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golden age brought forword


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for an up coming story arc the heroes are going to explore parallel universes but each new universe will correspond with a comic era. first stop golden / pulp age comics only change i want to move the the time line to the current. so hears were i need your help how advanced do you think this world tech would be.

what features do i need to acknowledge to make it feel golden

these are the assumptions Ive made so far

morality is still black and white

racism is still common only now its more softened

there are few if any extreme radical racial groups at least in the us

people tend to flock together in groups of similar mind sets or racial groups

there is a lot more pride in being american or english french in short who your people are is very importent ect

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Re: golden age brought forword


for an up coming story arc the heroes are going to explore parallel universes but each new universe will correspond with a comic era. first stop golden / pulp age comics only change i want to move the the time line to the current. so hears were i need your help how advanced do you think this world tech would be.

what features do i need to acknowledge to make it feel golden

these are the assumptions Ive made so far

morality is still black and white

racism is still common only now its more softened

there are few if any extreme radical racial groups at least in the us

people tend to flock together in groups of similar mind sets or racial groups

there is a lot more pride in being american or english french in short who your people are is very importent ect


Science: It would seem that super science would be both common place and rare at the same time. Police with Laser Stun Pistols and rocket packs but computers remain mysterious devices few have access to.


Racism: Groups should contain members of different races who may be as competent or more so than the Caucasian members ... ahem... despite their racial handicaps, which may be pointed out by other members of super teams. I would look to characters like Black Vulcan and Apache Chief for inspiration here.


Pulp Age Tone: The Pulp era dealt a lot mystery, be it crime drama or exploration. Here I think information sharing should be scarce at best and this may force you to consider how information is distributed. Heroes of this world would likely have minor powers or no powers at all but are able to put information together allowing them to serve where the police cannot. I would say part of this may be more of a Space Opera but I got the impression you wanted to keep the setting more terrestrial based.


Golden Age Tone: Here is a place where one can take some radical departures while keeping the same feel. The world may simply be something black and white. However, adding details such as state run or controlled media and labor camps to aid the poor we get to glance over the negative side of life and instantly add a conflict for players. There are other forms of control that might be used such as medication or a truly authoritarian government that cannot be questioned.

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Re: golden age brought forword


One idea I had was a world where shortly after Hitler invaded Poland, a Superman-like hero just whipped off to Germany, smashed through the defenses, grabbed Hitler and turned him over to a hastily concocted League of Nations tribunal. As a result there never was a World War II, and fascism and Nazism are still mainstream threats.


Other elements of the Golden Age: DC's Golden Age had a very populated solar system. Wonder Woman spent most of the war fighting humanoid aliens from Mars and Saturn as stand-ins for the Nazis. The JSA did a lot of that as well.


Vacuum tube technology.


Note that the Golden Age continued up until 1950 or so a rather sunny attitude toward nuclear power was par for the course in the second half of the GA.


Pre-comics code, so the hard and fast rule against heros killing doesn't exist. But most of the heroes kill only indirectly. They won't tear a man's head off, but they will shoot down his plane and let the rest take care of itself or blow up a Japanese dam. They almost never use conventional guns though. Yes, yes for his first year Batman did carry a gun, but he didn't use it and lost it soon enough.


Common origins in the Golden Age


Trained by/comes from a secret utopian society in a hidden corner of the Earth. Most often in Tibet, but Wonder Woman fits as well with her invisible Atlantic island, and Red Raven came from a South American flying island.


Chemistry. The hero took a serum, the effects of which might or might not be permanent.


Magic artifacts from an archaeological dig. Hawkman, Doctor Fate, Blue Beetle etc.


Just a costume and two manly fists!

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