a Charge fueling the ammo, and only 1 shot in the slot!


Any ideas on how I could model that?







No worries - buy it as a continuing charge: 2 levels down on the charges table for a 1 turn charge (which makes the shot effectively constant and uncontrolled for one turn).

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Re: Suppress in a Multipower


Here you go:


27 Hand Held Ion Cannon: Suppress Force Field 12d6 (60 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Turn (-1 1/4) - END=[1 cc]




30 Botman Gun: Multipower, 60-point reserve, (60 Active Points); all slots OAF (-1)

2u 1) Hand Held Ion Cannon: Suppress Force Field 12d6 (60 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Turn (-1 1/4) - END=[1 cc]



Making the charge last longer than 1 Turn does not increase the Active Cost at all (just the Real Cost, which in the case of a multipower slot is insignificant).

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