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Hero System from the scratch..


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Greetings first, and from across the oceans.


I recently interested me - again- to the superheroes rpgs, and I have a bunch of questions.


I know the hero system a bit for having been a player of the 4th and 5th edition, with a gamemaster that was pretty well mastering their tools.

We had lot of fun during our game sessions, thanks partly to the great work of Steve Long and it's fellows that I salute.


Myself, I tried to GM an alternative setting of Champions : The NEw Millenium.

It was using the Fuzion System, which was a good start, simple enough to discover the mechanics of superheroes RPGs.

But it clearly had its limits, and I'm known to be a gentle (too gentle ?) GM, when it comes to rules. And the game only had three books developped for it, alas... And thousands of questions around the universe.


So I said to myself I'd go for the big game and system : Champions universe using Hero System.


And now I've schemed a big campaign on paper (one year work or near.. yes, when I prepare something it can be long ) , I see there is a 6th Edition released.


So the question is : to get a complete understanding of the system and universe, what is best to do ?

Go with the 5th Edition as the main game is developped into, including factions and settings, or go to 6th Edition, hoping it would eventually be fully compatible ?


For example, would I be able to use or easily find ways to convert Champions New Millenium stuff or 5th Edition stuff with the 6th ?


I guess the response is yes (I do hope !) but I prefer to ask directly advice from people used to the game mechanics.


By the way, my apologize for my english, it's not my native language.




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Re: Hero System from the scratch..


6th hasn't released but my understanding is that you should be able to convert most characters forward from 5th®with minimal difficulty, in at least some cases the only significant change would be the point cost. So pretty much, once 6th is released, you can evaluate it and decide if you'd like to convert.


I can't speak to converting from Fuzion, I have the book in one of the boxes of RPG's to be shelved when I have space rather than RPG's that must be on shelves - haven't opened it in years.

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Re: Hero System from the scratch..


The Champions NeW Millenium settings main book was reedited once, including some Hero Systems character sheets, to make an equivalent and examplary.

But that's all..


my main question is : would it be better to wait for 6th Edition ? And providing I'm newbie to the HEro System, and wishing to start a campaign in the Champions New Millenium setting (the great lines are ready), do you think I could handle the rules and stuff easily or not ?

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Re: Hero System from the scratch..


Hero Designer will be updated to work with 6E - it's almost done actually.


You could wait for 6th Ed. and any conversions you need will be pretty easy and straight forward for 90% of anything - there are a few changes that will require a little more thought than a straight conversion, but it won't be difficult.

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Re: Hero System from the scratch..


Welcome to the boards!


6e looks great: if you are considering 5e or 6e, given that it is probably less than a month away, I'd wait.


I'm pretty sure there are conversion guidelines from Champions TNM to Hero 5e, and as has been said, converting 5e to 6e should be a doddle.

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Re: Hero System from the scratch..


I was gone to that conclusion but thanks.

As for conversion guidelines for C:NM, there weren't I could find, so I had to figure it out by myself or near

Too bad, because the settings was really interesting

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Re: Hero System from the scratch..


As for conversion guidelines for C:NM, there weren't any I could find, so I had to figure it out by myself or near

Too bad, because the settings was really interesting

I usually don't worry too much about conversion. As long as the characters are interesting and reasonably balanced, they don't have to be very much like in the original product.


A useful shortcut for NPCs is to ignore END and REC - just assume that they have END enough for what they do, and don't let them recover any STUN during combat (unless it is dramatically interesting).


- Klaus

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