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About jtelson

  • Birthday 08/23/1967

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    Nano AT process development, Multinational Company I'm not supposed to name.

jtelson's Achievements

  1. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares On the topic of CSI - My brain does occasionally turn back to the idea of CSI: Dis. The idea flip flops between the players being the fallen angels set to guard the city's damned and the players being damned souls in hell whose job it is to investigate demonic 'crime' as the demons can't trust anyone else to do it. Either way an interesting noir-esque setting.
  2. Re: Ctrl+V At their respective parents’ funerals, dizzy with grief, curiosity and hormones, young Ned and a girl named Chuck had their first and only kiss. After his mother’s death, Ned avoided social attachments, fearing what he’d do if someone else he loved died. [the yellow sun in the background morphs into a strawberry pie; pull back to reveal Ned’s pie shop, THE PIE HOLE] Narrator: And he became obsessed with pies. It’s 19 years, 34 weeks, 1 day and 59 minutes later, heretofore known as "Now." Young Ned has become The Pie Maker. And this is where he makes his pies: the peaches never brown, the dead fruit in his hands becomes ripe with everlasting flavor … as long as he only touches it once.
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From my annual Tales of the OSI game. Not a great session because I was fried but a few good quotes. Table Chatter: Torch, Loo - We got it you're British Sgt Ridgefield: He doesn't want to fight Zombie Alien Orcs and I can't say I blame him. After finding the elevator to the sublevels of the Alien Technology Hanger at Wright-Patterson Capt. Jimmy Gold: Let's Find the Stairs Sgt Ridgefield: I think you misunderstand the nature of this installation.
  4. Re: WII Bounty Hunters No, no you're not.
  5. Re: Ancient Ninja: Separating the Men from the Myth It's almost as if I was combining Semantics (use of super powers vs. magic powers) with Somatics while commenting on black magic and apparently failing to be funny about it.
  6. Re: Ancient Ninja: Separating the Men from the Myth Everyone knows you don't use black magic to give yourself super powers, you use it to give yourself magic powers, somantics are important.
  7. Re: Need Help With Urban Fantasy Ghost Graffiti Artist
  8. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Been rewatching The Pretender - so far it's holding up pretty well to what I remembered from over a decade ago.
  9. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Needs Jerry Stiller
  10. Re: Old West Setting? A dry wind blew through the mining village of Chloride, AZ. Two men rode quietly into the center of town, dismount, and loosely tied their horses to a post. Easy Pete glanced up and down the empty street. “Seems a mite too quiet, whadda ya think?” Mike tossed his head in the direction of the saloon’s balcony, the bottom edge of a leather duster hung loosely through the slats, “Someone talked, most likely.” “Indeed, someone did.” A thick English accent wrapped itself around the phrase as a small bespectacled man walked purposefully from the Wild Rose into the center of the street. “And that someone is, alas, no more. Your services gentlemen are therefore not required. Kindly depart and there will be no need for any unpleasantness.” Mike shook his head slowly. Pete sighed and then spat. Fishing out a silver dollar he looked at his partner, “Call it,” as he flipped the coin high into the air. “Heads,” Mike called out as he drew his pistols and ran straight towards the Englishman. Gracefully spinning as he leapt over the bandit’s head, he landed facing back towards the horses and fired two shots, an armed gunman fell clutching his chest from the window over the general store and another stumbled out of the Wild Rose collapsing in a heap. Easy Pete dove behind a watering trough as the rifleman on the balcony stood and began firing, an instant later Pete was behind the man, tackling him, the momentum carrying them both over the balcony and into the street. The gunman hit the ground with a sickening crack, Pete rolled easily out of the fall catching the coin and slapping it onto the back of his hand. Pete glanced down at the double eagle, “Heads, it is.” Mike nodded holstering his pistols, “All right Mister, you all but told us that you killed my brother…so, Draw!”
  11. Re: Should Speed have a scaling cost? That's clever
  12. Re: Those Meddling Kids... My Savage Worlds take on meddling kids http://penbrookindustries.com/blog1/2009/07/25/campaign-rockwell-gothic/ It could easily be lightened into a pre-cursor to a Route-66-esque Meddling Kids game. Could be a bifurcated campaign - Kids as Kids in Rockwell/Same Kids as Late Teens on the Road - Facing similar situations, run as Flashbacks - or maybe a simple chiastic structure.
  13. Re: Special Effects Interactions: Burden on the defender or the attacker? I see special effects as things that give you advantages or limitations based on the environment - these will be trumped always by powers purchased to create or prevent the effect you're hoping to achieve but as for SFX vs. SFX interactions I tend to try to reason them out fairly and acccept input from the players about how things might play out. So the firey film fanatic Crowded Theatre has been on the run from Davey Joan the mistress of maratime manipulations and has gone to ground in an old abandoned barn. He scans around and sees dry hay on the floors and old dry wooden boards making up the whole of the structure. Also various farm impliments and the like but not being Ferodyne doesn't concernn himself overly with the metal bits. Davey Joan catches up with him and also surveys the scene - neither character is complex so they don't have any powers other than the basic Attack, Defence and Movement - plus some protections against their chosen environment. They both consider their options and Joan opens with spreading her blast to fill as many hexes (meters, sorry, meters now) as she can with a 1d6 Water Blast - to dampen everything and take the environment out of the equation...or Crowded Theatre goes first and spreads his blast to fill as many meters as he can with a slightly larger blast to start the building burning.
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