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Seeking comment: Gemini Project


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In my Star Hero game, the Terran Empire recently concluded a long running war with a major nemesis (the Orion). During the war, a Terran warship intercepted a vessel from the Gemini carrying 'contraband' to the Orion. This 'contraband' included an unfinished project, which as come to be called "The Gemini Project".


Basically, the project involves injecting a nano-bot (part organic) into the target's body. The nanite (is that the word for it?) is designed to alter the attitude(s) of the target about a particular topic. For example, if a target were anti-Terran, then a nanite could be programmed and injected into the target to react to positive and negative thoughts about Terra.


When the target had positive thoughts about Terra, the nanite would cause the brain to release endorphines (not a lot... perhaps not even enough to fully realize consciously) and to inspire pleasure. If the target had a negative thought about Terra, the nanite would induce pain. Basically, it would GRADUALLY condition the brain to favor positive thoughts about Terra (since the human brain is a pleasure-seeker and pain-avoider).


I believe in game terms, this would be a transformation attack, low powered that is cumulative, only usable to transform the brain to have positive attitudes toward Terra (or whatever the particular attitude adjustment the nanite is programmed to manufacture).


Am I on the right track??



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Hmm... Interesting concept. It doesn't strictly jibe with the by-the-book description of Transform, since the effect essentially happens abruptly when the Transform exceeds x2 character's Body; what you're describing sounds more gradual, with the subject displaying an increasingly altered attitude over time. However, since the use of Transform on a subject is supposed to be noticeable before the Transform fully takes effect, I'd say that your approach falls within the "dramatic license" that can apply to this Power. It might be appropriate if the change in attitude would be easily reversible if the nanites are removed before the Transform takes full effect.


So, we're looking at a Mental Transform, at least Minor, maybe Major if you want an extreme attitude shift. I don't think I'd go with a Constant low-powered Transform in this case, though. Even at a minimum 1-pip level and assuming it's delivered at a Speed of 2, most creatures would be fully affected within minutes, and it sounds like you're thinking in terms of weeks, months or even years.


My suggestion would be to buy a Transform large enough to completely convert a victim (6d6 would be the minimum for most characters), and then take a Gradual Effect Limitation to draw the duration of the attack out to what you want. I'd think that Invisible Power Effects would also be necessary.


How does that sound?

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