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G.I Joe


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Re: G.I Joe


Ok guys everything seems to be coming together nicely. but I need a mini boss for the first story arc.(which is titled in my notebook "putting the band back together) now here are my ideas The first born son of destor and baroness Arms dealer and general noble villian. Is a threat but has a twisted sense of honor. Storm shadows unknown pupil + bunch of ninja's. My party is heavily gun based so i don;t know how they would take that much melee' or my personal favorite idea and aged and decrpit serpentor with robots. so comments? shaft i know you have something in that brain of yours cooking

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Re: G.I Joe


I would actualy look at Zartan for the first encounter. his gang might be up to some version of no good (I'm seeing a raid on the pit actualy, the hardware might be 20 years old but it still rocks). This could be cover for the new Firefly or a new ninja to sneak in to download files. The files could be the location of old joes and families. If the spy gets the info it leads into a second story about protecting said families and getting the info back. During the investigation they learn that Cobra is back in action

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Re: G.I Joe


I need a mini boss for the first story arc.


The first born son of destor and baroness Arms dealer and general noble villian. .


The Devil's Due relaunch had Destro's son (from a liason with another woman, not the Baroness) wearing the mask and trying to pass himself off as the original, until Destro himself showed up to show his son why he kicketh ass so much.


Honestly though: Destro & Cobra Commander work as older masterminds now in their sixties (or 60 year olds using science to keep them younger (if you have the clone of Rommel, I assume the science is up there in your game). They should be more behind the scenes though, with the PCs rarely encountering them.


Some front line villains that you could use:


1) The Rommel clone is a pretty good idea, and he might have that aberrant sense of honour as in he likes to fight mano a mano (or tank on tank) and is not the type to ambush. The revelation that he is a clone should be a surprise.


1a) Cloning other leaders might be an arc derived from Serpentor's origins. Cobra might have modified their brain patterns "dollhouse" style to imbue them with a sense of loyalty to Cobra Commander himself.


These power hungry leaders might form a Viper-style council with Cobra Commander at its head Of course, they would eventually turn on one another.


2) Zartan is another good candidate for longevity. In Devil's Due, the Dreadnoks expanded to a motorcycle gang with hundreds of members across the country, on par with the Hell's Angels. The original trio of Dreadnoks might also still be around, though now they would be in their fifties and chapter leaders.


3) The DVAS (Deadly Viper Assasination Squad) from Kill Bill are natural candidates for Cobrafucation (I used them in my Dark Champions as an elite Viper unit). My version of them had:

-Snake Charmer as a chi based psychic/martial artist who could hypnotize people, cloud their minds to make himself unseen.

-Black Mamba was a low level speedster who could have speedbursts- it wasn't great for long distance sprints, but she was fast in a fight (in game terms she could get +2 SPD for 24 seconds).

-California Mountain Snake could transform into stone. Her reflexes were unaffected by the transformation.

-Cottonmouth had gills, and enhanced strength that allowed her to function at the depths and survive underwater pressure.

-Sidewinder had the same psychic invisibility that his brother had.

-Copperhead used poison.


These characters were all expert martial artists, of course.


4) Members of the Serpent Society also fit in nicely with Cobra. They are low powered enough that you can often use them "as is". I imported Constrictor as a cyborg with retractable electrowhips in his forearms and Anaconda as a large, mannish woman with superhuman strength and stretching. I seem to recall someone in the Champions forum having a thread of write ups.


5) Slade Wilson aka Deathstroke the Terminator from the Teen Titans is a natural opponent for the Joes. Maybe he and Joe Colton are the only surivivors from that first Joe unit they made in the 60s but never talk about...


6) Chesire, another Titans foe, would make an excellent Cobra merc.


7) Rhas' Al Ghul would make an awesome Middle Eastern regional Cobra leader. Other Batman villains that fit are Deadshot and Killer Croc (Killer Croc is grerat for this since he already has the Reptilian theme).


8) Two Face as a regional Cobra nest leader might be intersting- perhaps he was an undercover Joe (code named Two Face) and he got his face mutilated on a mission. His mind snaps and he flips between his orignal inflitration mission and the ambitions of his stage persona, who has now worked his way up the ranks (and leaks info to the Joes about his rivals).


