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Galactic Champions: Federated Super Teams


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Greetings HEROdom, I have decided to start a new thread for my Campaign (In Development) for Galactic Champions: Federated Super Teams. Please feel free to Comment, Suggest, or Help! When the project is complete I intend to start a HERO Central Campaign based on the work we do here.


One of my Quirks as a GM is I design adventures around the Player's Character's. I lay the ground work for the campaign, but it is the Player's who bring it to life. So without further ado I present the Campaign so far.



The Old Thread can be found here:

Galactic Champions: Federated Super Teams 5E







P.S.: I also hope to improve my writing skills in the process.

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Re: Galactic Champions: Federated Super Teams


Campaign Description: The Player Characters are among the first Cosmic Super Powered Beings at the begining of the 31st Century in the Galactic Champions Universe. Initally they are faced with the challenge of (re)emerging Super Powered Menaces, Super-Technologies, and World Conquorers.


The PC's are the Champions of their Homeworld. While their Militaries may be larger and more powerful, but none have the precision, manueverability, and flexability these Cosmic Superheroes possess. A Dreadnaught Starship cannot operate in buildings, mines, or on transportation by ways.


All the Characters should be "Good Guys" who can work as part of a team.


The V'hanian Invasion has begun and the PC's answered Defender's interplanetary Call to Arms from The Superhero Community. Under the aegis of the Terran Republican Admiral Zachary Stewart a battalion of Superbeings assembled. Their mission would be to hold off the D-Soldiers long enough for the others to find the Lemurian Super Weapon called the Mandragalore.


Operation Riven Tower: The PC's are teamed together and assigned another mission objective. Istvatha V'han Invasion's Command, Control, & Communications Headquarters which was located in a hidden location. Destroying or disrupting that facility will allow make the Champions mission possible.



The time to take back the Galaxy is now.



Importance of the Player Characters: The Player Character's are Cosmic Superheroes and the Champions of their Homeworlds. They will start as Independents, but will be encouraged to join the Galactic Federation (A 31st Century version of the United Nations) sponsored Superhero Teams (or the Federated Super Teams, aka FST).


The Campaign Setting is identical to the Galactic Champions 3000 Universe with changes to the Meta Plots and GM Secrets. It is both darker and brighter than the one you know. The (re)emergence of Superpowers, Super-Technology, and Supervillains. By the Terran Calender only six months have passed before the V'Hanian Invasion began.


Supers are people with powers not the otherway around. Normals are just as interesting as Supers. Every PC, NPC, and Agency should stand out as a unique entity. Divers species, natural, and religious backgrounds make for memorable realistic NPCs. In any conflict between realism and fun, Fun Wins! The best campaigns tell a story.



World Description: (In Development)



The Story So Far: Solo Origin Stories? (Solo Session with the GM), V'hanian Invasion began and What do you do? (Solo Session with the GM), Relief Forces and Answering the Call to Arms. (Team Up Sessions), Operation: Riven Tower (Fore Lorn Hope),, Carrion Eaters, Scavengers, and Conquerors, Formation of the Federated Super Teams (FST)



Local Relations: The Player's Characters are the Champions of their Homeworlds and future Intergalactic Law Enforcement Officers for the Galactic Federation. The Star*Guard are not a rival organization so much as an outsider (think Interpol). The Player's Characters are also Cosmic Level Super Powered Beings. Making them enemies by their very existence.






Morality: The Federated Super Teams is mostly a four-color campaign, and for the most part the morality of the campaign will be four-color as well. However, there will be some crossover between good and evil, and thing will not always be black and white. Characters will find themselves making difficult decisions, but should always try to be good guys.


On the other hand "bad guys" will vary between being good guys working at cross goals to being extremely evil. Some times the character will be faced with scenes of extreme violence.


Realism: Strong, but the heroes will be expected to make ridiculous efforts and take huge risks to accomplish their goals Character death is a reality. If that is not enough to keep a player character alive, then they had best hope the rest of the team likes them.


Outlook: While the outlook will be mostly positive, there will be many dark moments and many challenges outside of combat.


Seriousness: While the overall tone of the campaign will be very serious, there will be time for a certain amount of light hearted banter, or comic relief. The heroes will be The Galactic Federations best defense against the direst of situations. This does not mean that there is no room for humor. Witty repartee, creative use of powers, and the way you play should provide plenty of humor in the midst of even the direst situation.


Continuity: The game will be entirely serial. Player actions in one scenario will have effects on later scenarios and continuity will be enforced. Adventures will move linearly through time. Bad guys will remember who you are and what you did to them, and the press will print your exploits for the world to see.




