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Brain-Scanning Alien


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An alien can see electromagnetic fields, including those in human brains. After much training, perhaps including subconscious teaching methods, he has learned to analyze the brain-waves of sentient beings. What level of telepathy could he achieve from this?

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Re: Brain-Scanning Alien


As usual, as many as you can justify. ;)


Probably with certain limitations to set it apart from "regular" telepathy - eg. Dependant On _____ (Whichever sense the alien uses for this); Requires A Skill roll (recognizing / figuring the Neurology of the being that is scanned), Limited Range; Won't Work Through Strong Electromagnetic Fields; etc..

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Re: Brain-Scanning Alien


Telephaty would not fit a passive Sense, but rahter a sense with the ability to manipulate the brain waves of targets.

In 6E Mind Scan is in all Regards a passive Sense with Limited Transmission (first level of Telepathy at a EGqo-Result), so this might fit better what you describe and you can just define it as (for example) "Affect as radio, not Mental Group (+/-0)" per 6E1 160.

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Re: Brain-Scanning Alien


All members of the species have the sense(which is sight-based), but using it to read minds is a learned skill. It has other uses. While the sense is passive, actually looking at someone's brain-waves would behave like telepathy(which would have the Only To Receive limitation). It would also Require a SS:Neurology Roll, require Concentration, and take Extra Time. Would it need to have a limitation like Surface Thoughts Only?

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Re: Brain-Scanning Alien


I would not go deeper than hidden thoughts. Surface thoughts only seem to fit even better.

The official Value for Surface thought only would be -1/2 (6E1 299) Recieve Only is listed as -1/2 on the same page.


One thing is the percieability for:

The target

Bystanding Mentalist.


Because of it's passive nature it should be undetectable to both.

It can be made unnoticeable to the target by recieving EGO+20 Result, +20 Point Adder "hardcoding" that Result, or a +1/2 "Invisible to Target" IPE-Advantage.

Hiding it from bystanding mentalist could be either done wiht +1/4 IPE, Invisible to Mental Awareness or by trading the "Obviousness to Mental Awareness" with a different Obviousness of similar value (for example it could be inobious to sight, because his eyes glow lightly while doing it or something similar)

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