9) Brother Blood, another Titans foe from the 80s, would be an interesting Cobra ally.


Of course, these ideas push the game into the low levels to Superheroic- which is not impossible for the series (Cobra-la?). The trick is to keep the science-fiction in the series cool instead of sloppy- so brainwave scanner machines are okay, but ancient snake civilizations are the dumb).

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Re: G.I Joe


On the allies of GIJOE, here are some ideas:


A variation on Ultimate Captain America might make an intersting addition to the team in a continuity where low level powers exist (like the Max series), assuming that your power levels can handle his inclusion. On the other hand, he'd be cooler than Sgt Slaughter... :D


The Max version of Punisher wouldn't be part of the team, but in that line, he served in Vietnam and has been been a vigilante for 35 years (he is a very fit sixty year old). He might have crossed paths with Snake Eyes, Stalker, Hawk or Duke. He may have even been a Joe who released, had a family and then used his training to wage war on crime. What will the Joes do if they have to reign him in.


(on a slightly related idea, the Blue Moon Killer might be an ex-Joe too. Or a current one...).


A gritty version of Nick Fury might be involved with GIJOE if he is in a timeline where SHIELD doesn't exist. Maybe he and Hawk are Jugglers together (or for an interesting idea, make Duke even older and say that he was a Howling Commando, and that all of the Howling Commandos got the Infinity formula).


The Infinity Formula could be a military secret that the US government uses on its Special Forces to prolong their lives- that way most of the Joes could have signed on since the 80s and still be active. It could also be a "Super Soldier light" formula as well, that boosts attributes to atheletic levels rather than pushing the limits of human physiology the way Steve Rogers' body reacted to the still never-replicated Super Soldier formula.


The versions of Ultimate Hawkeye and Black Widow (from series 1, not the more recent issues) would also make good Joes.


The A-team (Hannibal, Murdoch, Face and B.A.) served in Vietnam as Special Forces and they might have crossed paths. As I recall, the last year of the show had them working as deniable operatives. The upcoming movie will reboot them and make it that they were Gulf War veterans.


Thomas Magnum, Rick and TJ all served in 'Nam as Navy Seals.


The Impossible Missions Force might also exist in this continuity; they had operatives in the 60s, 80s and mid-90s. There's no reason to assume they aren't still around- perhaps as friendly rivals to the Joes.


While Iron Man armor technology would probably break the feel of GIJOE, a bulkier version like the classic SNAKE Armor would be a cool add on as well. The Tony Stark from last year's movie might make an interesting background character who refuses to join the team and keeps his ID secret, but occasionally helps out the Joes. Maybe as Tony Stark, they know him as a defense contractor and they don't know that he actively helps them.


If you're thinking about these ideas, you're looking at running a game for 250 point characters who don't pay for equipment (which, IMHO, is roughly equal to 350 pt characters with 100 points of gear that they have to pay for).

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Re: G.I Joe


thats one thing I have been struggling with is point values for everyone. one of the older champions players suggest 75/75. now the only champions I have ever played was 400 point supers so this is a big switch up for me


I suggest 175 base/75 disads, with a Characteristic Maxima of 15 (by that, I mean primary characteristics cost double after 15). You'll probably get most of your players to buy DEX's of 17 or 18 since it's worth the points to get that 6 OCV/DCV, but some might stick with a 14 DEX. A 20 DEX will be exceptional.


With a characteristic cap of 15, most PCs will buy the following:


15 STR (5 pts is cost effective, but paying 11 pts for 18 STR makes STR higher than 15 rare)

DEX 17 (6 CV, 12- on DEX rolls for 24 pts, 18 DEX costs 6 more points, but gets them a 13-)

CON 18 (22 pts which gives base 4 ED, 4 to REC & 36 base END)

BODY 13 (6 pts)

INT 13 (3 pts; like STR, PCs will think carefully before spending 11 pts for and extra +1 to INT when they could just buy extra PER or Skill bonuses, unless their character concept is an exceptionally smart person)

EGO 11 or 14, depending on how they want their EGO roll to be. 17 or 18 starts becoming rare in a game where there are few psychics

PRE 15; cost effectiveness is the same as STR

COM 10-17.