• Starting Points: 750

• Matching Disadvantages: 100

• Maximum Points From One Category of Disadvantage: 50

• Normal Characteristic Maxima: Not Required

• Combat Hit Location Rules: Not Required

• Knockdown Rules: Not Required

• Long-Term Endurance Rules: NO

• Limited Push: YES




Power Levels

Characteristics: 10 - 100

Speed: 4-6 Average, 10 Maximum

Combat Values: 6 CVs - 20 CVs

Damage Classes: 12 DC Average, 24 DC Maximum

Active Points: 50 - 100 Average 150 Maximum

Skill Points: No Limit

Skill Roll: 11- Average, 20- Maximum

DEF/rDEF: 20 DEF/20rDEF Minimum, 20 - 40 DEF/20 - 40 rDEF Average, 60 DEF/60 rDEF Maximum.



HOUSE RULES: (Special Restrictions, Requirements and Exceptions)

• All player characters should have a Psychological Limitation concerning Killing.

• The character must have a form of Movement Power or Transportation.

• The character must have Social Limitation: Secret Identity or Public Identity.

• Bonus Character Points awarded for Character Background/History +1 to +5

• Bonus Character Points awarded for Art, Images, etc... +1 to +5

• Bonus Character Points awarded for Quirks (Like GURPS) +1 to +5

• Bonus Character Points awarded for Nemesis Write Ups +1 to +5

• Bonus Character Points awarded for Special +1 to +5



(In Development)




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Re: Galactic Champions: Federated Super Teams


Welcome back HEROphies, here is where I narrowed down my selection of inspirations. Marvel Comics Annihilation, Annihilation: Conquest, and Guardians of the Galaxy (2008 team) were a big influence on the style of campaign I wanted to run. Battlestar Galactica (Reimagined) combined with other elements for the V'Hanian Invasion. Galactic Champions was definitely the biggest. Although I changes the Origins of the fall and rise of Super Powers and Super-Technology.



Galactic Champions



Alien Wars



Scourges Of The Galaxy



Spacer's Toolkit



Terran Empire



Worlds Of Empire






Golden Hunters of Malva



Annihilation (comics)



Kree-Skrull War



Rann-Thanagar War



Sigil (CrossGen Comics)



Negation War (Crossgen Comics)



Annihilation: Conquest



Guardians of the Galaxy (2008 team)






Green Lantern Corps






Alien Legion



Legion of Super-Heroes



Intergalactic Superheroes




(In Development)




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Re: Galactic Champions: Federated Super Teams


Everyman Skills (Galactic Champions)


Acting 8-

AK: Home Planet, Star System, or Sector 11-

Climbing 8-

Computer Programming (Personal Computers) 8-

Concealment 8-

Conversation 8-

Deduction 8-

KS: What do you know? 11-

Language (completely fluent; literate)

Paramedics 8-

Persuasion 8-

PS: What Is Your Profession? 11-

Shadowing 8-

Stealth 8-

TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Custom Adder

WF: Clubs, Fist-Loads, Thrown Rocks, Unarmed Combat




(In Development)




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Re: Galactic Champions: Federated Super Teams


Federated Super Teams Package Deal (12 Active Points)


FST Package Deal

2 1) AK: Galactic Federation 11-

2 2) KS: Federation Culture & History 11-

2 3) KS: Federation Law 11-

2 4) KS: Federation Politics 11-

2 5) KS: Federation Security Patrol 11-

2 6) KS: Federation Species 11-

2 7) PS: Federation Security Patrol 11-


FST Package Deal

5 Contact: FSP Commander (Contact has access to major institutions, significant Contacts of his own, useful Skills or resources) 11-

8 Fringe Benefit (Intergalactic Police Powers)

3 Fringe Benefit (Membership (FST Commander)

2 Positive Reputation: Federation Superhero (A large group) +1/+1d6 11-


FST Package Deal

2 Exo-Mantle 1) Flight 2m, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); OIF (-½)

13 Exo-Mantle 2) Life Support (Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing); OIF (-½)

10 Exo-Mantle 3) Mind Link, Alien class of minds, Specific Group of Minds, No LOS Needed, Number of Minds (x8), Unlimited range in this galaxy; Affected as Radio and Hearing Groups (-1), Only With Others Who Have Mind Link (-1), OIF (-½), Not Mental Group (-½) 2 Exo-Mantle 4) Resistant Protection (1 PD/1 ED); OIF (-½)

13 Exo-Mantle 5) Universal Translator 14-; OIF (-½)


FST Package Deal

10 Distinctive Features: FST Mantle (Easily Concealed; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

15 Hunted: Federation Secruity Patrol Infrequently (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish) Infrequently

15 Hunted: Enemies of the Galactic Federation Infrequently (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish) Infrequently

20 Social Complication: Subject to Orders Frequently, Severe





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Re: Galactic Champions: Federated Super Teams


Character Concepts (Galactic Champions)


1. Armorine, Human, Terran Republic Marines & Malvan Golden Hunter Battlesuit.

2. Dark*Star, Human, Federated Security Patrol & Star*Guard.

3. Psion, Human (Clone), Mentalist (Telepath & Cyberpath), & Secretly the last scion of the DeValeries, Emperor's of the Terran Empire.

