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A version of LOST but twisted a bit


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I am thinking about doing something a bit different and am looking for some ideas on direction.


On our local gaming Meetup board I asked people give normal character concepts of "name, sex, occupation and hobby". I am looking for twenty total. Nobody knows what I have planned. I have not announced a game and this is off in the future....


I am planning to take these 20 people and do like a weird version of LOST (even though I have not seen the series). They will just end up on a fantasy world. The fantasy world will have been populated by humans....but the same time the characters arrive all the humans are gone (and maybe the demi humans as well). It may be a bit of time before the characters even wind up in a city.


But here are some general thoughts:

* players pick a different character at the start of the session. It could be different every time.

* characters will have different motivations and may not be happy with going along with "the group"


* On occasion they will find small pockets of people who will be from this world but could be from another country.


This is where I have some divergent paths----

1.) I could do a thing where their items...the ones that don't exist on the fantasy world may have special powers (a la thomas covenant)

2). They have items that become very special artifacts related to what they are. (perhaps one person has a laptop that doesn't lose power and can tap into the internet as if he were still "home".)

3.) Perhaps the people, the first people, will continue to grow in power (or even die) until they become a pantheon.

4.) The gods are lacking in power because the people are gone and are desperate to make alliances with the humans. Perhaps to the point of creating divisions in the party.



Any thoughts?

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Re: A version of LOST but twisted a bit


Sounds like fun. Don't know about the switching characters thing...


Also, I assume the Characters are based upon the Age, Sex, Occupation and Hobby info. If the characters were based upon the players, I wouldn't want anyone else playing me. Which is another reason I don't like the sound of switching Characters between sessions. *shrug*



Other than that, sounds very cook. Are you going to borrow Rick Cook's concept that Magic is basically a computer program (follows certain paths of logic and requires an extensive knowleldge to use properly)? This would allow someone who's profession is Computer Programmer to stumble upon a magical text, and say "This looks like a C++ computer program! I can do this!" Such same character could be the individual who's notebook never runs out of power and has access to the Net (the notebook would be the Foci for his VPP). Also, does he have access to Earth's internet or to the Fantasy World's Internet?






Very nifty series, btw.

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Re: A version of LOST but twisted a bit


Yeah, the characters are not based on the actual players. The internet thing made me think of making this person some sort of diviner/oracle. While he would not have information on the future....there is a lot of information that would be accessible as well as music, culture etc.


I have not read any of Rick Cooks stuff, but based on your link his works do look interesting.


I am also think of this:

Having the normal slots for the traditional fantasy races....but randomly select other creatures (as far a looks and perhaps behavior) to fill those slots. For instance maybe some alien race from Alternity would take the place of elves (as far as nature, nature magic, etc). Perhaps these races would be redo just like the humans. Maybe the world WAS dominated by humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, etc but now (other than the humans) new races are repopulated in this world. It would be a tabula rosa and would set the pattern for future race, interspeices and national relations and bias.

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Re: A version of LOST but twisted a bit


Yeah, the characters are not based on the actual players. The internet thing made me think of making this person some sort of diviner/oracle. While he would not have information on the future....there is a lot of information that would be accessible as well as music, culture etc.


I have not read any of Rick Cooks stuff, but based on your link his works do look interesting.


I am also think of this:

Having the normal slots for the traditional fantasy races....but randomly select other creatures (as far a looks and perhaps behavior) to fill those slots. For instance maybe some alien race from Alternity would take the place of elves (as far as nature, nature magic, etc). Perhaps these races would be redo just like the humans. Maybe the world WAS dominated by humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, etc but now (other than the humans) new races are repopulated in this world. It would be a tabula rosa and would set the pattern for future race, interspeices and national relations and bias.


This where I would start kyping races from different books, videogames and movies. Like maybe the Worgen from Wow, the little green lighting-shooting cyclops things from Half-life, the Indowy from John Ringo's Legacy of the Aldenata, The Cheereek and/or Hexosehr from John Ringo's Vorpal Blade series. Take it and run! Sounds like a very fun campaign aside from the changing characters business.


And I just now noticed your location: Clinton IL. I live in Clinton MO myself. *shrug*

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