PD 5 (2 pts)

ED 5 (1 pt) -> Your PCs will inevitably try to get away with lower EDs than PDs, but warn them that Energy Weapons do show up.

REC 7 (0 pts)

SPD 4 (13 pts)

END 36 (0 pts)

STUN 35 (5 pts)


This will cost you about 90 to 100 pts for attributes. You will find that the remaining 130-150 pts can go on skills very quickly, espcially when you add talents, cinematic skills like the autofire skills, martial arts, superskill "powers" and individual attributes that are above the ones listed such as higher STR for a machine gunner or higher DEX for an acrobatic type.


Each disad should be limited to 25 pts. Joes are somewhat limited in the disads they can take, and it gets kind of lame if you have the PCS all choosing the same formulas to get their disad totals.


Every Joe already has Distinctive Feature: Uniform 5 pts, Social Limitation: Subject to Orders 20 pts, and Watched by Military on 11- for 10 pts, so that is already 35 pts. Psych Limitations are easy: Patriotic, Sense of Duty etc... and can easily fill 25 pts. The PCs will have to just be creative in filling out the last 15 pts. There are very few Physical Limitations that they can take, but they can have Rivalries, other Distinctive Features (such as army tattoos), bad reputations,etc... I would not allow the PCs to take Hunted by Cobra- everyone has it for free, but for most of the Joes it's not personal- many of the times, Cobra may not even realise that they are dealing with a Joe until it's too late.

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Re: G.I Joe


On the allies of GIJOE, here are some ideas:


A variation on Ultimate Captain America might make an intersting addition to the team in a continuity where low level powers exist (like the Max series), assuming that your power levels can handle his inclusion. On the other hand, he'd be cooler than Sgt Slaughter... :D


The Max version of Punisher wouldn't be part of the team, but in that line, he served in Vietnam and has been been a vigilante for 35 years (he is a very fit sixty year old). He might have crossed paths with Snake Eyes, Stalker, Hawk or Duke. He may have even been a Joe who released, had a family and then used his training to wage war on crime. What will the Joes do if they have to reign him in.


(on a slightly related idea, the Blue Moon Killer might be an ex-Joe too. Or a current one...).


A gritty version of Nick Fury might be involved with GIJOE if he is in a timeline where SHIELD doesn't exist. Maybe he and Hawk are Jugglers together (or for an interesting idea, make Duke even older and say that he was a Howling Commando, and that all of the Howling Commandos got the Infinity formula).


The Infinity Formula could be a military secret that the US government uses on its Special Forces to prolong their lives- that way most of the Joes could have signed on since the 80s and still be active. It could also be a "Super Soldier light" formula as well, that boosts attributes to atheletic levels rather than pushing the limits of human physiology the way Steve Rogers' body reacted to the still never-replicated Super Soldier formula.


The versions of Ultimate Hawkeye and Black Widow (from series 1, not the more recent issues) would also make good Joes.


The A-team (Hannibal, Murdoch, Face and B.A.) served in Vietnam as Special Forces and they might have crossed paths. As I recall, the last year of the show had them working as deniable operatives. The upcoming movie will reboot them and make it that they were Gulf War veterans.


Thomas Magnum, Rick and TJ all served in 'Nam as Navy Seals.


The Impossible Missions Force might also exist in this continuity; they had operatives in the 60s, 80s and mid-90s. There's no reason to assume they aren't still around- perhaps as friendly rivals to the Joes.


While Iron Man armor technology would probably break the feel of GIJOE, a bulkier version like the classic SNAKE Armor would be a cool add on as well. The Tony Stark from last year's movie might make an interesting background character who refuses to join the team and keeps his ID secret, but occasionally helps out the Joes. Maybe as Tony Stark, they know him as a defense contractor and they don't know that he actively helps them.