4. Fairplay, Human, Student, Grav Ball Player, & Mutant Metamorph.

5. Nebula-9, Yunnti, Thrombolic Energy Manipulation, Tel'Narian Guard, & Duress Gauntlets.

6. Gladiator, Human, Professional Null Boxer, Malvan Gladiator & Dree Gems.

7. ???, Empyrean, with Speedster Powers.

8. ???, Lemrian, Mystic (Sorceress).

9. ???, Faerie Sidhe Paladin, Mystic, & Martial Artist/Weapons Master.

10. ???, Human, CthulhuTech/Elder Worm Artifact.

11. ???, Rigellian, Code Talker/Sonic Powers.

12. ???, Roin'esh Shapeshifter, Mimic.

13. ???, Thorgon, Super Soldier, Mentalist (Psi-Stalker).

14. ???, Zurite, Engineer, Gadgeteer, Inventor, Scientist.

15. ???, Kolajik, Super Soldier & Duplication.



(In Development)




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Re: Galactic Champions: Federated Super Teams


Cast of Characters



Defender, Superhero, The Champions 3000, Terran Republic (TR)


Admiral Zachary Stewart (Human, Martian), Terran Republic Navy (TR)


Captain ???, Star*Marshal (Android), Terran Republic (TR) - Commandeer of StarJet Eclipse.



Galactic Federation Security Council (FSC)

Prime Minister ??? of the ??? - ???


Councilor ??? of the Mon'Dabi - Mon'Dabi Federation (MF)



Councilor ??? of the Se'erc - Cojoined Civilizations Republic (CCR)



Councilor ??? of the Human - Terran Republic (TC)



Councilor ??? of the Persied - Perseid Union (PU)



Councilor/Overseer Ahrem Phade Lorn of the Ordugar - The Star*Guard (S*G)



(In Development)




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Re: Galactic Champions: Federated Super Teams


The Galactic Federation


The Constitution and Articles of the Galactic Federation

Military Compact Protocols


Galactic Federation, Malagar IV (Captial Prime)

Prime Minister



General Council Assembly (CGA)

Cabinet Ministers



Observing Delegations


Special Representitives

Galactic Federation Security Council (FSC)

Councilor ??? of the Mon'Dabi - Mon'Dabi Federation (MF)

Councilor ??? of the Se'erc - Cojoined Civilizations Republic (CCR)

Councilor ??? of the Human - Terran Republic (TC)

Councilor ??? of the Persied - Perseid Union (PU)

Councilor ??? of the Star*Marshal - The Star*Guard



Observing Delegations

Ack'alion Empire

Malvan Empire

Mandaarian Empire

Roin'esh Union

Thorgon Hegemony

Varanyi Empire



Galactic Federation Military Academy (FMA), Mars



Galactic Federation Super Teams (FST), Harmony Station, Malagar IV



(In Development)




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Re: Galactic Champions: Federated Super Teams


Adventure Concepts:

Xenovore Maruad (Sentient Flesh Eating Race. Super Queen)


Lemurian Invasion of Arcadia (Empyrions Hidden City)


Acklion (The Sword of Ackal)


Malvan Areana (Gladiators)


Mandaarian (Mental Powers and Super-Advanced Technology)


Roin'esh (Shapeshifters and Infiltraitors)


Thorgon (Genetically Engineered Super Soldiers)


Varayani (Psionics and Empire)


Star*Guard (2-N Violet, Star*Shield, and Malvan Technomancer)


Star*Guard Civil War erupts between the Old Guardsmen who maintained the faith for a thousand years or more only to be counted a second class upon the return of Super Powers and the New Guardians.


Return to Avalon (Faerie Returns)


VIPER Ascendant (Super-Technology in the hands of VIPER)


Mathias Kolvel - Arcane and the Overlords (Can out Cosmic Superhero stop Mathias before he complete his resurrection of the Arcane)



(In Development)




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Re: Galactic Champions: Federated Super Teams


Quick question about the everyman skills - Shouldn't the native language be idiomatic, rather than just completely fluent?


And another thought - what kind of DEX range are you thinking of? You know, since it now has no relation to CVs?

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Re: Galactic Champions: Federated Super Teams


I prefer 6ED, but I can work in either.


