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Cannot Lift and Only Downward


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Re: Cannot Lift and Only Downward


Originally posted by Pteryx

OK, everyone, how big a break would you give someone with TK with one of these Limitations? I'm thinking -1/4 and -1/2 respectively. -- Pteryx, who is gettng more confident! Really! ;)


I'll preface this with the fact that we dont use a lot of TK in the campaigns I play in...


Teoekinesis effectively provides STR with no figured char's (-1/2), usable at range (+1/2) indirect (+3/4) = STR cost x 1.5.


Cannot Lift does not prevent the character from using Strike at range, so he can still do damage with TK STR. If the TK will be used primarily for combat, I'd say -1/4 is about right. However, think of some other uses of TK. "I pick the keys up off the wall and bring them to me so I can unlock the cell door", for example. Or even things STR could do - "I lift the girder off me - and since I have TK, it doesn't matter that my arms are pinned". I'm inclined to say -1/2 to the STR, which would make it 11.25 based on the above contruct. Since TK isn't actually built like that, somewhere between -1/4 and -1/2. After all that analysis, I think I'd use your initial -1/4.


Only Downward seems to imply some other limitations. If it can only push downward, it would seem unable to Strike or to Grab. Since it always pushes downward, it loses some of its indirect qualties as it always fires in the same direction. I could be missing the point, but it seems to me that this TK can only "grab", with the SFX of that Grab being holding someone to the ground. It can still do damage - "Grab and Squeeze" now being "Grab and push into the ground".


That sounds like STR at range (+1/2), Indirect (+1/2 - ortiginate anywhere but fire down), No Figured (-1/2) only to Grab (-1/2 to -1, IMO), which would cost between 8 and 10 points (depending on the value you assign Only To Grab) per 10 STR. Equatiing to TK would be -1/2 to -1 (7.5 points; -3/4 is 8.57 points per 10 STR).


I think I'd go -3/4, as I do see considerable utility of TK being lost here. -1/2 would be the conservative limitation, but this seems way more limited than "no lifting", and the character has lost the ability to lift automatically if he can only exet downward pressure. He's also lost the ability to make a Strike (affects all parts equally), which is a further -1/4. Add the inability to throw targets, I'd say, is effectively another -1/4, which sums to make -3/4. Making TK half price (-1) seems a bit too generous, IMO, but could still be in the game.


Other thoughts? Maybe from those whose campaigns see more TK?


Never hurts to hear what others think, especially backed up with "This is what I think you've lost", since we're really trying to assess whether the power has lost half its usefulness, etc., to get a realistic "limited power".

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-1/4 and -1/2 sound good. Although I might go with a -1/2 for Cannot LIft, depending on how you define lift. If you can still grab, shove, pull and push down, it's only a -1/4 at tops.


As for Only Downward, assuming you can still grab and punch, -1/2, it's just that it can only be aimed down (not much a lim for the punch effect, but you never move things sideways, indluding KB).

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I would say that mechanics-wise TK has two primary purposes: 1.) to grab and manipulate things, and 2.) to damage things (including grab->squeeze or grab->throw). These two probably have approximately equal value (though it may depend on the kind of game). I might break the manipulation up into grab (as in the maneuver--let's say the immobilization part of it) and manipulate (as in do useful non-combat things; e.g. pull a lever). Let's say these have equal value as well.


Let's consider two options for "Only Downward:"

  1. Can Do Damage: The damaging half of the power is limited by the difference between Indirect: Any location any direction, and Indirect: Any location (as noted, the difference is -1/4). The manipulation/grab portion really isn't affected at all (you can still immobilize someone with it). The straight manipulation part is hampered pretty severely (you might be able to add weight to something, or push down a lever, but that's about all I can think of at the moment). So let's call that 0.5*1/4+0.25*0+0.25*2 = 5/8, which I would round to -3/4 (rounding in a standard .5 manner for the player :) ).
  2. Can't Do Damage: As above, but the damaging part of it is completely gone. Call it 1+0.25*0+0.25*2 = 1 1/2 (-1 1/2).

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