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an overview for a classic X-Men Campaign


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this is something I was kind of dying to do but since I don't have a group I'm posting it here. This is an overview for a campaign starring the classic (new) x-men from issue 94 to 138, I call it a great experiment to see how things might have turned out for the X-men in "real life" with unpredictable dice rolls and players' er, creative playing. I tried to list the plot (some are really silly) and the villains giving a brief resume of their powers and actions. Of course there is still a LOT of work to be done on it, but if you ever wanted to do something like this, here might be a good starting point.

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Re: an overview for a classic X-Men Campaign


this is all I have had the time to do, I'm hoping that some GM's might be interested and take the ball from here. I'd just like to know how it worked out, I'm really curious concerning dice mechanics, player interventions, compared to the power of the writer, like I said it's an experiment.

Otherwise how many points do you think they should start with? I have some old write ups that Surbrook did many years ago for his excellent site and for the most part he has his X-men in the 400 pt to 800 pt range.

Let me know if you try getting a game together, I'll try to help writing up some characters, and villans, we can keep it low powered if you want. thanks for the interest

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Re: an overview for a classic X-Men Campaign


My own experience with the X-Men comics ended about 1994 and so the teams represented on my website reflect the state of the X-Men Universe at that time. Some find my versions to be too powerful, particularly points wise, but to make them more survivable in a Champions Universe I had to increase their defenses considerably. The other reason for the high total points also stems from trying to include everything Marvel has ever attributed to a character, hence a 900 point Wolverine and a 1050 point Rogue. You can find my stuff at http://x-men.the-wild-hunt.org/

Feel free to use what you like and ignore what you don't though I'd appreciate some feedback.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: an overview for a classic X-Men Campaign


wow! what a site! it's very complete, I just had a quick look, some observations : Colossus has 95 str?! I didn't know he was that strong, also he has a psycological disadvantage to space travel, from a very early episode, his brother died in a space mission, wolverine has about as much mental defense as Jean Grey ?!? seems too much to me, also a wolvie at spd 6 is a little too fast, but then again he is always the first to get blasted in any fight, makes me wonder about his vaunted combat skills!!! you might want to give Cyclops the same jujitsu that Colossus has, it's been stated that Cyclops trained Colossus. otherwise this is an EXCELLENT base to start an x-man campaign, thanks fr sharing!!!

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Re: an overview for a classic X-Men Campaign


this is the period when hank mccoy went to work at the brand corperation in his own series?so he wouldn't be included

After his own series, when he was first starting with the Avengers. He dropped in a few times.

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Re: an overview for a classic X-Men Campaign


The basics of each character came from the character sheets of the old Marvel Superhero RPG using the old article from the Adventurers Club for converting MSRPG to Hero. Like I said, they are merely my SWAGs at the characters, adjust to suit.

Also, as with defenses, there were times I consciously altered a character's stats to make them more survivable in my Champions setting. It would be hard to justify not giving Wolverine a 6 in aa game were 6 SPr was better then 75% of the characters.

As for Wolverine's Mental Defense, you might want to note the full valve it against Mind Control only.

And Colossus has the Martial Art indicated by MSRPG and the AC conversion, I didn't look it up but I don't recall he getting any type of martial arts training at that time. My convertions are based on the team over 15 years ago even though most were created more like ten years ago.

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Re: an overview for a classic X-Men Campaign


Hey I'll buy that! I actually like the MSRPG in a weird way, it allows for creative use of powers, you are not locked into "buying" the use of the power (not very clear it's getting late here), also I think you are very right about giving x-men characters high def, they get blasted and smashed up all the time and heardly ever end up in the hospital! I'll tweak it for my uses, thanks a lot!

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