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Damage Based Endurance cost for Defenses





I am a little bit uncertain about how much a hit costs:

Is it 1 END per X STUN in the attack?

Or is it 1 END per X STUN that is prevented/"caught" by the defense?


So when a 25 Point Defense with the -1/2 version is hit by a 35 STUN attack, how much does it cost?


Second question:

How do you calculate the END cost for such a defense, when the attack normaly does not deal STUN (like Flashes, Drains, Transforms, Does not deal STUN Limitation)?


Third question:

Is the calculation different for Killing Damage, considering that the mayor value of the defense is to prevent BODY?

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Re: Damage Based Endurance cost for Defenses


1. You determine the END cost for a damage-based END cost Defense Power based on the STUN rolled for the attack; how much STUN the character takes after applying his defenses isn’t a factor.


2. If a character wants to apply the Defense-Based Endurance Cost Limitation to a defense that applies to attacks that don’t ordinarily do STUN damage (such as Flash or Transform), it’s up to the GM to determine how to derive the END cost. For Powers that take the total rolled on the dice, such as Transform, it’s probably easiest to equate the rolled total with a STUN total; for Powers that count the BODY, such as Flash, the number of BODY rolled could be considered the END cost as well. But ultimately the GM should decide for himself what works best for his campaign.


3. The END cost for Defense Powers using this rule is the same regardless of whether Normal or Killing Damage is done to the character.

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