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Professor Null, the Man of Steam


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I'm considering playing this guy for a Silver Age Champions campaign. I tried to come up with an interesting spin on a brick character. I'm not sure if he's going to be effective. I'm sure I'd have fun playing him, but I want to make sure he can pull his weight.


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Re: Professor Null, the Man of Steam


I'm a little confused by the "Always Direct (-1/4)" limitation on your stretching hands/arms. I think an argument could be made that a normal person using their normal hands inside their reach is normally indirect since you can reach behind stuff, put your hands under stuff and lift it, etc. The image I get in my head from "direct stretching" is someone just jamming their fist out in a straight line to a longer range to punch someone. Just my 2 cents.


ETA:I'd also consider Perceivable (-1/2) on your life support since you already have it on your "robot body defenses" and it seems to fit based on your character description (made of wood and metal). I think it would be painfully obvious to any opponent that a poison isn't going to work on you (for example) so they wouldn't waste their time trying one.

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Re: Professor Null, the Man of Steam


That's not a bad idea on the Perceivable for Life Support -- I'll try that out.


As for his Stretching, that came out poorly. I'd intended for the Stretching to be launching the hands at the end of chains, so I thought it would have to travel in a straight line for whatever he was doing with it. I seem to have saved before finishing that writeup. Should be the same number of points.

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Re: Professor Null, the Man of Steam


As for his Stretching, that came out poorly. I'd intended for the Stretching to be launching the hands at the end of chains, so I thought it would have to travel in a straight line for whatever he was doing with it. I seem to have saved before finishing that writeup. Should be the same number of points.


Yeah, if that is the effect you are going for (spring loaded fists on chains) I'd say you built it right after all. Somehow I got it into my head you were trying to make long arms ;)

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