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Regeneration Potion


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Hey guys, I've been looking at these boards for a while now and finally came on something I couldn't quite figure out by myself. :)


Our group has been playing 3.5/Pathfinder for the last few years and wanted something new, and after reading through the 4ed rulebook I got sick of the high fantasy setting it tries to force down your throat so instead I figured I would try to make my own campaign world in HERO.


So the actual question:


I want to make healing not just be an instant get out of jail free card, so I'm trying to make it regeneration based mostly and while looking at regeneration, I can't figure out how to limit it to a specific turn duration.


Just to draw up some sample specifics, I want to create a healing potion that will regenerate say 1 body per turn for 5 turns, which would take a full action to use but after it's used, you can forget about it.


Similarly, I want a cleric "spell" where the priest has to concentrate on a wound for a full action, and then the other person would regenerate 1 body for 5 turns without the priest having to be involved any further once it's activated.


This is what I worked out in Hero Designer for the spell, but I got this nagging feeling I messed it up somewhere along the line:


Regeneration (2 BODY per Turn), Conditional Power Power does not work in Very Uncommon Circumstances (Only while in good standing with Faith; -0) (32 Active Points); Time Limit (1 Minute; -2), Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2), Usable By Other (-1/2), Grantor pays the END whenever the power is used, Grantor controls the power totally, Recipient must remain close to Grantor, Grantor can only grant the power to others, Requires A Faith Roll (Skill roll; -1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4)

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Re: Regeneration Potion


Regeneration (2 BODY per Turn)' date=' Conditional Power Power does not work in Very Uncommon Circumstances (Only while in good standing with Faith; -0) (32 Active Points); Time Limit (1 Minute; -2), Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2), Usable By Other (-1/2), Grantor pays the END whenever the power is used, Grantor controls the power totally, Recipient must remain close to Grantor, Grantor can only grant the power to others, Requires A Faith Roll (Skill roll; -1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4)[/quote']


This looks to me like exactly what you've described. Except you wrote 2 BODY per Turn; did you mean that to be 1 BODY?

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Re: Regeneration Potion


I want to make healing not just be an instant get out of jail free card, so I'm trying to make it regeneration based mostly and while looking at regeneration, I can't figure out how to limit it to a specific turn duration.


Just to draw up some sample specifics, I want to create a healing potion that will regenerate say 1 body per turn for 5 turns, which would take a full action to use but after it's used, you can forget about it.


Use Continuing Charges

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Re: Regeneration Potion


Cost: 7

Name: Potion of Regeneration: Regeneration (2 BODY per Turn), Can Heal Limbs (37 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Minute which Never Recovers ((Stopped by taking additional damage); -3), OAF Fragile (Potion Bottle; -1 1/4), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4)

END cost: 4


Alternately, you can drop the "Costs END" limitation, without changing the Real Cost at all.


As for the proposed spell: "Recipient must remain close to Grantor" implies that the Priest and the benefiting character have to stay close together while the spell runs its course.

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Re: Regeneration Potion


Cost: 7

Name: Potion of Regeneration: Regeneration (2 BODY per Turn), Can Heal Limbs (37 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Minute which Never Recovers ((Stopped by taking additional damage); -3), OAF Fragile (Potion Bottle; -1 1/4), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4)

END cost: 4


Alternately, you can drop the "Costs END" limitation, without changing the Real Cost at all.


As for the proposed spell: "Recipient must remain close to Grantor" implies that the Priest and the benefiting character have to stay close together while the spell runs its course.



Except that, as the desired effect read, the healing would apply just over time instead of instantaneous. So I'm not sure the "Stopped by taking additional damage" limit should be applied to the potion.

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Re: Regeneration Potion


As I understand it, Regeneration is normally a persistent effect. This would be two body per turn for five turns (one minute). Saying that the Regeneration is stopped by taking additional damage makes sense to me, and continuing charges does need a "stops happening" condition other than simple expiration of the time the power is active.


Basically, you drink the potion, and start healing up, for a minute. If you're still in combat and get hit and take damage during that minute (probably should be limited to "stopped by taking BODY damage"), then the potion stops working.


Alternately, you could do it this way:

Cost: 7

Name: Potion of Regeneration: Regeneration (2 BODY per Turn), Can Heal Limbs (37 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Minute which Never Recovers ((stops when 10 BODY is regenerated); -3), OAF Fragile (Potion Bottle; -1 1/4)

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Re: Regeneration Potion


That's why the continuing charge may not be the best application for this build. The single charge (-2) should be applicable for the potion portion, but the Time Limit advantage best simulates the effect. The recipient of the potion gains regeneration for 1 minute, which fulfills the requirements for the potion (the liquid form of the spell).

