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The Pritcher Mass


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The title is from a book by Gordon R. Dickson. It refers to the mass subconscious of the human race and how Psychics can tap it. I have been trying to figure out a way to do this in a starhero campaign. I recently got fantasy hero for my birthday. While reading the magic section, I found a way to do it. Under the Section titled: Eldritch Lore, This section describes how to use an ambient magic field to power spels. Change magic to Psionics and you are done. The players would still be required to buy their psionic powers. They would also buy an aid for thier powers to represent them tapping this mass. It would have the limitation: increase depends on level of Pritcher mass in the area. They would also have to have side effects on their aid power. Tapping to much power can literally blow your mind. This can be lessened with proper training. This training is only available at the Esper Guild.

The players will be able to buy a 15 pt talent: Member of Esper Guld. If they do this, they also have to take the psych disad: Duty to Esper Guild (common)(Strong). Members of this guild tend to be the more powerful psioncs in the campaign. This is because they are able to buy mental defense, only versus tapping the pritcher mass. This reduces the effect of the side effects. It does not eliminate them. They can still tap to much power, i.e. pushing on top of using the Aid.

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