But what I meant when asking about DEX is what did you plan to have as the typical range of DEX among the heroes? For instance, in the Galactic Champions book, the typical range appears to be DEX 20-30, with a few characters on either side. Or in the 6ED Champions book, most characters have DEX 18-25.


Also, should we post ideas here, or should we message them to you?

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Re: Galactic Champions: Federated Super Teams


Character Concepts (Galactic Champions)


1. Armorine, Human, Terran Republic Marines & Malvan Golden Hunter Battlesuit.

2. Dark*Star, Human, Federated Security Patrol & Star*Guard.

3. Psion, Human (Clone), Mentalist (Telepath & Cyberpath), & Secretly the last scion of the DeValeries, Emperor's of the Terran Empire.

4. Fairplay, Human, Student, Grav Ball Player, & Mutant Metamorph.

5. Nebula-9, Yunnti, Thrombolic Energy Manipulation, Tel'Narian Guard, & Duress Gauntlets.

6. Gladiator, Human, Professional Null Boxer, Malvan Gladiator & Dree Gems.

7. ???, Empyrean, with Speedster Powers.

8. ???, Lemrian, Mystic (Sorceress).

9. ???, Faerie Sidhe Paladin, Mystic, & Martial Artist/Weapons Master.

10. ???, Human, CthulhuTech/Elder Worm Artifact.

11. ???, Rigellian, Code Talker/Sonic Powers.

12. ???, Roin'esh Shapeshifter, Mimic.

13. ???, Thorgon, Super Soldier, Mentalist (Psi-Stalker).

14. ???, Zurite, Engineer, Gadgeteer, Inventor, Scientist.

15. ???, Kolajik, Super Soldier & Duplication.



(In Development)




These character concepts seem to cover all the usual archetypes (and the same ones as in the 5E thread).

1) I take it you'd primarily wish us to pick from those, to expand upon?

2) Are the named ones already in use and/or being developed?


I would also prefer 6E since that makes it easier to create unusual builds, but can work with either.


(currently rereading GC and the Star Hero books, taking notes)

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Re: Galactic Champions: Federated Super Teams


These character concepts seem to cover all the usual archetypes (and the same ones as in the 5E thread).

1) I take it you'd primarily wish us to pick from those, to expand upon?

2) Are the named ones already in use and/or being developed?


I would also prefer 6E since that makes it easier to create unusual builds, but can work with either.


(currently rereading GC and the Star Hero books, taking notes)

Apologies for not being more clear. The listed characters concepts were intended to be NPC's in the Campaign. Heroes, Villains, and the occasional GM NPC, but none of them really inspired me. They are also Galactic Champions theme characters. Taking elements from the Campaign Setting and using it to build characters from. Also a forlorn hope that someone would eventually GM and I could play the character. None of the Names or Backgrounds, or Characters have been completed. Two years have past since the Galactic Champions Federated Super Teams was first explored.



(In Development)




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Re: Galactic Champions: Federated Super Teams


I prefer 6ED, but I can work in either.


But what I meant when asking about DEX is what did you plan to have as the typical range of DEX among the heroes? For instance, in the Galactic Champions book, the typical range appears to be DEX 20-30, with a few characters on either side. Or in the 6ED Champions book, most characters have DEX 18-25.


Also, should we post ideas here, or should we message them to you?

If your looking for Average and Maximum Characteristic Levels I have not considered it. I believe that the Active Points, CV's, and Skills Levels are a good barometer. If you are looking for something more specific then I recommend the Galactic Champions Type Character Creation Guidelines for Cosmically Powerful of HERO System Sixth Edition (p. 34)



I hope that helps?




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Re: Galactic Champions: Federated Super Teams


Okay. I was just bringing it up since I'm one of the people who has lamented that the opportunity to challenge DEX inflation was wasted on the switch to 6ED. I just wanted to see if you were looking at any deviation from published material, and I've got my answer.

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Re: Galactic Champions: Federated Super Teams


I'm sorry to hear about your laptop - a fatal reminder for me to back mine up. I'm not sure I made the cut, but attached is a brief history and write-up of my character sequence (as in star sequence in astronomy). I do not have hero designer and I can try to rework the write-up if need be. I do not own 6th edition, but I believe I have everything except shrinking switched over (I know shrinking is not 10 pts now, but I forget what it does cost). Let me know if the character needs re-working and if the history is adequate for your plans.

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Re: Galactic Champions: Federated Super Teams


Bad News Folks, my Laptop died a horrible and painful death. I lost a lot of stuff. Expect more delays.


PS: I need Galactic Champions 6E Characters PLEASE!!!




Oh man, that's rough.


I'd actually been holding off posting anything until you'd filled out everything, but I'll get something up by the end of the weekend.

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