If you're thinking about these ideas, you're looking at running a game for 250 point characters who don't pay for equipment (which, IMHO, is roughly equal to 350 pt characters with 100 points of gear that they have to pay for).

heares a possible joe usn intellegence commander jonathan raven[from the tv series RAVEN] martial artist who aids the gi joe team in exchange for assistance finding his kidnapped son

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Re: G.I Joe


1994: Heavy Duty, Psyche Out, Law & Order, Ambush, Sub-Zero join team. Hawk made a 2 star General (Lt General)


1999: Hawk promoted to Major General (3 stars)

Excellent history, only quibble, the ranks are reversed:

Be My Little General

Brigadier, Major, Lieutenant, General

1 star, 2 star, 3 star, 4 star

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Re: G.I Joe


Ok guys I'm roughly righting up a time table now for some of the player to peruse. we where suppose to have a session tonight but alas work interfers here is what i have so far



July 1st 1990-- Firefly infiltrates the PITT as a janitor plants explosives on the Pitts air defense network. Escapes fleeing to Switzerland




July 4th 1990- Cobra rattlers, and night raven attack aircraft attack the pitt. Scarlet is killed during the attack.Snake eyes leaves for cobra island as Hawk rallies the joes for an assault with the FLAGG



July 5th 1990- snake eyes arrives on cobra island Begins murdering cobra troopers, Over the next 24 hours it is confirmed by satellite intel and intercepted transmission that storm shadow, Tomax and Xamot,Major Bludd Dr mindbender and serpentor are KIA,


July 6th 1990- A tactical nuke is set off on Cobra Island


July 7th 1990 -USS Flagg arrives on scene. Recovers cobra agents who escaped on Moray and Pirahan boats


August 2 1990- Gulf war begins



Feburary 28 1991- Gulf war ends



March 1st 1991 - US SOCOM disbands GI Joe




July 4th 2009- Agents wearign uniforms similar to cobra attack London destoryign million in property.


July 5th 2009 -Gi joe reactived start of game

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Re: G.I Joe


The one thing I would change since doing some research since the start of this thread :) Tomax and Xamot would have ditched Cobra as soon as they realized things were going badly. They had no love for the organization and were just there as a means to an end. Personally I would have them abandon ship before everything went down. The fact that they're my favorite has no barring on that opinion either :D

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Re: G.I Joe


The one thing I would change since doing some research since the start of this thread :) Tomax and Xamot would have ditched Cobra as soon as they realized things were going badly. They had no love for the organization and were just there as a means to an end. Personally I would have them abandon ship before everything went down. The fact that they're my favorite has no barring on that opinion either :D



I would also keep Storm Shadow, probably have a meeting between him and snakes, go down like


SS you know I am to stop you


SE (nods)


SS: Tac nuke? 3 min timer, 2:30 to get to a Supersonic transport, 30 sec to leave?


SE (Nods)


SS: I'll have something warmed up for you, I'm going home (Starts to walk away)


SE: Sets timer and runs

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Re: G.I Joe


Ok guys I'm roughly righting up a time table now for some of the player to peruse. we where suppose to have a session tonight but alas work interfers here is what i have so far



July 1st 1990-- Firefly infiltrates the PITT as a janitor plants explosives on the Pitts air defense network. Escapes fleeing to Switzerland




July 4th 1990- Cobra rattlers, and night raven attack aircraft attack the pitt. Scarlet is killed during the attack.Snake eyes leaves for cobra island as Hawk rallies the joes for an assault with the FLAGG



July 5th 1990- snake eyes arrives on cobra island Begins murdering cobra troopers, Over the next 24 hours it is confirmed by satellite intel and intercepted transmission that storm shadow, Tomax and Xamot,Major Bludd Dr mindbender and serpentor are KIA,


July 6th 1990- A tactical nuke is set off on Cobra Island


July 7th 1990 -USS Flagg arrives on scene. Recovers cobra agents who escaped on Moray and Pirahan boats


August 2 1990- Gulf war begins



Feburary 28 1991- Gulf war ends



March 1st 1991 - US SOCOM disbands GI Joe




July 4th 2009- Agents wearign uniforms similar to cobra attack London destoryign million in property.


July 5th 2009 -Gi joe reactived start of game


do you plan on having any of the old Joes still be active? I assume you are still going ahead with your plan to make Duke the 4 star general in charge of the team.

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Re: G.I Joe


So far the only active Joe's are going to be stalker wild bill and slip stream. I'm considering Hawk still being in command and having duke retired somewhere off in a cabin. hawks role would be one of the fallen general. He was blamed for the attack on the PITT, He was forced to retire but brought back once cobra reappeared.

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