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Re: Regeneration Potion


Cost: 4

Potion of Regeneration: Regeneration (2 BODY per Turn), Can Heal Limbs (37 Active Points); 1 Charge which Never Recovers (-4), Time Limit (1 Minute; -2), OAF Fragile (Potion Bottle; -1 1/4)


Like that? I dunno. Charges and Time Limit don't really seem to be compatible. Ah, there it is: "If a power with Time Limit also has Charges, each phase during the time limit also requires a charge."



Cost: 6

Regeneration (2 BODY per Turn), Can Heal Limbs (37 Active Points); Time Limit (1 Minute; -2), 60 Charges which Never Recover (-1 1/2), OAF Fragile (Potion Bottle; -1 1/4)



Cost: 5

Regeneration (2 BODY per Turn), Can Heal Limbs (37 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Minute which Never Recovers ((stopped by ? ); -3), Time Limit (1 Minute; -2), OAF Fragile (Potion Bottle; -1 1/4)

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Re: Regeneration Potion


Ah, here we go.



Potion of Regeneration: Regeneration (2 BODY per Turn), Can Heal Limbs (37 AP); Time Limit (1 Minute; -2), OAF Fragile (Potion Bottle; -1 1/4, Expendable Difficult to Obtain; -1/4)

Cost: 8


Unless of course, the item is easy to obtain (Which would be a -0 limit, or possibly +1/4 if the item were very easy to obtain) The problem with the 60 charges version of the potion is that it works on phases, which works out fine if a SPD 12 character drinks it. But when, let's say, a SPD 2 character drinks it then the potion could feasibly last 6 minutes. That is, and I just had this thought, unless the charge only expends when the regeneration fires off (segment 12), in which case only 5 charges would really be needed (for the 5 phases that the Regeneration itself acts in).

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Re: Regeneration Potion


I hadn't thought about Expendable Foci. That works perfectly.

As for the 60 charges version.. Regeneration is a Persistent power. It "works" every phase whether or not the character who has the power has an action. Time Limit, on a Persistent power, is a Limitation, not an Advantage. The Regeneration will last one minute, no more, regardless of how many charges there are.

Consider a Barrier bought with Charges. Normally a Charge only works for one phase, unless bought as Continuing. To make a Barrier with Charges last a full turn, you'd have to expend 12 charges to keep it up, because it might get hit on any phase. And more explicitly, 6e1 page 347, second column, third paragraph under "Other Considerations."

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Re: Regeneration Potion


This ruling strikes me as really dumb and counter-productive, but:

If a power with Time Limit also has Charges' date=' each Phase during the Time Limit requires 1 Charge. If a character wants to have a Time Limit power that has Charges and for which each Charge lasts for the specified duration, he must make them Continuing Charges with a duration equal to the Time Limit duration (he can even do this if it’s an Instant Power). Typically the GM caps the value of Continuing Charges at -0, especially if Time Limit is an Advantage, but the final decision is up to him.[/quote']

Basically I see no sensible way to combine the two Modifers in a useful way. If you've got Continuous Charges, the duration is limited/extended anyway and there's no need for Time Limit. If you don't have Continuing Charges, a power with Time Limit is going to suck up your charges faster than you can blink. I'm seriously considering house ruling this away, myself.

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Re: Regeneration Potion


I hadn't thought about Expendable Foci. That works perfectly.

As for the 60 charges version.. Regeneration is a Persistent power. It "works" every phase whether or not the character who has the power has an action. Time Limit, on a Persistent power, is a Limitation, not an Advantage. The Regeneration will last one minute, no more, regardless of how many charges there are.

Consider a Barrier bought with Charges. Normally a Charge only works for one phase, unless bought as Continuing. To make a Barrier with Charges last a full turn, you'd have to expend 12 charges to keep it up, because it might get hit on any phase. And more explicitly, 6e1 page 347, second column, third paragraph under "Other Considerations."


Barrier is an Instant Power, so one charge of Barrier should make a Barrier that lasts until it is broken.

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Re: Regeneration Potion


Oops. Well, I was thinking "Force Field" and forgot it could be bought in different ways. However, the point remains; anything bought with Time Limit and Charges either pays one charge per phase, every phase, regardless of the SPD of the character or has to have Continuing Charges.

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